Chapter 1162

Name:Evil's With Me Author:qiu feng han
Under the guidance of the two kids, they chased after Beatrice manor all the way. When they arrived, I was about to beat Qiu Bitian, so I sent out a poisonous fog and fainted us all. Song Mingyu was also caught by Lao mo.

At that time, it was not Qiu Bitian's imagination that Mei Ruoxi didn't know who he was, but when she wanted to start, Mu Feifei happened to find him.

Mu Feifei said that she followed Guan Xiang and came to the villa to investigate the clues of the snake swallowing devil. Because she found muddy footprints in the basement, she was suspicious and took out the compass to search. As a result, the ghost gas in the nearby house was detected, which was provoked by song Mingyu.

Lao Mo and Mei Ruoxi saw that Mu Feifei was not an ordinary person, so they suspended the execution of Qiu Bitian. After Mu Feifei came in, they secretly attacked and knocked her unconscious. But there was another Guan Xiang outside. Facing the police, they were guilty of being thieves. Lao Mo went out to lead Guan Xiang away.

Originally, Mo's plan was to kill Qiu Bitian and blame mufeifei who was stunned, and then abduct me and Qiaoya and force me to hand over the fish. However, the situation was urgent at that time. They didn't discuss it. After Lao Mo left, Mei Ruoxi was angry and Mu Feifei stepped in. She thought she would continue to plant and frame me according to the original plan, so she took us back to the next door and killed Mu Feifei, creating a scene where I killed him.

As a result, when she returned to Qiu Bitian's house, a strange thing happened. She couldn't find the basement!

More than that, even the door that just came in disappeared without a trace, as if it was a ghost hitting the wall. If Lao mo were here, she would be able to resolve it easily. However, she only knows the art of soul separation, but she can't do anything about this situation.

Lao Mo Na will be chased around by Guan Xiang. Although the grandson is very cunning and fast, Guan Xiang has been a policeman for ten years. It's not easy to get rid of him. In addition, several colleagues came to support and surrounded, chased and intercepted the grandson, which was very embarrassing. Fortunately, he used the ghost gas to hide his appearance, and was never seen by Guan Xiang. Otherwise, he would be recognized immediately in Chengbei Village.

Lao Mo had no choice but to flee into the city before he finally got rid of Guan Xiang and them. But after two hours, Mei Ruoxi was still running around upstairs and downstairs. Then she dissolved the ghost beating the wall. When she asked, Mei Ruoxi killed another person without authorization and took me next door. She almost didn't annoy Lao Mo to death.

Mei Ruoxi is good enough to kill people, but she lacks intelligence. Although most of them have hidden themselves deeply since childhood, they have never been found the identity of the murderer. It depends on small intelligence, and there are many elements of luck. Compared with Lao Mo's resourcefulness, it is very different from Grandma's house. If it hadn't been for this, I wouldn't have seen her flaw.

But now that the matter was over, Mo held back his anger and took Qiaoya next door to let her kill Qiu Bitian and then came.

But as soon as he went out, Guan Xiang took people back to the villa area. If he entered the next door at this time and had to take people to escape, it would be unrealistic. Lao Mo had to carry Qiao Ya and slip away first. When Mei Ruoxi wanted to take control of Qiu Bitian, Qiu Bitian woke up early, which made her fall short of success. Later, I chased into the forest, and soon I caught up, which forced the woman to give up.

She knew that Lao Mo must go to the reservoir, so she met there. Lao Mo almost blew his lungs when she said he didn't kill Qiu Bitian. Then he released red and white, controlled the salvage team, collected all members and set a trap in the small building. Like me, the grandson also heard about the salvage team at the edge of the reservoir and guessed that Qiu Bitian had put in his hands. Qiu Bitian and I are being pursued by the police and are sure to take refuge here.

He guessed it. It almost killed us. The reason why the two kids were not released at that time was that they were too fierce and would directly kill everyone in the building. As long as Qiu Bitian and I were killed, he didn't want to kill more people, especially the police. Who knows, the fire between Dahong and Dabai is still weak. Not only did they fail, but Dabai was caught by mistake. Dahong also escaped without a trace. He really lost his wife and lost his soldiers.

How could Lao Mo swallow this tone? I guessed that Qiu Bitian and I would go to the haunted house and go into the ghost city to track down their whereabouts. He had heard about the deeds of the twelve young girls through the dead ghosts in the city, so he hurried in front of us to the haunted house in the playground and detected that there were three old ghosts hiding inside.

He immediately used his best "ghost control method" to control the two old guys one after another. Since the spirit keeper keeps ghosts, he has more unique skills in catching ghosts. Although they are old ghost slaves who have been with Sanmei for many years, it is easy for him. And after controlling the two old ghosts, the other six didn't know it.

When he wanted to deal with old six again, we came and quickly stopped and hid in the distance. When Qiu Bitian's divine knowledge entered the city, he immediately drove the two old ghosts to open the door and sent Qiu Bitian's body, Gu Qian and Lao Liu in.

