Zhou Zhi grabs Qiao Meiqi who wants to leave.

"You wanted to make Anting sad, but she was not sad, she was happy, didn't you think? I tell you, you are the most miserable person. At least we still have people to love. "

She gripped her arm tightly, her eyes full of hostility.

She just can't stand her bullying Qiao Anting.

"You let go, when it's your turn to talk, aren't you a valet?"

In Qiao Meiqi's heart, she never believes in Qiao Anting's friendship with Zhou Zhi. She just takes it as a tool for Zhou Zhili to use her.

"Is that jealousy?"

Zhou Zhibai took a look and then threw her arm away.

"Let her go. I don't want to see her."

Qiao Anting leaned on the head of the bed, pointed to Qiao Meiqi and said coldly.

The last person she wants to see now is Qiao Meiqi. She doesn't want to see that she has done something wrong and still refuses to admit it. She has done everything and has to blame others.

"Let go, I'll go myself."

Qiaomeiqi jilted his arm, a very dislike Zhou Zhi appearance, swagger out of the ward.

"Anting, like such a person, you should not talk nonsense with her, she thought she was something," Zhou Zhi went back to Qiao Anting's bed,.

She thinks that Qiao Meiqi is that Qiao Anting is too kind to her at ordinary times. Otherwise, how could she bully her so blatantly.

Qiao Anting has been leaning there and not talking, only Zhou Zhi a person silently to himself.

"Anting, what's the matter with you?"

Zhou Zhi suddenly found that she did not speak, inexplicably asked her.

"Give me your cell phone."

She looked ahead with her eyes blank.

Zhou Zhi was frightened by her actions and thought what happened to her.

"You wait, I'll take it for you."

Zhou Zhi immediately handed her mobile phone from her bag.

"Hey, Dad, what are you doing?"

Qiao Anting pretends to know nothing and calls Qiao Jingtian.

"What can I do, in the company."

Qiao Jingtian laughed and couldn't hear his mood change at all.

"Dad, I know all about it. Georgie's been here."

Qiao Anting silently said, she saw Qiao Jingtian in front of her so hard to pretend, really can't bear to tear him down.

"Oh, if you know, it's dad who's sorry."

Qiao Jingtian didn't have any unexpected expression. He thought about many scenes. When Qiao Anting knew about it, how to explain it to her. At this time, he was so calm.

"Dad, you..."

Qiao Anting knew that he must be very sad and remorseful, but she didn't know how to comfort him.

"Anting, don't say anything. It's dad who's sorry for you and your mom. I learned yesterday that your mom's death was not an accident, but dad didn't have the courage to let them go..."

Qiao Jingtian choked and said that he didn't have the courage to send Wu Aoshan to the police station. After all, with so many years of feelings, what he could do was to let her clean out of the house.

"Dad, you don't have to say it again. I know it. In fact, I don't blame you. You don't know it."

Qiao Anting is worried about Qiao Jingtian alone, not because she knows that Wu Aoshan has something to do with her mother's death. She hates her and hates her, but it has nothing to do with Qiao Jingtian.

Qiao Jingtian hears Qiao Anting's comfort on the phone, but he doesn't like it.

"Anting, dad knows that you are ill. Chengxi will take care of you. The work here is also very busy. I'll see you when I have time."

He didn't know how to face Qiao Anting. She had no mother since she remembered.

Later, Wu Aoshan married Qiao's family. He thought she was very nice to Qiao Anting and would treat her as his own daughter. But he didn't expect that these were superficial and false. He cheated her for more than 20 years.

"Dad, don't worry. There is Zhi here. She will take care of me."

"Yes, uncle, don't worry. Anting's business is my business. I will take good care of him."

"Thank you for coming home when you have time." Qiao Jingtian simply said a few words and then hung up in a hurry. He was afraid of his tears.

Tears in front of his daughter make him feel like he has no role model.

"Zhi, I never expect Wu Aoshan to do anything to me. I just want her to be nice to my dad and take care of him. I didn't expect that she cheated my dad for so many years."

After Qiao Anting hung up the phone, she cried with Zhou Zhi in her arms.

"Anting, you can't cry. After crying, your face will get worse. Besides, when they come back later, they think I'm bullying you?"

Zhou Zhi afraid of her tears flow to the allergic acne, has been taking paper to help her gently wipe.

"My father is alone."

She was sad when she thought about it.

"You have to think that if uncle has been living with a woman who deceives himself, how painful he is. He has his reason to do so. He wants to be right about you and his aunt."

Zhou Zhi comforts her and helps her wipe her tears. She doesn't want to let her cry and then flow to her acne.

"I know."

Qiao Anting just knew that Qiao Jingtian did it for her, so she was very sad.

"By the way, how did Uncle know about it? But at this time? "

Zhou Zhi suddenly asked a question that Qiao Anting had never thought about. She never thought that her mother died accidentally.


She sat up in surprise, looking at Zhou Zhi, how she did not think, who told Qiao Jingtian.

After such a long time, Qiao Jingtian certainly didn't find it by himself.

If it was him, he would have known for a long time. Why wait until today.

"An Chengxi?"

Zhou Zhi thought and said.


Qiao Anting couldn't believe it. How could he know this? Although he was three years older than her, he wasn't very old at that time, so he wouldn't know.

"What are you talking about? I heard you say my name

Lu Shaoqing came in with many fruits in his hand and teased them mischievously.

"I didn't say your name."

Zhou Zhi immediately turned his head and gave him a white look. This kind of action is very special. It doesn't look like they are not familiar with.

"Chengxi, did you find my father?"

Qiao Anting stares at an Chengxi and asks.


After his voice came out, the ward became much quieter.

"When, why don't I know?"

Lu Shaoqing approached an Chengxi and joked, "did you go to my father-in-law behind my back?"

"What are you talking about?"

Zhou Zhibai glanced at him and immediately pulled him to the bedside and let him sit on the chair.

"They say business."

Lu Shaoqing was obedient immediately and stopped talking.