Chapter 22

Name:Extreme summon Author:真武仙
The White Devil battle regiment is a super elite force of chenlaibao. All of them are first-class spell casters, specializing in magic missile spells. All of them are equipped with magic bullet wands, wearing white enchanting robes and variable glider wings. They can use jet air acceleration to avoid the enemy and can perform cross continental long-distance flight missions. When the whole group is in air combat, It can launch thousands of magic missiles at one time, and repeat 18 rounds, a total of 18000 missiles. In this era, it is a very terrible force, so terrible that the goblins feel trembling.

In the old days, they were missile warlocks who mastered super ancient color resistant magic and could use magic missiles as ammunition. Super demon launches the demon magic "girl" with first-class destructive power and penetration of super large magic fragmentation bomb

The White Devil battle group soon caught up with the airship brigade moving forward in the air of kilometers high


The earth near chenlaibao was opened. In the earthquake, the earth split on both sides, and huge airships kept flying towards the moon. Airships seemed to be spit out by the earth endlessly, which lasted two hours

This time, the goblins dispatched 70 big eyed airships to launch Blitzkrieg attacks on different targets in seven brigades

The air bag of the big eye magic airship is more and more 20 meters long. Due to the continuous improvement of the model, there is a big gap between the external image of the first generation airship and the latest airship.

Roughly like a fat cigar, a seagoing ship with an air bag a quarter of the size is suspended

At present, airships are generally divided into three types. One is a cheap hot-air balloon bomb using hydrogen. Everything is cut corners. Even the airbags have a service life of only three months. After dropping the bomb, the goblins can even decide whether to release some hydrogen and send a 200m super referee to the ground

The other part uses helium as the air bag. The structure of the air bag is a honeycomb structure. Even if the air bag is attacked intensively, it can last for a long time and land safely.

However, this kind of airship is not liked by goblins because of its troublesome technology. It only appears to safely carry 1.2-ton super bomb [holy cutting]

Security or something? We can fly and fly with children like Peter Pan

The goblin maids in chenlaibao like simplicity, rudeness, one-off, and explosion

Yes, in fact, except for the flight brigade, these goblin battle groups are goblin maids. Even if they shout about the star war group, these non reading bear children are only the lowest goblin maids in the eyes of MAGE Chen Lai

The last one is the most expensive terrorist weapon. Its air bag is a highly toxic mixture of minerals, and its carrying capacity is only 60% of that of a normal airship

But who cares? The little demons above never care. When they dropped their bombs carelessly and found that the enemy was difficult to destroy, they would shout "queen, this enemy is worth fighting and killing" or "loss is OK, there is no amnesty for failure! Holy referee!" and drive a huge airship to the ground. Then there would be a huge explosion, and powerful light and shock waves would sweep away everything around, The air wave generated by the explosion will spread the highly toxic powder layer and gas in all directions, and the mineral poison gas will slowly sink and adhere to the ground. It won't fade for decades

To tell the truth, when Chen Lai saw that the demon scientist Walter led the main war weapons Institute to develop this crazy weapon, he had a snack and a cold sweat in his heart.

The big eyed magic airship is in a large group of every ten ships, forming a three-dimensional plum blossom array to shuttle through the thick fog in the sea of clouds. The huge airship fleet rides the wind and waves to shuttle through the rolling clouds, just like the Spanish invincible fleet breaking the silver waves

The night of the world of Fallon is much brighter than the earth due to the influence of the moon goddess sulun. Tonight belongs to the strong light moon in the moon cycle. Creatures are irritable in the moonlight, and even affect the beast of invisible genes.

The sky in this world is not safe. Real dragons, dragon like creatures, flying dragons, giant birds, devil bats, vampires and many other biological things with unscientific structure in the eyes of Chen Lai can threaten the safety of airships.

Moreover, because the world's atmospheric pressure is great, the gravity is smaller than the earth, the proportion of air composition is different, and there is enough helium, resulting in great air buoyancy.

Even the giant dragon, which is regarded as a creature with degraded wings on the earth, can fly with wings in this world. In principle, they can fly happily when they throw the earth's old hen into a different world

Such a climate structure makes a biological airship force particularly annoying. It is not the giant creatures that can cause the devastating disaster of airships, but plankton. They float in the sky and colonize the outer space. They will take root in all the fibers that move in the sky and devour the growth of fibers and magic, A nuisance like clams attached to the bottom of ships in the sea. Airships have to deal with them every time they take off.

Fortunately, most of the creatures in this world still respect life science. At night, there are basically no birds and flying dragons. Instead, there are species of batidae. These creatures that use ultrasound as their eyes fly around in groups in the night sky looking for food. Often they find huge unidentified objects in the open sky from ultrasound, The sound of the airship engine will attract them to explore and attack

Ye Naise. The 33 goblin magic bullet mages of the first team of the white demon War Regiment led by the old time were divided into seven teams to act as scouts in different directions. They followed the seventh team of airship to sail quietly in the night sky. Thirty minutes after leaving chenlaibao

There was an emergency

She saw a large crowd approaching in her field of vision

"All units pay attention to the emergency, all units pay attention to the emergency." color resistant Ye used to play a flash bomb representing danger. After communicating with the comrades in the regiment through sign language, they gathered together and flew towards the low people. They were ready to adopt different combat methods according to the situation

As a large group of unidentified creatures approached the airship brigade, Ms. levy Heijiao, the adjutant of the extreme soldier commander on the spacecraft, found a hostile species, a common blood sucking bat nearby, through the telescope equipped with the airship

This kind of flying mouse can be said to be the natural enemy of goblins. They usually like to prey on goblins, which are super small creatures. They can easily catch a goblin by diving from the sky. The powerful power and flying speed make the goblins have no resistance at all.

Before entering the industrial age, except for a few powerful goblins, most goblins could only hide under the leaves and hug each other, shivering and rustling. It's important, so say it twice.

Levi black reef was afraid of this monster before. One of her sisters was preyed on by bats and bitten off her head on the spot.

Now recalling the trembling days in the past, Levi black reef put out the cigarette butts at the corners of her mouth and picked up two longer cannons to curse: "come on, bastards, extreme soldiers are never afraid, little ones, keep up." Levi took a pig nose anti-virus helmet and led 60 super heavy a extreme soldiers on the airship to meet their natural enemies on the deck, This time she wants to wash the shame with blood. What do the reborn protagonists say?

This time I won't let my companions die worthlessly in front of me.

This time I want to recover my regret

I'll spank you this time

Although she, Levi Heijiao, has no deep hatred, she might as well think about it before the war, which will help improve her fighting spirit. To tell the truth, she just wants to have a good fight, otherwise traveling by airship is very boring.