But maybe it's because of eating in Gu Beicheng, and his anger is not good. At this time, a good-looking man who was fascinated by himself only once met him. Yang Ruoxi agreed to the meeting.

After thinking about it, Yang Ruoxi decided to apply the redness and swelling of his eyes and then change to a more beautiful make-up and clothes before going out.

Looking at Yang Ruoxi, who was busy again after answering the phone and dressed up in fancy clothes, Yang's mother was afraid that she would go out for a drink again, so she quickly stopped her: "you were so drunk yesterday, so you should have a good rest at home today. Don't go out, besides..." your father knows that you will be angry when you go out.

Yang's mother didn't say the following words, for fear that Yang Ruoxi would be angry.

"Mom, you don't have to worry. I'm just going out to relax. I'll be fine." Yang Ruoxi assured his mother, "and I'm sure I won't drink. You can rest assured."

? Although Yang's mother gets Yang Ruoxi's assurance, the big stone in her heart is always hanging high, but where will Yang Ruoxi, who is determined to leave, consider so many things?

Yang Ruolin, who just went downstairs, saw her mother standing at the door like a watchman's stone, and jokingly said, "Mom, this morning you have a good beauty sleep. How can you look at what like a watchman's stone?"

Yang Ruolin's voice made Yang's mother calm down. She took a bad look at Yang Ruolin. Looking at her messy hair, her two daughters were not the material to save her worry. She said, "you should clean up quickly and get up so late. Don't you know that breakfast is very important? Go to breakfast quickly!"

Yang Ruolin's innocent face, good end of this is how, looking at his mother is like eating explosives, inexplicable!

Curled his mouth, or obediently to the direction of the restaurant walked past.

Yang's mother is typically tough and soft hearted. Although she is obviously dissatisfied with Yang Ruolin, she is not at ease. Yang Ruolin always plays tricks to lose weight and doesn't eat breakfast.

So soon after Yang Ruolin entered the kitchen, Yang's mother came in with her foot. She still said, "if you can manage one, you can count one."

He took out the breakfast he had prepared and put it in front of Yang Ruolin. He put it neatly and said in a serious tone: "eat all the breakfast quickly, and don't look what you're thin."

Yang Ruolin is an awkward character. What she most hopes is that her parents' eyes can stay on her body for one more second. Naturally, Yang's mother's care makes her very happy.

So when Yang's mother delivered her breakfast, she ate it as she liked. She giggled at Yang's mother from time to time, and even amused her depressed mother.

"Ruolin, do you know what good friends your sister has? Her recent state always makes me particularly uneasy? " Yang's mother picked up the milk on one side and took a big SIP naturally. She remembered and said.

Yang Ruolin's hand holding chopsticks stagnated because of her mother's words, and a happy smile on the corner of her mouth quickly disappeared. Yang's mother, who was only focused on her own world, didn't find this detail.

"Mom, if you're worried about your sister, I'll look for her after dinner!" Yang Ruolin raised her head, pretending to be indifferent and clever. She admonished Yang's mother not to worry, and she would help to deal with things.