When Xiao Liu heard that he was going to fire her, he immediately pushed his eyes and stammered, "Miss, it's Joe who won't let me say it."

"Then I'll ask the others." Qiao Anting said she wanted to go.

"Miss, Mr. Qiao, he was taken away by the police." Xiao Liu is in a hurry to say that she really can't stand Wu Aoshan's bullying in the company. As an employee, she can't say anything.

When Qiao Anting heard that, her face changed, "what do you say? What's going on, you tell me? "

She didn't know what happened.

"Miss, some time ago, there was a crisis in Qiao's group. The stock market was falling all the time. Many companies didn't want to cooperate with us. Suddenly, the general manager of Shenghong group called and said that he was willing to cooperate with us. General Manager qiao sent the latest batch of goods to them and cooperated with them. But who knows, many customers reported their food poisoning and many people called the police, Said our company produces illegal products, so Joe was taken away

When Xiao Liu said it, she kept her head down and wanted to do something wrong. She felt that as the Secretary of the boss, she couldn't share it with him. She did very poorly.

"Why didn't you tell me earlier?" After listening, Qiao Anting asked angrily, why did such a big thing happen? She didn't know at all? A few days ago, she had seen her father, but she didn't notice that he was different.

She believes that her father will not do anything illegal, and someone must have framed him. Her father has always been very kind to people, and even animals are not allowed to kill. How can he produce toxic products.

"It's Joe who won't let us tell you. He's afraid you're worried." Xiao Liu said in a low voice.

"So I don't worry? Do you know where my dad's been? " It's no use for Qiao Anting to blame her. Now she's just trying to find a way to get her father out.

"I know, I know." Liu said immediately, as if he could finally do something useful.

Qiao Anting also can't bear to say more about her. Before that, she quietly settled him down. If there is anything abnormal in her father, she must inform her. She didn't tell her about such a big thing, so she was very angry. But for her usual hard work, she couldn't bear to blame her.

"Don't lead the way soon." Qiao Anting glanced at her and turned away.

They soon went to Zhonghua Road police station.

"I'm Qiao Jingtian's daughter. I came to see him. Please call him for me." Although Qiao Anting is very angry, she is very kind to the people in the Public Security Bureau.

"Check in first." The other side glanced at her and said coldly, pointing to the book beside.

Ten minutes later, Qiao Jingtian was brought out with handcuffs on his hands.

Qiao Anting tears in her eyes in an instant, she could not bear to stay, afraid of dad worried, pretending to be strong, "Dad, don't worry, I believe you are innocent, I will take you out."

Qiao An Ting looks at some vicissitudes of life father, in the heart drops blood, only a few days did not see him to become like this.

"Anting, I'm sorry, Dad. I'm always giving you trouble." Qiao Jingtian reproached himself.

"Dad, don't say that. I didn't depend on you to grow up." Qiao An Ting smiles intentionally, does not let his father worry.

"Time is up."

Qiao Anting and her father haven't said a few words, but the staff are urging them, saying that it's time to stop talking.

Qiao Anting looked at her father who was taken away, and she couldn't say how hard she felt.

Qiao Jingtian, too, shed tears when he turned around. He knew that it was difficult to deal with this incident, because their food was indeed poisonous and he had checked and signed it.

"Don't worry, Dad. I'll find the evidence." Qiao Anting yells at her father's back in the glass.

After a long time, her efforts to care for Joe did not fall, but her father was locked in the police, she was very sad.

Qiao Anting touched tears, she suddenly thought, now only to find an Chengxi, only she can help himself.

Qiao Anting just met Wu Aoshan when she came out of the Public Security Bureau.

"Oh, I thought you would not care about your father if you got married." Wu Aoshan said sarcastically that she didn't look worried about Qiao Jingtian at all.

"My dad's in jail. Did you frame her up?" Seeing her proud smile, Qiao Anting rushes up to her and grabs her collar angrily. She doesn't complain about how she bullied her before, and doesn't care about her. If she makes her father go to prison, she won't end up with her.

"Qiao Anting, what are you crazy about? No matter how stupid I am, I won't let my husband go to prison. I still expect him to support me." Wu Aoshan pushed her away and said aloud.

Xiao Liu was afraid that they would fight and quickly pulled them apart.

"Better, or I won't let you go." Qiao Anting pointed to her nose and said that she knew that Wu Aoshan only married her father because she had a crush on their family's money.

"I'll get your father out soon. You wait." Wu Aoshan straightened her clothes and said with a proud look.

"I'm thankful you don't give my dad any trouble." Qiao Anting says coldly, she can have what good method.

Wu Aoshan saw that the other party didn't believe her, so she was very angry. "I went to boss Wang, and he promised me that as long as he mortgaged Qiao, he would find a way to save your father. Then you can wait to thank me."

She seems to be showing off how capable she is.

When Qiao Anting heard that she had secretly mortgaged Qiao to others, she became more angry. "Are you out of your mind? That's my father's hard-working company. You say mortgage is mortgage? "

"Boss Wang said that he just took the contract to save your father. When your father came out, he would give it back to me." Wu Aoshan has a sly face.

Qiao Anting is speechless. If the other party wants to save her father, what should Qiao do.

"Do you believe what he says? Then why is my father still in the police station? " Qiao Anting stares at her coldly.

In fact, Wu Aoshan regretted the day after she mortgaged Qiao to boss Wang, because the other party's attitude made her tremble and kept dragging her. She also doubted whether she had been cheated, but she had no way. Now she seems to be sober by Qiao Anting's scolding, but she refused to admit it was her fault in front of Qiao Anting, so she straightened her neck.

"What else can I do? At least there is hope. " Finish saying she quickly took the opportunity to enter the police station, dare not and Qiao Anting said.

"Don't tell my dad about it." Qiao Anting looked at her back and told her that if dad knew that he couldn't stand it, he would have been in poor health and couldn't be hit any more.