Chapter 1191

Name:Evil's With Me Author:qiu feng han
After the cold wind dissipated, the children's cry became far and near again, sometimes absent. The demon shouted angrily and said, it seems that the bet is right this time. The mysterious evil thing is afraid of the bright flame finger created by the two eyebrow bald donkey. Then he hurried to urge me to draw a "bone burning charm" on the ground with blood.

This talisman was just learned. It is a unique skill among the ghost talismans collected by the two eyebrow bald donkey. Among them, it is mentioned that it is necessary to use the flame finger as an introduction to ignite this symbol in order to generate infinite power. It's just that this enchanting array doesn't mention who's soul to enchant, under what circumstances to use it, and it costs a lot of energy. It has never been used.

I then bit through the scabby index finger of my right hand, bent over the cold rocks and quickly drew runes. Just finished the rune, the cry broke out again. Seeing the other party's second wave of attack, it was coming soon. The demon hurried anxiously. Hurry up, hurry up!

Man, you're fast enough, but no matter how urgent you are, you have to go step by step. You can't do without a process. I immediately kneaded the formula and chanted the mantra with the fastest speed: "burn Yin bones, ghosts faint, fall into a maze, can't stand it. I was photographed by the order of Mr. Sanshan Jiuhou! "

After reciting the spell, release a fire and rush to the blood amulet just drawn. With a bang, first the fire burst out, followed by strong white smoke, which quickly spread everywhere. It happened that at this time, the mysterious evil thing shot again. A cold wind roared in, which was far more powerful than the first time. It seems that this time, I want to kill myself and never give me any chance to escape.

However, as soon as the cold wind with strong black air rushed near, it was wrapped by the diffuse white smoke. The cold wind was like a punch on the pile of cotton. Instead of being forced, it was trapped in it, and was immediately wrapped by the white smoke. At the beginning, this white cloth bag, like a full blown wind, was still constantly bulging left and right. The cold wind seemed to want to find a breakthrough, but no matter how hard it was, it was always firmly trapped by the white smoke and couldn't break free.

In a moment, the white "wind bag" was soft, just slightly convulsed and lost the previous crazy momentum.

The demon sighed and said in surprise, "bone burning enchanting array is indeed the enemy of soul chasing valley. But unfortunately, it can only be enchanted, but it can not be eradicated. But it gives us enough time to find our way out. "

I'm still confused. Although I've solved the life and death crisis, I don't know what's going on. The demon told me that this mysterious evil thing is called soul chasing valley. It is not the valley of the valley, but the bone of the bone. As soon as she said a lot here, I suddenly realized that this so-called "soul chasing bone" is not a child raising ghost in black magic?

Raising kids is so popular among the people that many stars are raising them. This is a well-known public secret. Raising imps can make them become popular overnight, but after all, this thing is a fierce thing. Over time, it will eat its owner, making it difficult for them to live long and die young.

Why is raising a kid called a soul chasing bone? Because it's very troublesome to raise this thing for the first time. You have to find the burial place of the dead child, open the coffin and take the body, then open the belly, remove the ribs and recover the soul. There are very strict requirements for bone removal. Boys take the third root on the left and girls take the fourth root on the right. This is also the "three on the left and four" in witchcraft.

It is called "soul chasing bone" because it is used to recover my ghost and earn it to raise. Among them, the infant soul that died prematurely is the most ferocious. Generally, no one dares to raise it. Only when it is used for revenge or life fighting, will it choose the infant soul bone. It's just that the name of this thing is very popular. In fact, the ferocity index is very low, otherwise it can't be sold to ordinary people. Such a young boy, even if the whole Yin army team, can't help us. How can it be this mysterious evil thing? I think the dead girl must have guessed wrong.

The demon said contemptuously, "you know, it's just a folk magic, not a real black magic. The real black magic is called devil since ancient times. Taoist magic has never prevailed. You can imagine the power of black magic. The folk raising of ghosts is indeed born out of the secret art of black witches, but it's too simple. Even the ghosts raised by the soul raisers in Western Hunan are far apart and can't be called soul chasing bones! "

The dead girl said again, the real soul chasing bone is the devil. They usually attack human beings and do not directly kill you. Instead, they turn a rib on your body into a soul chasing bone, which is like planting poisonous insects to let you die slowly in pain. When your soul chasing bones are "planted" successfully, you will first have heart demons and become unconscious.

I want to come to the old confused junior brother. He was hit by the Yin move of soul chasing bone, and outsiders can't see any way, so he died. She could guess what the mysterious evil thing was. First, she saw the inscriptions on the stone wall, then thought of Er Chusheng and the demons of Qiaoya and Qiu Bitian, and concluded that she had met the real soul chasing bone

This secret technique of raising souls has long been lost. No one in the world can raise it, except the old pervert demon God. However, there is another evolution of soul chasing bone, that is, to cultivate "Liu Linglang".

As like as two peas, I heard of Liu Ling, a woman who carved willow wood and raised it as a real person. But I don't know what relationship Liu Linglang and Liu lingnv have.

The demon said that in fact, they all belong to the art of "mixing Liu Lingfa", but Liu lingnv has no soul, but like living rattan, the owner's perception is not afraid of any Taoism, but it has more disadvantages than living rattan. The demon has always suspected that the living rattan came from Liu lingnv's technique, but after seeing the living stone, he dispelled this conjecture, because Liu Lingfa only raises willow, and can't raise stone people.

Liu Linglang raised the soul chasing bone into willow in order to upgrade his power, and used boys to get this title. Liu Linglang, who has a soul chasing bone, can't be compared with Liu lingnv who has no soul at all. Although Liu Linglang is afraid of magic, its attack power is unstoppable and unbreakable.

But all things in the world are born and conquered, and there must be a gram when there is life. No matter how powerful the demon magic is, there is always a way to crack it. So she thought of the bone burning enchantment array in the ghost talisman of the two eyebrow bald donkey.

To think of this spell, we should first mention Mingyan, because the secret spell of Liu Linglang handed down is, "born beside the ancient road in the wilderness. I ask you to be a god general to avoid wind and frost in the countryside. I offer sacrifices to you during the four seasons and eight festivals. You can taste the sweet soup every day. Heheyang, sunrise in the East, divine axe section, left here early. I offer the Supreme Master that he is as urgent as a law. "

The mantra of Mingyan is: heheyang, sunrise in the East. I swear this mantra and the flame will shine. Urgent as a law.

There were two sentences, heheyang and sunrise in the East. She speculated that it was not a coincidence. The two eyebrowed bald donkey was hidden in the spell, and Mingyan could restrain Liu Linglang's secret. These two sentences are hints. From this, we can infer that the bone burning enchanting array with Mingyan as the introducer must be Liu Linglang's nemesis.