Chapter 1456

Name:Evil's With Me Author:qiu feng han
The sea of fire was blown out by my breath, which surprised Zou Buyu. His eyes widened for several times and almost didn't fall off. That's incredible.

The beaver woman is not surprised at this. She seems to know the art of Mingyan very well. She just breathes comfortably and floats on the water without gasping.

After the crazy burning of the open flame, the blood in the river went away and became very clear. The blood corpses in the distance have not been burned, but they have become charred corpses floating on the water. Their corpse Qi is basically burned out. Although they retain the corpse, they also lose all their attack power, which is not enough to fear.

I feel very happy. I didn't want to set a fire, but I accidentally hit and collided, reaching the power of the mine curse in the demon God's secret art, swinging all evil and returning the true face of the underground river.

But suddenly I felt bad again. I hurriedly told them, "it's not time to rest. Bite your teeth again and find the exit quickly!"

These two people are human spirits. They will understand immediately. There is a Chen Ziyun staring behind their ass and move forward quickly. At present, the blood river has no poison. Everyone can go into the water, and so can bi Zhiguang. As long as he can swim, there is no problem. But now the water temperature is still high, Chen Ziyun will never dare to take risks, so we must hurry to find the outlet before the water temperature drops.

In fact, we have no bottom in our hearts. Because the information I channeled with the old woman did not mention that there was a way out of the river. Whether we can escape and see the sun again depends on our luck. Zou Buyu and I usually have good luck. I don't know if Mrs. Li will hold back.

This underground river is not as long as we think. It only swims about a kilometer and ends. At this point, the water temperature and the temperature in the air have been greatly reduced, and I feel a trace of coolness.

I dived into the water and searched for a long time. I didn't find the water outlet through the stone wall. I just surfaced and looked carefully on the stone wall at the end. After a lot of trouble, I still couldn't find any trace of export.

It's a little depressing. It's not easy to escape here. It's a dead end.

But she refused to give up. She took off her headlights from Zou Buyu's head and climbed up the steep stone wall like an ape. At the top, after some careful observation, he said excitedly, "the exit is hidden here!"

Zou Buyu and I were overjoyed. I climbed up the stone wall and found that there was a hole blocked by stones. Due to the age and depth, the gap is filled with dust and covered with water droplets in the humid environment. There is no trace from below.

Mrs. beaver gave me the headlamp to turn on the stone. I said you lost too much. You'd better save some strength and escape next. I said, put the headlights on your head. Beaver nodded with emotion on her face. It seems that this little care has improved her loyalty to me.

But my friend is still worried. How to deal with such a wicked man in the future? After taking the nine babies from Tongmen, did she release them or kill her dog?

I took a deep breath, took my luck to my palms, slapped the stone with a bang, and the big stone stuck in the hole was photographed and rolled down from the opposite side. Then I heard a pop. There was still water next door.

The hole is one meter in diameter and can accommodate one person. I first climbed in to find out. It turned out that the stone wall was only more than two feet thick, and there was a groundwater vein opposite. However, the river is clear, which should be the original ecology. So I asked Zou Buyu to take out a rope from his bag and throw it up. He pulled Ning Bingbing up the hole, and Zou Buyu climbed up along the rope.

The boy had run out of strength, and he had been moving forward with Ning Bingbing. At present, he is about to lose his strength. Climbing up along the rope was also tired and panting.

Jumping into the opposite river, I immediately felt a burst of cool. It was so comfortable. And the temperature here is also very moderate. On the contrary, I feel cold in the Ice Armor package. I chanted a mantra and melted the ice armor. Then I pushed Zou Buyu and Ning Bingbing together in the water.

This water vein is very long, and the space is very irregular. There are some spacious places, 17 or 18 meters wide, and narrow places, which can only squeeze one person. Just can't see the end, we are very worried that Chen Ziyun will catch up from behind.

Fortunately, worry is superfluous. There is no movement after swimming all the way. Maybe Chen Ziyun thought we were all burned to ashes in the fire. After the water temperature decreased, he just came down to detect it and didn't go forward.

But it seems that this guess is also wrong. How can Yichen Ziyun's sensitive dog nose not smell the anger left by the three of us in the water? She couldn't catch up because we walked too long and gave up because we thought we couldn't catch up. Did she sneak into the bottom of the river to strike the fire demon seal?

Wipe, don't say, it's really possible!

If the blood river is flattened, there will be no obstacles to go deep into the bottom of the river. She will never miss this great opportunity to come after us first.

I cooked a good meal for her with this fire!

It's no use regretting now. Besides, if we didn't set fire at that time, we would be dead. We had to cook this meal anyway.

Zou Buyu was in front of me and couldn't see the change in my expression, but granny beaver kept looking at it and thought of it with me. He told me that whether we helped or not this time, since Chen Ziyun entered the secret room, he was able to unlock the seal of fire demon. So we don't have to blame ourselves. Next, we must speed up, sneak into tongtianzong, take Tongmen nine babies, and then run away.

I sighed and said, that's all I can do.

After swimming forward for about half an hour, we finally saw the exit, which excited the three of us.

The exit is located at the top of the high place, just like a skylight. There is a man-made stone step leading to the front of the exit. At the moment, it is daytime outside. A ray of sunshine is put into the body by the hole, and I feel a burst of warmth.

So far, we are all exhausted, dragging our exhausted bodies and gritting our teeth to climb up. After coming out, I found that it was on a peak, surrounded by mountains, lush and beautiful environment.

The beaver woman was stunned: "this is the forbidden area behind the gate. How does the underground river get here?" Then he woke up and said, "I see. The original reason for banning this place is to prevent the disciples from discovering that there is an underground waterway leading to the blood river."

I lay on the ground and said, "whatever's the matter with him, go to sleep first." This one lay down and felt unspeakably comfortable.

Zou Buyu lay on the ground and said, "now even if Chen Ziyun chases me, brother......" before he finished, he fell asleep.

"This place is too dangerous to sleep here," said the beaver

I closed my eyes and said, "don't go anywhere, just sleep here..."