But when she saw it, the empress dowager, who thought she was quietly sleeping with her eyes closed, was staring at a place in a daze.

And her brow, also tightly frown together, seem to have what can't solve the mind matter the same.

The little maid was a little nervous, for fear that she had just dozed off and didn't shake the fan properly, which delayed the Empress Dowager's nap.

When she regained her spirit, the maid in waiting did not dare to doze off any more. She shook the fan more vigorously to show her hard work and her respect to the Empress Dowager.

There was a slight change in the breeze, which made the stunned empress dowager pause. She looked at the little maid carefully, hesitated for a moment, and asked: "queer, you say Is what the AI family is doing wrong today

Queer, the little maid in waiting for the Empress Dowager to call herself, was startled. She knelt down straight and bowed her head. She carefully replied, "back to the empress dowager, what a noble status the Empress Dowager is. It's the Phoenix in the sky. How can she make mistakes? It's all the common people who make mistakes."

She gave a straight answer, which made the Empress Dowager laugh, but she sighed and said, "when did you learn to be so glib, you girl? Where there is a phoenix in the sky, the mourning family is just a woman with noble status but many Jie fates. "

The little maid of honor knelt there, still gently shaking the fan, but the Empress Dowager's words, whether right or wrong, she did not dare to refute, just listened quietly.

The Empress Dowager sighed, then looked at the room, other people are afraid to disturb her sleep, all went out, here only this little sparrow.

"Queer, the AI family didn't find out the truth today, so they asked someone to take Miss Shen into the heaven prison. Do you think shiziye will blame me?" This is what the Empress Dowager is most worried about.

Since her two sons died one after another, Mo Huan is the only child in her blood.

This is her closest and most dependent person. If even huan'er resents her or even hates her, she really doesn't know what else she can miss in this world!

Queer's heart is tight again. What's the matter with the Empress Dowager today? If you don't sleep well, you will always ask her these questions that are difficult to answer and may even lose your head!

"Back to the empress dowager," queer thought about it and said, "you brought up the prince, who is closest to you. How could he turn against you for an outsider?"

"Outsiders?" The Empress Dowager gave a bitter smile and said, "that girl Shen is not an outsider. It's rare for huan'er to have a sweetheart. That girl Shen will be his relative in the future."

Queer was surprised. She also heard that she took the two girls from the kitchen of Yongshou palace and put them in the heaven prison. The reason was that she poisoned the Empress Dowager.

I can't believe that one of them is the sweetheart of shiziye!

But how could his sweetheart poison the Empress Dowager?

Without waiting for queer to speak, the Empress Dowager took a look at the little maid. Seeing that she was thinking, she said with a smile, "do you think that they are all relatives, why do you poison the sad family?"

Queer was said to be in the heart, face slightly a face, busy lowered his head, but did not speak, is the default.

The Empress Dowager sighed and said, "what poison is that! But when the child touched the bamboo, she would have a rash. At that time, some people said that she had poisoned her. Before I thought about it much, I did something stupid. "

This time, queer understood that it was such a thing!

Today, she only heard a few words from others intermittently, but none of them told the whole story. She didn't understand exactly what was going on.

Now I know, queer said directly: "since Miss Shen has never poisoned, the Empress Dowager can be at ease this time."

"Yes, the poison's heart is safe, but it's more difficult to be safe after wronging the child..." The Empress Dowager has been unable to sleep, because of this, let her scratch the heart and lung!

Queer looked at the Empress Dowager with a sad face. She felt a little distressed and comforted her: "the Empress Dowager doesn't have to be like this. I think the person who exclaimed is worried about the safety of the Empress Dowager or jealous of Miss Shen."

This is what happened in the palace!

Queer's careless words suddenly awakened the Empress Dowager. She looked at queer in a daze, and made the little maid think she had said something wrong. She was so nervous that she lowered her head.

Huan'er's marriage is not something that she has never thought about for him, but he is not only of special status, but also of stubborn temperament. He will be willing to let anyone arrange it.

What's more, the seat of emperor Rui's imperial concubine can't be taken by any woman!

A sudden rush of footsteps in the courtyard disturbed the tranquility of Yongshou palace in the afternoon.

Mo Huan's arrival, let the palace maids who are cleaning the yard see, and quickly report to the Empress Dowager.

The Empress Dowager was talking with queer, and when she heard the news from people outside, she sat up with the help of queer.

Hearing the baby's grandson coming, she didn't want to sleep any more. She got up from the couch and came to the yard. She just saw Mo Huan coming here in a hurry.Seeing the Empress Dowager coming out of the bedroom, Mo Huan was also stunned and asked casually, "it's late afternoon. Why hasn't the Empress Dowager had a rest yet?"

"Huan er..." The Empress Dowager knew her grandson so well that she would come back ahead of time.

Sure enough!

"I can't sleep. What happened to the front hall?" The Empress Dowager asked casually.

"Don't worry, grandmother. The emperor is in the battle." Mo Huan answered attentively, only thinking about Shen Qing in his heart.

"At this time, don't make any more trouble..." The Empress Dowager is also full of guilt, today's farce, also let her owe the emperor a big favor.

And she also knows the emperor. It seems that everything is calm, but in fact, she has some ideas. After all, he has always wanted to be a wise king, but today he suddenly put an innocent woman into the prison and picked her up in person. How could he lose face.

Can empress dowager inadvertently words, but let Mo Huan's eyebrows lightly Yang: don't make any trouble? I'm afraid that before long, there will be a bigger play, which will make the palace lively!

The Empress Dowager watched Mo Huan come in a hurry, but she answered absently. She knew that his heart had already run away.

"Huan'er, the emperor's grandmother will accompany you to see Miss Qing." The Empress Dowager didn't explain why she didn't take a nap. Instead, she took the lead to the side hall.

Even if Huan Huang wanted to ask her to go to sleep, she couldn't get rid of this rule.

But unexpectedly, the emperor's grandmother not only did not sleep, but took the initiative to visit Xiaoqing.