Chapter 1685

Name:Evil's With Me Author:qiu feng han
This can't be said to be owed to her. It can only be said that at that time, in order to confuse the traitors, they bought themselves more time to crack the flower demon art and let her act as a chess piece. They suffered a little injustice. Besides, it's not just for myself, but also for everyone. Do you make a little sacrifice? Is it swollen?

I nodded and said, "OK, I'll kneel down with the demon... Xiaowen and apologize to you later. However, due to this turmoil, Dalang must adjust its security strategy. The cabinet power center should reshuffle... "

"Well, well, you're cruel!" LV Wei hurriedly interrupted me, "just as I didn't say anything just now, let's play lanterns and take care of my uncle (old) as before."

I smiled and said, "well, just think I didn't say anything just now."

Fight with me, you smelly girl, you're almost hot. Let me kneel down and apologize for you. Your cabinet minister status will be lost. It was impossible for a proud master like her to accept such humiliation.

"Well, you two stop talking. We want to hear the truth of the whole incident!" Sister long has no good airway.

Tao Qianling, Chen Zimeng, Gu Xi, Qiao ya, Xiao Bei and the feeble Zhao Jingnan all showed a look of expectation in their eyes. In fact, the puzzle after the counter attack has always been their favorite melon eating link.

So I stopped playing tricks, coughed twice, cleared my throat and began to talk with salt and vinegar.

At that time, Ling Cha sent a strange gas into my mouth when kissing me. I was surprised at first. I didn't know what she wanted. But following this breath, it sent a message that let me stop it, which will help me in the future.

My buddy thought Lingcha would never hurt me, so he took it, but he couldn't help but seal it in his throat for the time being. Of course, I can't say that we kissed her and sent a message, just psychic express.

At first I didn't understand what this meant. When I found that there was an enemy invasion to do something in Qiaoya tavern, I suddenly remembered Ling Cha's tone. At present, the ban on Kaifeng was lifted and a careful exploration was made to understand Ling Cha's good intentions.

She is not a demon descendant who was simply taken to Maoshan college by the orphanage. She has been secretly trained by the association since childhood and has learned all kinds of lost magic. In particular, flower demon technique is one of the required subjects. He is not only very proficient in this technique, but also knows how to crack it. And she began to cultivate her soul when she was a child, and there was soul cultivation after she died, but her cultivation method was more mysterious, and no one could see through it. She has never told this secret. She is naturally reluctant to say much, let alone say too much, which makes us suspect that she may have hidden more things.

Because of this spiritual cultivation, I immediately felt it when I entered the underground palace. I was monitored by flower magic. Doesn't she understand what's going on? So give me the essence of this essence, and hope to help me. This tone includes all the essence of flower magic and the way to crack it, as well as reminding me to guard against a woman code named "Bobo".

Because there are not many people trained secretly by the association. Although they have never met each other, they still know a little about the situation. She was sent to Maoshan College as an undercover. Yes, she was an undercover as soon as she entered the college. She was not a double agent. Later, she went to Yanghu. On the line, she was the woman code named "Bobo". They were the same batch of secretly trained "agents". Later, the rest were identified and killed by the college. Only two of them were left, and she was still a replicator.

In a real sense, she was actually dead, and Bobo was the only one left by those agents.

Ling Cha doesn't know who this woman is. She can only be sure that she is in Yanghu, very low-key and hidden.

As for the boss who trained them, she was not sure whether it was the one who monitored me and wanted to deal with me this time, but Bobo must take strict precautions.

And Qiaoya said that after the dead man was drunk, he mentioned the word "Bobo". I can almost conclude that this Bobo is the woman Ling Cha said. She is in Dalang country, and perhaps around us. Sister long, Gu Xi, Tao Qianling and Chen Zimeng are all suspicious objects. Although sister long has a high profile and Tao Qianling came from a rich family, Chen Zimeng left Yanghu for Yongzhou early, which is inconsistent with Bobo's low-key invisibility in Yanghu, who can guarantee that they have not been lost?

Remember that little butterfly? Souls can be disguised, so it's not a trivial matter for them to switch a person and make it difficult to distinguish the true from the false?

However, I didn't doubt Dong Siru until I found that Hu Menglong was not dead in the vision of the spiritual fetus. I thought Dong Siru was unreliable. Even if the Department officials in charge of these girls all show inaction and corruption, what a big deal? I personally told you that I was a key criminal appointed by the imperial court. Who dares to cheat?

Besides, she is a very responsible person. Even if she went back to reality with me and missed the personal supervision and execution, she always had to verify the situation when she came back? People are still in prison and haven't been beheaded at all. How can you not know the Minister of punishment?

Unless it is your minister of punishment who is pressing this matter, no one can hold it down!

What's more, I thought of all kinds of suspicious things about Hu Menglong in the incident. For example, she said she had seen the oil lamp information at that time, but later I asked Gu Xi that she had never seen such confidential documents, not to mention that she was a low-level policeman? And when he was on the run, he fainted, woke up quickly, and followed Hu Bi'An to savage hill. Just imagine, she's just an ordinary policewoman. She's so frightened. How can she continue to dress up and hunt down fugitives when she wakes up? Besides, the manpower is not enough. She lacks a lot of her. She knows what she can do to catch up with us powerful "demons"? Just for fun?

I won't analyze it any more. I believe anyone who has read the previous story can find out her abnormal performance. Now I want to say the most important thing. A young woman who grew up in an advanced civilization can't stay in a virtual ancient world without any special experience. Even if you are an official, are you willing to live a backward and boring life without mobile phones and networks?

Sister long, they are for seclusion, and Qiaoya is to avoid me. Those subordinate policemen refuse to come back after returning to reality. What is she for? Do you really want to realize your ideals and aspirations?

I don't think so. She must have some purpose!

When I was intrigued at the door of the Ministry of punishment, I even suspected that she was a traitor. If she faints at the door, she will be highly suspected and easily exposed. After all, she can't guarantee that she will win me at one stroke this time, so she didn't be so bold at the beginning. She was careful to follow the plan everywhere. The most you can do is burn down Gioia's tavern and recapture the green leaf. That's what you have to recapture.

But she didn't calculate it. LV Wei just passed by and saved me. Then she took crazy action with the arrival of the shadow.

Yes, when I was attacked at the door of the Ministry of punishment, the shadow had not entered my dream.