She doesn't understand why Gong junnan is so desperate that he deserves to be tortured by an Chengxi.

In an instant, many people in the office were dissatisfied with an Chengxi. They all felt that they had worked hard for a month to get a scholarship, but now they let him work alone.

Many people treat him coldly. Unlike before, Gong junnan felt that he had a company in his family and went to work in an's company. He felt that he worked hard in order to start from the grassroots.

But now we all know that he angered Mr. an, and they all have to suffer.

"Come on, everyone has a share of the coffee I bought for everyone." Gong junnan said, holding a lot of coffee, from the door one by one to everyone.

It's a pity that everyone just put the coffee aside and didn't look very happy.

"Do you think a few cups of coffee will kill us?"

"That's how many cups of coffee we can buy with our bonus."

At this time, someone was talking in a low voice. We all know that Gong junnan's coming to an's family is certainly not simple, so he didn't dare to provoke him. He could only talk in a low voice.

Gong junnan heard it, pretending not to hear it, and continued to send coffee to other people.

"Next month, I'll make sure that everyone will get back this month's bonus." Gong junnan side hair side said.

Some colleagues feel good news as soon as their eyes brighten, but some colleagues feel that he may just be coaxing them. They don't believe it at all.

"Who believes that? Do you think we are three-year-old children?" One of the colleagues stood up and said, did he think he could only rely on hard work? What he provoked was an Chengxi, the boss of an's family.

After Gong junnan finished his hair, he went back to his seat because many people had already had opinions on him. No matter how he tried to please everyone, it would not help.

Qiao Meiqi has just been ignored by Gong junnan. She is not angry at all, but she will wait and see the good play.

"An Chengxi, I think you are just being careful," Qiao Anting went on, seeing an Chengxi at home.

Although Gong junnan says it's none of her business, she knows very well that it must be because of what happened that day that an Chengxi did this to him, because he never worried about the company's performance, or the performance of a small department. In his eyes, it's not enough to hold a meeting.

"Be careful?" An Chengxi sneered, so many years, the first time someone said he was careful, he felt very fresh.

"Isn't it? Is it interesting that you have to aim at Gong junnan like this? " Qiao An Ting saw him a pair of indifferent appearance, more angry.

"What's the matter with me? So that's the same thing? " An Chengxi helpless shook his head, she how so stubborn?

"If you don't explain it to everyone, I will remind you all day long." Qiao Anting said facing him, she must get justice for Gong junnan, can't because of her and wronged him.

"Do you think you are qualified to talk to me about this? You're here to talk to me about your ex? I haven't held him to account An Chengxi suddenly changed color and said.

Although Qiao An Ting was afraid for a while, she immediately shook her body. "I'm qualified for this. Everything has to be reasonable. You shouldn't hurt others for your own personal affairs."

She was not afraid of him. She had explained it many times, but she didn't listen.

She secretly let people check, also did not find out the results, otherwise she would have thrown the evidence to an Chengxi.

"What do I do? Is it your turn to teach me?" At this time, an Chengxi's face can no longer be black.

"After I got off work that day, I was supposed to go home, but later I was taken to the warehouse by a group of thugs. Do you know how scared I was at that time? Later, Gong junnan ran to save me. I don't know how we got to his house. It's obvious that someone is setting me up. I've explained it to you many times. Why don't you believe it? "

Qiao Anting feels that he is unreasonable. She doesn't want to explain what she has already explained, but the other party just won't listen.

"I only believe in my own eyes," an Chengxi just said coldly, not going to talk to her anymore, because he was afraid that he would be convinced by her.

"An Chengxi, stop. Why do you dodge every time I tell you this?" Qiao Anting knows that he just doesn't want to believe her.

"Oh, you really look up to yourself." An Chengxi blindly satirizes her, never leaving any room.

"I hope you don't change the topic. What I'm saying now is that nothing happened between Gong junnan and me, so please don't make him embarrassed in the company because of this." Qiao Anting gave an Chengxi from the beginning to the end of the analysis, a bit of thinking.

"Why do I listen to what you say? You really take yourself seriously With that, an Chengxi shakes her arm and goes back to the room.

This time Qiao Anting didn't grab his arm again, because Gong junnan's last sentence made her unable to take herself seriously any more. No matter how she was a woman, she would be heartbroken if she was repeatedly told that she didn't care, not to mention buying a man with her license.

Qiao Anting didn't return to her room until Aunt Zhang reminded her.

She dragged tired body, lying in bed, looking at the ceiling, feel useless, but looking back, she can't be defeated by an Chengxi.

She packed up and went to sleep.

The next day, Qiao Anting went to the company early. Since an Chengxi didn't believe her, she proved to him that she would invest a lot of time in herself to make herself better.

Gong junnan has been isolated by his colleagues these days, and no one wants to work with him on projects that need cooperation on weekdays.

An Zixu saw all this, and he waited for Gong junnan to come to him.

This day he finally arrived.

"What you said last time still counts? I work with you? " Gong junnan walked into an Zixu's office and said.

"You see, if you cooperate with me early, it's not good. You have to wait until Chengxi takes care of you. You have no way to go before you come to me." An Zixu looks at him with a look of regret.

"Do you mean it?" Gong junnan asked directly. He couldn't see that it was a plan he had prepared for a long time.

An Zixu thought that these were all developed according to his line, but in fact everything was not like this.

"Count it, I always welcome you to join my team, work with me, and get what you want at the same time." An Zixu smiles, hugs Gong junnan and says.