This is killing two birds with one stone. It not only fulfilled the promise to help the river god deal with the son of God, but also framed me for the crime of hijacking the police. Plus Mu Feifei's death, I can't wash it when I jump into the Yellow River. Lao Mo was happy again. He thought I was either caught back by the police or ran away.

Without waiting for the result, they parted ways with Mei Ruoxi. One went to the reservoir to get people and the other went home. The salvage team members and JOYA were trapped in the barrier he opened by the reservoir. Why did Lao Mo finally take away those salvage team members? Mei Ruoxi doesn't know. I understand that.

First, his border can't move like a sedan chair, and the salvage team has a car that can take him to the north of the city. Second, Hong Ling and Bai Ling dived into the reservoir today, which consumed a lot of energy and needed a lot of Yin Qi to replenish. I can't find so many women for a while. I have to make do with the Yin of these men.

That's why the members of the salvage team were red in the face and drunk after they were released. That is because all Yin Qi is lost, highlighting the sign of excessive Yang Qi.

Mei Ruoxi returned to her rented home. She had just removed her makeup and put the skeleton in the wardrobe. Dahong found her. I don't know that she is a master partner, but random. The evil spirit raised by Lao Mo can't be taken out for people to watch. So up to now, Dahong hasn't seen her at all, but she secretly saw the released Dahong in the reservoir.

A weak little girl with low Yang has always been the preferred target for evil spirits. She is usually cautious. After taking off her makeup, the green snake sleeps, and the bones will converge all the corpse Qi. She doesn't notice a clue at all.

After that, she lost her mind, but after all, she practiced soul separation and was able to resist the damage caused by the red ghost spirit. So after Dahong was isolated, she was shocked for a few seconds and woke up immediately. Seeing me coming, I almost didn't scare her to death. I thought I saw through her identity and chased her here.

After observing for a while, I found that I was just led by Dahong, so I breathed. But she must not let Dahong be subdued by me and reveal some of Lao Mo's situation. So after Dahong entered the wardrobe, she quietly kneaded a formula and chanted a curse to drive the green snake to bite Dahong to death.

This woman is very good at raising snakes. Later, when she was at Yingzui rock, she was instructed by Lao Mo to sacrifice the evil law. It was like raising a snake spirit. Even if Dahong is not hidden in the body, it is difficult to escape the lightning attack of the snake spirit when it is injured. Why was Dahong scared to surrender to me when she saw the skeleton, because she smelled the deadly smell brought by the snake.

After the snake killed Dahong, she rotted to bone. Mei Ruoxi reluctantly gave up her love and deliberately killed her with the "extinction curse". Even though the snake is dormant, it is always channeling with her. It is easy for me to see the flaw. Only by killing the soul shape can we disconnect the channeling channel between them and make me traceless.

But she regretted killing her "love snake". If she drove the snake to kill me at that time, I guess it would be difficult to escape. It was true at that time. The demon was sleeping. The snake was as fast as lightning and was not afraid of Taoism. I was sure to die.

This is also the reason why her IQ is not enough, and because she is afraid of my strength, she made a low-level mistake. However, without the bones and the little green snake, she was nothing. She was just an ordinary woman. After that, she had to follow me obediently. Nothing can be done except secretly calling the police and Lao Mo transmitting information.

The hairpin was indeed given to her by Lao mo. when she left the old house, she quietly threw it on the ground and was picked up by her and worn in the hair room. Although it is said that it can communicate messages at any time, it does not dare to contact at any time for fear of being discovered by me. But she also knew Lao Mo's plan. She led me to the bottom of the reservoir and set up an ambush to kill me.

Lao Mo said it was awesome. He actually formed a boundary in the water and dived into the underwater ancient city. But his wishful thinking didn't work well. I saw through Mei Ruoxi's identity and changed my mind to go to the haunted house. But Lao Mo couldn't get out of the water at that time. He had to negotiate with the river god and dig a pit in the devil city in advance, but he was rejected by the river god.

The old monster, river god, is not a gentleman at all. If its purpose is achieved, there will be no time for you. But the old monster didn't expect that I could open the city gate and easily defuse its flood. I entered the church and joined the son of God. The old monster panicked. Then he opened the gap and put Lao Mo into the city to help it eliminate the "chaotic party". In the end, he was on the verge of success, and I fought a beautiful turnaround.

Now she has explained everything she knows, but I still have two questions. One is what happened to the ghost hitting the wall in Qiu Bitian's villa, and the other is who is coming?

Qiu Bitian didn't know about the ghost hitting the wall. He was puzzled when he heard about it just now. Obviously, he didn't know who was helping him.

Mei Ruoxi said, "after Lao Mo dissolved the ghost hitting the wall, he didn't find the trace of the dead ghost."

I couldn't help looking at Qiu Bitian. They were surprised that a master of Niu Yangling didn't find a clue about the ghost. How powerful is the ghost?