Chapter 293

Name:Explosive Pet Cute Fox Author:皇挚
I have been looking for thousands of years in these three thousand small worlds.

The people around me grow old one by one, and then die.

Their descendants passed on from generation to generation.

I'm alone.

Xiao Qi's death still haunts me.

Indirectly, I killed her.

It is said among the people that Mu Xueyan was just imprisoned by herself, but no one knows that when she was dying, I killed her and left the mountains to feed the wolf.

I still remember the incredible look in my eyes, but for me, I didn't feel anything.

My heart is very small. It can only hold seven people.

I don't know who sent the news that I saw Rong Xiaoqi, so I packed my bags and looked for it if I didn't want to.

I've walked through many small worlds.

Their lives are different from mine.

This may be Xiaoqi's hometown, so I've been to all the places Xiaoqi told me.

I have been to the mirror of the sky, climbed snow mountains and grassland.


I also heard the magical song.

It was called little apple

But even the original singer doesn't sing as well as his family's Xiaoqi.

Finally, I still didn't find Xiaoqi in this small world called Earth.

I left.

I suddenly remembered what Xiao Qi said: "I am a tacky person. Seeing mountains is mountains, seeing sea is sea, and seeing flowers is flowers. Only when I see you, the sea of clouds begins to surge, the river tide begins to surge, and the small tentacles of insects scratch the itch of the world. You don't need to speak, I and all things in heaven and earth rush to you

In fact, I learned later that when I first saw a mountain, was it a mountain? See water is water.

Think I write according to the mountain?, See ink with water.

And find out? Mountains are human mountains,? Water is human water. Meet the people you want to see, do what you want to do, take advantage of the sunshine and the breeze

, before you get old.

Now, even if there are thousands of words, it's just him and me.

Ten thousand years later, I have searched all over the three thousand small worlds, but the people in my heart have not yet appeared.

Back in Penglai, the world has changed.

The only thing that hasn't changed is his magnificent white palace.

Although resplendent, it was only ten thousand years ago when the smiling girl was still there.

Today's White House, although it is cleaned by servants, everything is still the same as before, but in the days without her, I don't think the White House has a trace of popularity.

One day, I returned to the White Palace and came to the dusty room.

Because there is her taste here, so after the new year, I have never let anyone step into more than half a minute.

Just to preserve that man's taste.

But my thoughts remind me all the time that all this is false.

However, for me, it is not a bad thing to leave more fantasy.

Since then, I have never returned to the White Palace.

I began to pick up the brush and wanted to draw a chapter of the man's self portrait, but it had no impact.

I just remember the outline, and I don't know the rest.

The man's playful appearance is still hovering in my head, but he can't see it clearly.

I suddenly regret that I didn't draw the man's face early in the morning.

Even so, I'm still looking for it.

Until one day, I came to a canyon.

The canyon is very beautiful. Even if it is a short distance, I seem to have gone through four seasons: spring, summer, autumn and winter.

I was greeted by a young man who looked very cold.

He told me to go in and find someone.

The canyon was like a maze, so I couldn't find a way out. After going around for more than ten days, I came to a cave.

There are no sundries inside, but there are a lot of crystals.

In the middle, a blue crystal flower is in full bloom.

I looked around, ready to continue looking for a way out. At the moment I turned around, another voice called me: "Liubai, I've been waiting for you for 10000 years."

I suddenly turned my head and looked at the vague fantasy.

I opened my mouth. I saw the girl's face clearly, but I couldn't say her name.

Ten thousand years.

I have forgotten the name of the.

Finally, he just said, "what's the girl's name, please?"