Fortunately, it's not sending troops to fight or dealing with foreign enemies. Otherwise, no matter what kind of talk Shen Qing has, they can't accept her accompanying.

That is the life and death of the country, where to allow her nonsense!

In order to help Shen Qing cover up her identity as a woman, Zhao xuanzhi finds a small man's robe to change. In this way, they are ready to go south with 20000 troops.

The further south, the more refugees with their families, the more starving people along the way. People can't help sighing the injustice and sorrow of life and destiny.

And they saw that the army was still heading south. Except for the fear from instinct, no one was scolding them.

"We should starve! Why can you have food, we can't! "

"I knew something had happened. I didn't even have a shadow. Where were you when the flood came? It's not our fault

"Ah Don't talk about it. Let's go now. It's hard to escape... "

"Yes If we don't leave, maybe their guns and knives will be aimed at us. Don't be starved to death. It's a ghost under the knife. "

"What are you afraid of! Vertical and horizontal is a death, the big deal! We'll never lose money in our life if we pull a few quilts! "

"I don't need to kill them. I swear that when they go to the south, they are all washed away by the flood! All poisoned by the plague


Along the way, there were such complaints and curses everywhere. Although the generals were angry, they had nothing to do.

They are right. It's not their fault, but it's not the fault of their officers and soldiers!

One of Zhao Xuan's Lu tie's faces was black, which made his face, which had been frozen for thousands of years, look even colder several times, as if it was going to drip ice.

"Zhao xuanzhi, you don't have to pay attention to their words, but you can see that they also have complaints in their hearts. If they accumulate more complaints, something will happen. It can't be their fault." Shen Qing persuades Zhao xuanzhi.

"I know, I don't mean to blame them. I just hate that God can't treat them well, and I hate that I can't do anything about it!" Zhao xuanzhi said in a low voice, resentful and remorseful.

"Come on, it's not your fault. When we get there and look at the situation, there will always be a solution." Shen Qing then advised.

Not to mention in ancient times, that is, in modern times thousands of years later, many parts of the country would be flooded during the plum rain season in summer. The underground drainage systems of many cities have been unable to support the ferocious flood. Every year, there are casualties and property losses caused by summer rain and floods.

Such a high-tech modern, there will be such a situation, not to mention this superstition first, science second, no high-tech speechless ancient!

Zhao xuanzhi didn't speak any more. She rode on a horse and thought all the time. Shen Qing also rode up to him. She was thinking that some ancient flood control methods were mentioned in history class.

Dayu's water control is a word she remembers, but she only remembers that he went through the house three times and didn't enter. But she forgot how to control the water. In other words, she didn't remember at the beginning.

I hate books when they are used! Presumably, in this era, there is no saying that Dayu controlled the flood, right?

Or Ask first?

"Zhao xuanzhi, do you know Dayu?" Shen Qing thought of it and asked, anyway, it's a long way to go. Although they are riding horses, after all, the 20000 soldiers behind are walking. They can't run all day.

Horses can't stand it, let alone people!

So the speed is really fast!

Zhao xuanzhi was thinking about the sufferings of these refugees. Suddenly he heard Shen Qing's question. He was stunned for a moment and said, "it's because there is a lot of rain in summer that floods are caused. Throughout the summer, not to mention the south, where we live in the north, there is heavy rain, but it's not as serious as the south. "

"Yes..." Shen Qing murmured, but she always felt that something was wrong. How can you feel like you're not answering the question?

"No, I mean, do you know Dayu?" Shen Qing went back to shen'er and asked this question, but Zhao xuanzhi said something else.

"Ah? Didn't I tell you that? " Is Zhao xuanzhi confused by Shen Qing? Is what I just said not clear enough? Besides, Xiaoqing is such a big man, don't you even know the rain?!

Shen Qing suddenly realized that they didn't agree with each other even though they had different homophones. They were not on the same channel!

"I mean Dayu is an individual, a name, and a person who can control water. Do you know that? " Shen Qing tries her best to make it clear. She really can't give more explanation, because she doesn't know.

"You mean This man is called Dayu. Can he control water? " Zhao xuanzhi suddenly comes to the spirit and stares at Shen Qing tightly for fear of missing a word.

"Well Yes, he can control water. He's a very good man. Do you know that? " If he knows, it means that this person has appeared in this time and space. It's better to follow his water control plan and treat it again than to suppress it directly.

Their conversation was heard by the three lieutenants who followed them closely. They galloped the horse to take a few steps, came to sunny side, at the same time nervously staring at Shen Qing.Zhao xuanzhi asked, "where is he? I'll invite him! "

The master told her that there must be someone in the world who could tell her so! Or maybe her master knows this person.

"Ah...!" Shen Qing is silly! It seems that he doesn't know!

It doesn't matter if I don't know, but if I want to tell him where he is, he has to ask, which is too difficult!

No, no, what difficulty coefficient! It's impossible!

But how do you tell him? I have asked this person. Now I tell him that I don't know anything. It seems that it's too unreliable. It's hard to say!

Seeing that Shen Qing was just dumbfounded with her mouth wide open, a deputy general couldn't help it and asked in a loud voice: "I said this girl, before you went out, you still said to try to cure the water. Now someone can cure it, and our general is willing to invite you to tell me where the man is!"

Shen Qing turns her head and looks at the frank man. Isn't he the one who refuted herself at the meeting.

Looking at other deputy generals and Zhao xuanzhi, Shen Qing's black line almost covered her face.

"The man That man should have been an antique for a long time Shen Qing said.

"Cut! Why do you mention a dead man? Can he get out of the ground and help us? " The deputy general snorted, turned his horse's head and walked behind them again.

Shen Qing was so angry that she wanted to curse her mother! It's really developed limbs and simple mind! Do you need help? I won't borrow their experience! It's so beautiful!