Chapter 918

Name:Evil's With Me Author:qiu feng han
I looked up in a daze. Outside the opposite door was the corridor leading to the funeral home. Externally, they don't seem to be together, but internally, they are connected by channels. I've walked this road, so I know the terrain here very well.

I can't help thinking. After my parents were resurrected, I climbed out of the body storage cabinet and heard someone coming and hid in the opposite corridor, right? Thinking of this, he got up and ran over, opened the door, and heard a burst of rapid footsteps in the dark. Then he disappeared, and there was no more sound.

The demon said it was two people. They just turned into the corridor on the right. Then I took over my legs directly, ran more than ten meters forward in the dark and turned to the right, but I lost my trace here.

Did you see what the man looked like? The demon said no, only saw two people. They covered their faces and ran away, but they were by no means your parents.

Size, who would that be? I touched the wall switch and turned on the corridor light. There was a fork in the road ahead, and the back doors of funeral homes were on both sides.

The demon suddenly heard the sound again, took me to the left, ran a few steps quickly, and pushed a door in. Then the light went out and screamed!

"Ah, it's your parents and that..."

I didn't care who else I heard. I cried excitedly, "Dad, mom, it's me!" At the moment, a happy heart almost didn't explode. Thank God, mom and dad didn't lose the chance of resurrection!

Why are you so sure that they are resurrected when you don't see people or ghosts in the dark? Because the resurrection path is a special space. If you can't find the body to resurrect, you will always be stuck in this space and become a lonely ghost. Since he returned to the world, he must have been resurrected.

When I heard my cry, my mother's scream suddenly stopped, followed by the light. I saw my father and mother snuggle up with each other and trembling. There was not much blood on his face. He looked very cold. And there was a woman next to them. She had a flashlight in her hand, her hair was scattered, her clothes seemed to be torn, and she was shivering at the moment.

Wipe, how is linger?

I rushed over, hugged my parents and cried. I was scared to death just now. Mom pushed me away and said, "what are you crying about when you're resurrected? You've always loved to cry since childhood.". Khan, why expose my shortcomings to the demons and linger girls?

After wiping away his tears, he knew that after they were resurrected, linger was the first to kick open the box and save them. The body itself is frozen. If it doesn't come out in time, it may be frozen to death immediately.

Speaking of this, everyone must feel a little contradictory. How can a frozen corpse be resurrected? Regular soul returning, at the moment of entering the body, will inject a great vitality and instantly melt the frozen muscles. But after all, this is risky. Generally, for the sake of safety, relatives will be notified first, and the body will be warmed up and revived. In this way, there will be no mistakes.

But mom and dad are ordinary people. After resurrection, they have no power to kick open the locked body storage cabinet. Although linger overdrawn her physical strength when she was dying, the vitality of rebirth gave her strong strength. It's hard to predict what would happen to her parents if her body wasn't here.

I asked ling'er, how did your body get here? Ling'er didn't know. She woke up and found herself in the body storage cabinet. She quickly kicked away and climbed out. Suddenly, she heard something moving next door. She opened it and saw that it was my parents. Their boxes were not labeled. I don't know whether it was the negligence of the staff or other reasons.

As I spoke, I instilled some Qi into the three of them, invigorated their meridians and gradually warmed up. Then the three of us went out of the funeral hall and slipped under the wall. Ling'er and I helped our parents turn over.

Just got home and it was about dawn. I quickly changed my clothes full of stench and mud, took a simple shower, and then took a quilt to the underground storage room.

Mom asked me why I went to sleep in the storeroom? I turned my eyes and lied that this was a contract with the underworld. I couldn't see the sun after I was reborn. Mom said she and dad went to the basement, and I asked why?

"Now that everyone knows about the resurrection of your father and me, why don't you come here to ask for debt? Besides, today is the deadline. The bank will urge us to move... "

So my parents stayed with me in the underground storage room for a day. It was cheap for linger. I slept in my brother's bed for a long time.

But at night, when we returned upstairs, ling'er said that no one came at all during the day. First of all, I was stunned. I immediately got back to my mind. I asked my father's cell phone and opened the circle of friends. I went to the news that my father and mother pretended to be dead. They all brushed the screen!

This morning, the staff of the funeral home found that the door of the morgue was damaged and three bodies were lost. The funeral home has a wonderful rule. It doesn't install monitoring. No one knows what the truth is, so it fried the pot. Among the three corpses, two committed suicide and one was killed. They were all full of resentment. They disappeared and speculated that they must be faking corpses!

After the police's on-site investigation, the traces left by the body were found on the fence, which not only pretended the body, but also escaped from the funeral home, which made people feel even more panic. Our building was empty. When the debtors hear the news, they don't even dare to go out. At the moment, they are afraid to shrink under the quilt and be killed by the door, right?

In addition to the explosive news, there was another incident that caused a sensation. That is the boss of the leather bag company who absorbed private funds and cheated my mother's money. Yesterday, he found the body in the gully 30 kilometers away from Lincheng, and it was preliminarily determined to be suicide. There was a picture of the boss on this message. When I saw this guy, I was stunned. Isn't this a grievance with glasses? I saw his body in the morgue early in the morning.

Unexpectedly, it is the culprit who caused my parents to hang. It's also a wool injustice. It should go to hell.

But I'm still confused that this guy looks so familiar, but I can't remember who he is. I always feel that behind this matter, it doesn't seem so simple.

I immediately wanted to go to the underground and ask the grandson face to face. But on second thought, although I am now given the privilege of free access, it also takes time to go back and forth. In case I can't come back one day, my parents won't have any accidents again.

And I can't stay at home, because although I avoided all the surveillance on the road, the camera at the door of the building can't be avoided anyway. The police will find out that mom and dad came home. It doesn't matter much to be resurrected. The problem is that the debt collector will kill him immediately.

If you can't afford it, it's strange not to eat your parents!

Where shall we hide first? The nearest club to Lincheng is more than 200 kilometers in Henan. Now 80% of the country has seen this news, and taking a taxi doesn't scare the driver to death?

I suddenly thought of a place and asked my parents to pack up and go out. Just out of the community, I saw several police cars driving in. And followed by a black car, through the window, I vaguely saw a supernatural detective.