Chapter 1267

Name:Evil's With Me Author:qiu feng han
I saw eight big characters carved on the stone wall. No, it should be said that they are huge characters, almost covering the whole cliff.

These eight words are: I have been reborn and tell the world!

Although there is no signature below, each word is vigorous and powerful, full of extremely vigorous momentum. Unless it is written by the devil, others can't write such a bold font.

Not only me, but even the sick Qiaoya stared in surprise and guessed that the demon God had been reborn. Code, the little devil really played with us and all the people in the world.

In fact, we should have guessed that he was buried at the bottom of the Tiankeng, because there was more than one clue before. First of all, let's talk about the name of the buried Dragon Valley. Will the little devil bury the dragon and beast cooked by Liu linger's method, and give such a domineering place name? The meaning of burying the dragon, from ancient times to the present, refers to the burial place of the emperor, but we didn't think about it here.

Also, Princess lip demon, the maid of Princess glacier, chose this location to build the demon altar just to break the secret of the demon God tomb? Obviously not. Its real purpose is to suppress the demon God's body so that it can never be reborn. That's why the altar flame can't be extinguished. It's a curse from Princess Tianhe. As for the nine sons born by the demon, it is a virtue cultivation used to destroy the demon God tomb in advance so that the ice princess can't get the Horcrux. But after all the tricks, it fell short in the end.

Another is the layout of the funerary pit, which is completely built around the burial Dragon Valley. You say that the funerary pit is far away from the mausoleum area. Has there been such a design since ancient times? Even the terracotta warriors and horses, the farthest burial pit, are only 1.5 kilometers away from the Qin Emperor's mausoleum, or more than ten miles away. So this clue has fully explained that the real Mausoleum of the little devil is here.

The last very important thing is that xiaobingzhu lit the sacred fire in the Tiankeng, which saved my life at that critical moment. Mirror heart knows that it will not be activated without snow lipped fish. However, in that case, mirror heart has a reaction. In addition to smelling the smell of the little devil, what else can it do directly?

However, we ignored all these and identified the Black Sea demon God tomb, so that we missed the best time to completely destroy the little devil. After the sacred flame was lit in the heart of the mirror, we should have worked hard and killed it at the bottom of the Tiankeng. It should be easy to kill it at that time. But there's nothing to regret. After all, we have solved our own curse. But at the same price, Qiaoya and Qiu Bitian became ordinary people.

In fact, there is nothing wrong with ordinary people. One of my most regretful things is that the demon closed the sky mirror when entering the front hall, otherwise she would become a person when she came out?

After being stunned in front of the stone wall for a while, we unloaded our bags and sat down to have a rest. Tang Bing's face was livid and silent. I was not in the mood to speak. The little devil is reborn. It's more difficult to deal with than our two No. 2. It's a long way to go to solve this great difficulty. Maybe I'll die before I return to Lincheng after leaving Qianshou mountain.

Everyone ate some compressed biscuits, which was the last dry food left. Then they all fell asleep on the stone wall, but I didn't feel sleepy at all.

After sitting for a while, he went to call the demon. Unexpectedly, the dead girl answered immediately and woke up so quickly. She said, "I actually woke up just now and saw the words on the stone wall. There's nothing to worry about. Even if the demon God is reborn, he is also a human. Since he is a human, he is not so powerful. It's not as headache as you and Qiaoya No. 2. "

I said with a bitter smile, "he controlled the demons in the world as early as a thousand years ago. It's more terrible than demons. Moreover, after he was reborn, the first one would summon the two mountain stronghold demons to be dispatched, and then wake up the Horcruxes of worldly practice one by one. Sister long, they are far away from home. They will be safe for a while and a half, but Gu Xi of Lin City is afraid that she will bear the brunt and can't hide from the devil's claws. "

The demon said, "we can't control what will happen in the future. It's useless to think more. Learning Tang Bing's open-minded will earn us more. If you don't say this, it will affect your mood. It's not easy to escape from life. You should be happy. " After a pause, he said, "water donkey, do we have to calculate an account?"

I was stunned: "what's the account?"

"Destroy the account of my sky mirror!" The demon gnashed his teeth and said, "the mirror cave world I worked hard to build is so crushed by you. Do you think I should thank you?"

Wipe, she's found out? I hardened my head and said with a smile, "there is a way that the old don't go, the new don't come, don't break or stand, and build a new one when it's broken. For example, the snow lipped fish is a seed. How can it not be released... "

"Shut up!" The demon angrily interrupted, "do you know how much strength and time it takes to rebuild it again? Break and stand, OK, I'll break your dog's head and let you grow a new one! " After that, there were a few more scratches on my forehead, burning pain.

I said with a bitter face, "your face is not your ass. you scratched the wrong place..."

The demon suddenly burst into laughter and spray: "you scoundrel... Your head will be your ass in the future. I'll scratch it whenever I want, pay off the debt of Tianjing, and then change your ass!"

Man, I want to cry without tears, but she is beautiful. Everything she says is right. What can I do? But I still refused: "you bet I lost a confession. It hasn't been cashed yet. Let's make it even! By the way, why hasn't the Taoist spirit in my soul been washed away? Curious. " I quickly opened the subject so that my forehead wouldn't turn into an ass again.

This move really worked. The demon hissed, "I've been thinking about it for a long time. It should be because of little ice beads. You've gone to the devil. Its spiritual power can still have no conflict with your Taoist cultivation. It seems that whoever picks it up will be regarded as the master. "

"According to what you say, it's also its credit for the restoration of the dark heart to the dream?" I asked.

"Yes, since Jingxin wants to help you, he must help you to the end. After it is threatened in the tomb, it detects that your dream is still a dream of the devil's heart. It does great harm to you. It's reasonable to help fix it. "

The analysis of the dead girl seems to be the reason. In the early stage, we will die without a small ice bead. In the later stage, there is no dark dead spirit, and we will still die. In fact, in the final analysis, we survived with the help of their respective forces.

I asked another question: "did you see the strange skylight of snow lipped fish when you fled into the shortcut cave?"

"Yes, ah, I was dizzy and didn't care. Now I think it's strange that the light and shadow of snow lipped fish didn't print into the Black Sea. Is it because I absorbed part of the energy of snow lipped fish? "

I stared in surprise: "have you absorbed the energy of snow lipped fish? How did you do it? "

"It's not me anymore. It was sucked away by the sky mirror... My sky mirror, my sky mirror is broken. I have to settle accounts with you. There is also the vitality of snow lipped fish sucked hard!"

So there was a sharp pain in my brother's ear. I was almost torn off by the dead girl. I couldn't help shouting. Well, they were all awakened. First they looked around in a hurry, and then they looked at me in surprise.

I said with a smile, "it's all right. I just had a nightmare and woke everyone up. I'm really sorry."

Qiaoya opened her beautiful eyes: "how did the scratch on your forehead come from?"

"I... accidentally scratched it myself..."

When the demon heard this explanation, he burst into laughter. The laughing brother was red in the face and wanted to find a crack to drill in.