Chapter 1679

Name:Evil's With Me Author:qiu feng han
After sister long grabbed the crystal ball and fled quickly, the big guys were all confused and didn't understand what happened for a moment. It was not until the demon caught up that he regained his consciousness and showed the shocked color of "she can't be a traitor".

"What are you doing? Provide heating for Dong Siru! " I shouted to them and went to Zhao Jingnan to check the boy's injury.

At this time, their mood had cooled rapidly. Tao Qianling ran over and grabbed Dong Siru's small hands, which were all frozen black. Gu Qian and Chen Zimeng came to me. Xiaobei knelt on his legs, hugged Zhao Jingnan's head and said anxiously, "the injury was not so serious just now. Why can't even speak now?" For a moment, tears twinkled in his eyes.

I touched the pulse of Zhao Jingnan's right hand, and suddenly my heart sank, because the pulse was very weak, just like when I was dying. So he hurried to Xiaobei and said, "Xiaobei, instill spiritual power into him and hang this tone!"

I was surprised to hear that. It seems that no one expected that Zhao Jingnan would be so badly hurt that he was about to swallow his breath in a short time. This is also thanks to the timely arrival of the demon and me, otherwise they would quarrel so fiercely that they would not know if Zhao Jingnan died.

Xiaobei immediately panicked, and his tears broke through his face. He shouted, "fine man, it's okay, you'll be fine soon..." while holding down his top door with his right hand and pouring spiritual power into his body.

After this spiritual power was injected, Zhao Jingnan's pale face turned bloody. After two violent coughs, he gasped and said, "much better. I feel like I'm going to die just now."

Seeing that he hung his breath, Xiaobei put his face on his forehead and burst into tears. The cry was full of guilt.

However, this is only a temporary delay in the onset of the injury. Although they are all Horcruxes and their magic cultivation is not very weak, they have no extraordinary ability to treat such serious injuries. I can only wait for sister long and the demon to come back.

If sister long is a traitor, she must have obtained the password in my heart through green leaves when I opened the ice building portal. After the crystal ball is dormant, I can't directly control it. I can use it to open the door of the ice tower, and sister long and others can.

The demon can definitely stop her before she reaches the top floor. The question is whether the dead girl will be soft hearted and let her go because she is a junior sister? The benevolence of this thought will bring disaster to all of us!

Gu Xi, of course, knew what was going on. They all looked at me silently, waiting for the final result.

However, after two minutes in the dull atmosphere, the whole ice building shook. After that, the demon didn't stop it!

Sure enough, just listen to the cry of the demon from the upper layer: "run up, the ice tower will be destroyed soon!"

The crowd was surprised, and Tao Qianling said anxiously, "how could this happen? Isn't your ice tower unbreakable? "

I can't explain now. I waved and said, "don't say so much, run up!"

Xiaobei picked up Zhao Jingnan, Tao Qianling picked up Dong Siru, Gu Qian and Chen Zimeng put up my arms one by one, and hurried to the stairs.

At the moment, the shaking of the ice tower intensified, and cracks began to appear on the ice wall that was stronger than gold and iron, making people feel numb. If I can't escape, I'm sure I'll be fine, but none of them can survive. All of them, including demons, will be smashed into meat and mud.

We just ran to the upper level, and the demon who ran down just met us. She grabbed me and turned back. At the moment of our physical contact, I received her psychic message and understood everything.

The traitors have not been idle in the past five days. They have done tricks on each layer of the battle chess array, and they are all aimed at the weakness of demons. People who have evolved monsters actually have many defects. For example, after the transformation of body organs, they are as fragile as babies and need many years to grow slowly. But these defects were covered up by the powerful cultivation of the demon, and no one could touch her weakest part.

Besides, the evolution results of each monster are different, and their weaknesses are also different. If you want to attack their weaknesses, you must clearly grasp all their situations and then apply the right medicine to the case. And there may not be medicine for the symptoms, it depends on the enemy's ability. But our enemy is very terrible. He knows every one of us like the back of his hand. Therefore, after the demon catches up, he is either sprayed with mysterious blood mist, which makes his eyes temporarily blind, or he uses strange pollen to cause severe pain in the demon's skin and short-term failure of smell.

There were no more floors above, so she was blocked several times in succession, let sister long escape to the top floor and opened the door. The enemy immediately threw a "deep-water bomb" into the ice building, destroyed it from the inside, disintegrated the solid defense of the ice building, and the collapse is imminent.

This internal sabotage is the most troublesome and impossible to prevent. If the crystal ball is still in my hand and there is a way to stop it, but now it has reached the enemy, we can only let it be slaughtered.

What's more, even if we escape from the ice tower, the fatal trap waiting for us at the exit must be unavoidable!

Soon we arrived at the top floor. At this time, there were dense cracks on the four walls of the ice building. The ice coffin was broken. It seemed that the whole building would collapse at any time.

The opening above was open, but there was no shadow or sound. Don't think the enemy is afraid that the collapse of the ice tower will affect them. They all withdraw from the temple. The enemy must be lying in ambush on the side of the exit.

We hurriedly stopped. Gu Xi and Chen Zimeng said they would go to the thunder first to avoid being destroyed by the regiment as soon as they went out.

I said you go up for nothing. If you want to go, let's go together and wait for my command. When Gu Xi wanted to argue again, suddenly there was a dazzling white light outside. Everyone couldn't open their eyes.

At the same time, I shouted, "go!"

The demon grabbed me and flew into the sky. We were the first to escape from the cave. At this moment, with a loud bang, the ice building collapsed. Suddenly, the whole temple collapsed, and the roof tiles and wooden beams fell head-on.

Now I'm the only one with my eyes open, because the strong white light hasn't subsided yet. Everyone rushed out with their eyes closed, relying entirely on hearing and smell to avoid the attack overhead. Fortunately, everyone was not ordinary. Only Zhao Jingnan and Dong Siru were scratched and slightly injured. All the others rushed into the air unscathed.

It's just that each has a gray face, just like it was just dug out of the soil.

At the moment, the strong light disappeared. The demon waved and threw me at Gu Xi. She took a turn in the air, rushed to Zhao Jingnan and shouted, "follow me!"

Who knows, Gu Xi hasn't opened her eyes yet. She can't see and didn't expect the demon to throw me to her. As a result, she ran hard to the direction of the demon's cry, so she fell on the ruins.

I'll go. The sharp bricks and tiles below almost killed me!

Fortunately, Tao Qianling was nearby, reached out and picked me up. He was about to chase the demon, but I said, "let's go this way, don't go with them!"