Chapter 1232

Name:Evil's With Me Author:qiu feng han
Qiaoya's success in one hit was entirely due to her previous acting skills, which made Er Mei at least a little wary of her looseness. Otherwise, if she uses her anger and burns her clothes, the old bald donkey will kill me first.

It was he who had a trace of trust in Qiaoya that hesitated at this moment and didn't respond. Then his mind was empty and all his thoughts focused on the lower body. When he hadn't recovered, JOYA had already done it. The little fox gathers Qi. He doesn't have to put his hands around his chest. It's just a show off.

The little fox also had a premeditation. Before, he deliberately took a posture in front of his chest in order to attract his eyes and make him mistakenly think that this is an indispensable standard action, so he lost his prevention. In addition, the old bald donkey was close at hand, and his strength was seriously wasted. He couldn't escape.

However, the old bald donkey was really strong. He was hit by the fire soul and flew directly. He fell to the ground and didn't die. Curled up in the distance, unable to wriggle and struggle, looking miserable.

Because the corpse gas in my body hasn't subsided for a while, after the demon's spiritual power broke through, my brother fell to the ground and grinned with pain.

The demon immediately took me up and said, "go and kill the old bald donkey, and we will be saved!"

Just about to run forward, who knows, a stone slab slowly dropped from the top, on which stood five or six black shadows. The demon breathed heavily and depressed, and put down one of my raised feet again. There must be five or six people who can come in through the entrance. Whether Bing Feng is included or not, Lao Mo must come. We can't kill in front of the enemy and give him a handle.

I looked up and lit up the light. I saw that everyone was all together. Bing Feng, Lao Mo, Director Niu, Fan Jian, Tang Bing and Qiu Bitian were all on the slate. I couldn't help wondering how they met one and found the entrance? What's more, shouldn't the ice front be torn into spicy strips? Why are you still alive?

But although the grandson was alive, his clothes turned into hot strips, which was no better than JOYA. At the thought of JOYA, my heart said bad. She was still naked. She quickly took off her coat and turned to JOYA. Who knows, the little fox has already put on his clothes. He is wearing pajamas.

It's not a lace low cut Nightgown, but pajamas and pajamas. You can't see a trace of spring. It's a must-have for her to go out. It's light and thin. It doesn't take up much space in her bag. I was relieved, and the little fox smiled and blinked at me.

This time, thanks to her acting skills, she seems to be bullied by me often. She looks cute. In fact, she is more cunning than anyone. That's me. If someone dares to keep her as a pet, I don't know how many times she will die.

When the stone slab was more than one meter away from the ground, Bingfeng and others jumped down one by one. They saw that others were also miserable. One by one, his face was black and blue, his clothes were full of holes, and his wounds could be seen everywhere. But it's a miracle that they can survive, especially Director Niu and Fan Jian. I really don't know how they live to the present.

We looked at us and were surprised. It seemed that we couldn't think how we were still alive. And then he saw the two eyebrows twitching in pain. He was even more confused. Bing Feng gasped and asked, "what happened?"

The grandson seems to be above all of us. No matter what happens, we should report to him clearly.

Qiaoya pointed to her second eyebrow and scolded, "this old coyote, while it's quiet here, gave me evil thoughts and tore up my clothes and burned them to ashes. Fortunately, I brought my pajamas, otherwise I was naked... Naked... How could I live without clothes? "

When she said this, everyone understood what was going on. Tang Bing angrily shouted: "what a blind old beast. Do you think Qiaoya is a bullying little girl? It's comfortable now. The taste of fire soul critical hit must be great? "

Bing Feng, Lao Mo and Director Niu looked at their two eyebrows with disdain. Only Fan Jian stared at Qiaoya's pajamas. Ya, because the pajamas were vacuum and thin, some sensitive parts were hidden, which obviously aroused the boy's color center.

Two eyebrows squeezed words out of their teeth: "no... they want..."

I immediately opened my mouth and pressed his voice and asked, "how did you meet and find the entrance to the altar?"

Ice Feng stretched out his hand to stop me and said, "let him finish!"

JOYA replied, "will he admit what he did to me? I don't know who you're coming to prove anything to, why wear pajamas? You can see the ashes on the ground. They were left after my clothes burned. In short, we didn't burn them ourselves unless we were ill! "

These words hoodwinked Bing Feng and others. Although Qiaoya is a fire girl and has the magic of burning her clothes, who is so sick? Don't you say it yourself, or are you not afraid of freezing to death in such a cold space? Even if they think there is something strange in it, the facts are in front of them, and they can't believe it.

So the old bald donkey said something again and again. Everyone was too lazy to listen. One by one, they sat on the ground and rested as if they were scattered.

The two of us naturally divided into two groups and sat away from each other. Qiu Bitian was silent. Tang Bing added salt and vinegar to us and talked about their experiences. They went into a cave with Lao Mo, but this place is very similar to the five tombs, like a huge dark castle.

But the streets were filled with thick black fog. The visibility was less than two meters. Strange sounds came from the depths of the black fog. At first, I couldn't hear what evil things sent out. Later, when I saw a strange head sticking out of a high wall, I finally realized that there were many strange things hidden in this place. Those strange calls came from their mouth.

My mind moved. They must have entered the "black city", but there were ghosts in it, which had to remind me of the devil tomb in Qingfeng mountain. It should not be a coincidence that Cong Kui hid inside to seek the secret of changing his life. There must be some connection between the devil tomb in Qingfeng mountain and the black city of the devil's tomb!

But congkui has been unable to break the mystery, but she probably got some clues, and this clue must have told sister long. Thinking of this, I just smiled bitterly and said to myself, why didn't sister long tell me the secret? I feel it will be of great help to find the tomb of the old devil.

Tang Bing went on to say that because of the lessons of the five tombs, he called Qiu Bitian and Lao mo. don't break into these houses without permission, so as not to be robbed of his soul again. But this is very different from the design of the five tombs. If you don't provoke them, they won't let you go. Not a few steps forward, suddenly a group of monsters rushed out of the high walls on both sides and besieged them.

Lao Mo used the enchantment one after another, which consumed a lot of money. He couldn't use this superior spell any more. He fought hard with Qiu Bitian's xiaoqingming arrow and his "evil god cutting knife". Finally, he broke through the siege and fled to a square. Although Lao Mo has no strength, he is proficient in ancient witch channeling. With the art of channeling, he detected that this is a training place for generals. There is a special mysterious force hidden in the earth's atmosphere. After the channeling is opened, this force will rise and cover the whole square, so that the genie dare not come closer.