Chapter 1214

Name:Evil's With Me Author:qiu feng han
Qiu Bitian and I were shocked when we heard the speech. Taoist priest Sanmei also participated in this action. Didn't he also be copied. But on second thought, I couldn't help laughing. To say that Er Mei and long Guangming were copied, we didn't know where we were. Taoist priest San Mei met his ghost in Yinfeng ancient building.

Now that he has entered the Yinfeng ancient building, what's strange about being copied? It's just not clear which one is the one.

At this time, Bing Feng went to the front of the pool and asked face to face with ER Mei: "where is the Taoist priest San Mei trapped? How did you survive these ten years? "

The second eyebrow shook his head slowly: "he doesn't know which floor he is trapped on, but with his ability, I think he must still be alive. As for how I survived for ten years, don't you understand? I'm not human anymore... "

I added in my heart: "yes, you are definitely not a human, you are an animal!"

Only two eyebrows went on to say, "anyone who passes through the immortal path of corpses and swallows the corpse pill to avoid human skin fire will eventually become a zombie. Although I used the ten thousand dharmas to break the rigid state for the time being, but the symptoms are not the root cause. Trapped in the tomb, I was attacked by Yin Qi and curse for a long time. Although I was not completely corpseized, I was also a dead man. Therefore, in the past ten years, there was no need to eat and drink at all, and the state of "raising corpses alive" has been maintained. "

Maybe he's dead. Outsiders are no longer wary. They answer all questions, say everything they know and say everything. The living corpse, as we all know, is an extremely evil skill, not from the shadow gate. After death, the heart and brain are immersed in infant blood for refining, which can be developed a year later. This kind of thing has all the characteristics of living people. It is not afraid of sunshine and magic. It can enter and leave the hell at will. It is also called "living dead" in the secret of Tianmen.

Although the situation of Er Mei is different from the process of raising a living corpse, the result is the same. It's really not a living person, but it's not an ordinary zombie. No wonder I can live here for ten years. If there is no accident or being killed, it will not be a problem to live for another hundred or even hundreds of years.

Thinking of this, I couldn't help worrying about the situation of several of us. No matter what method Qiu Bitian used to break the deadlock, in short, he didn't completely resolve the curse. Er Mei should be right. In fact, we were infected with this "corpse poison" on the corpse fairy path. It goes deep into the bone marrow and cannot be removed.

Bingfeng and others were also nervous about this. They raised their hands and feet and moved a few times. Lao Mo asked puzzledly, "we don't have any symptoms. The corpse poison in the dry corpse immortal path should not be so fierce. Taking the corpse pill will aggravate the toxicity attack?"

Er Mei shook her head slowly again: "corpse pill does add the onset of autopsy, but you don't take this drug and have no symptoms, which doesn't mean that autopsy won't occur. Vigorous exercise, accelerated blood flow, plus Yin Qi and curse in the tomb, you will feel it in less than an hour. " Speaking of this, as like as two peas at one glance, we said, "you see that you have taken the corpse Dan and then cracked it with the magic spell, and then we recovered, just like what we were then. But we can persist for a moment. After a hour, the body poison will attack again."

We looked at each other and felt cool. After two hours, we estimated that we would gradually become living corpses!

Qiu Bitian immediately calmed down and asked Er Mei, "what did you mean by saying that Taoist priest Sanmei didn't know which floor he was on? Does this tomb have upper and lower levels? "

The second eyebrow looked up at the top of the high dome and said, "the demon God tomb has many floors, which is as mysterious as the Yinfeng ancient building, but it is far more difficult to guess than the Yinfeng ancient building. Because you don't know whether the next floor is up or down. In the end, instead of finding the real Tomb of the demon God, you will be lost between the wrong floors, exhausted and fall into the cycle of death. Although I succeeded in returning to the first floor, I was still trapped in this fake tomb and could never get out. "

Bing Feng said in surprise, "the four doors of this fake tomb are open, and you are a living corpse. It's not difficult to pass through the tomb path. Why don't you say it?"

I also find it strange that with the skill of an old bald donkey and the state of raising corpses alive, it is like a tiger adding wings. Can't you open the Yin corpse door?

Only two eyebrows sighed and said, "the four doors on the first floor are open, which is open for people who come in. This place can't get in and out. Unless you enter other floors, such a fake tomb will be allowed to go in and out. I've been thinking hard here for ten years and haven't come up with a way to crack these four dead doors. "

When our hearts sink, we don't have to think about the problem that the old bald donkey can't solve. So I asked, "how can I get into other floors?"

Two eyebrows pointed to the bottom of the pool under the stone platform and said, "there are eight hidden doors below. Only one of them is a living door, which can enter other floors, and the rest are all dead doors. Once you take the wrong step, you will be broken to pieces. "

Code, the old devil is too insidious. He's so suspicious. What's the gate of life and death? Anyway, I can't get out of here. Is it unnecessary?

Qiu Bitian said sadly, "Taoist priest Sanmei, even if he is alive, he is still dead. He is a living corpse like you. But I don't know one thing. Your martial brothers have never been at odds. Why do you join hands in looking for the demon God tomb? "

This is also what I want to ask. No matter whether the three eyebrows in Yinfeng ancient building are the original or the second, they keep scolding the two eyebrows for being bad, and the discord between brothers can't be fake. Originally, I thought Sanmei was not bad, but now, their brothers are not good birds.

The second eyebrow smiled bitterly and said, "our brother's discord was provoked by martial uncle Jiuyin. Ten years ago, after the Yinfeng ancient building, we resolved our heart knot and dispelled our past grievances, and then decided to go together to find the demon God tomb."

I said with a sneer, "you laugh away your gratitude and hatred, but you bring disaster to others and pit those scientific research experts and scholars."

The second eyebrow turned his eyes and said to me seriously, "none of our ten or eight people were innocent victims. To say yes, it's me and my senior brother. We are for younger martial brother Long's daughter, and more than a dozen others are also for our own children. One of the old professors, his granddaughter is also a Horcrux! "

The answer was unexpected. In the name of scientific investigation, they all wanted to find a way to solve the curse of Horcruxes for their children and grandchildren. In that case, the old bald donkey and the Taoist priest with three eyebrows are really the most innocent.

Ice Feng suddenly asked, "can you find the secret recipe to dissolve the zombie curse in the demon God's tomb?"

When he asked, we all looked at the second eyebrow, which is also our most concerned problem. Although there is another curse on us, autopsy is a top priority. Once it becomes a live corpse, there is no need to crack another curse.

For a moment, the whole space was quiet and silent. They all stared at Er Mei to see how he answered.