Chapter 775

Name:Evil's With Me Author:qiu feng han
Fortunately, the withdrawal was timely enough, otherwise the attack could not be avoided.

And he opened his eyes and found that people had followed sister long and ran out of a stone door. Sister long quickly put her hand on the left stone wall and pressed it. The stone door behind her closed. At the same time, another door was opened on the stone wall in front.

I just realized that these two stone gates are hidden escape routes. Even mengkai and Xiaobei don't know. It's the mechanism found by sister long.

Listen to Meng Kai gasping, "let's run quickly. Out of this door, it should be the back mountain slope!" Then he rushed to the stone gate in front of him.

Zhao Jingnan, Xiao Bei and sister long kept catching up. He only ran a few steps and heard bursts of collision and angry roar from the stone wall behind him.

Our scalp is numb. This stone gate can never stop the drought. It will be knocked open at any time. Now spread your legs and run forward with your life.

Fortunately, it was not far from the stone gate in front. In a moment, they all rushed out. At the moment of going out, sister long pressed on the left stone wall. Just as her front foot went out, the rear foot door closed quickly.

This mechanism is cleverly designed. The door opening and closing mechanisms are all in the hole and can't be opened outside.

However, at this moment, we heard a roar, and the door inside was broken by the drought!

It's already dark outside. We didn't care to go up and look at the terrain, and then rushed out. Ya's back mountain slope is very steep, and full of thorns and vines. After a few steps, Zhao Jingnan's pants are all rotten. Zhao Jingnan stumbled over the vines and rolled down the hillside.

The demon took me up and swept down the slope like a big bird. Seeing that he was about to catch up with Zhao Jingnan rolling on the slope, the boy suddenly disappeared.

Wipe, won't you travel through time and space?

If there is such a good thing, let the brothers wear it once, even if they wear it to the primitive society, it is better than being eaten alive by the drought.

Unable to find Zhao Jingnan, the demon only took me to fall on a big tree for the time being. At this time, a loud bang rang through the whole mountain, and the drought broke the last door!

Brother, this heart immediately grabbed his throat. With the speed of drought, we can't have a chance to escape. It was an instinct to escape just now. In fact, the fire was clear in my heart. It was just that I could escape every moment.

When I was discouraged, I saw a dark shadow passing through the thorns among the three lights of sister long. When I got close to the light, the light went out immediately, and my brother's heart jumped out of his throat.

They must have been poisoned by drought!

The demon sighed and said, "let's go!"

Then, without waiting for me to make a sound, he took me flying forward. The cold wind doesn't roar in my ears, the trees quickly regress in the light, and my brother's heart is constantly sinking.

After so much experience, I think I should be numb, but I can't. They are the last people I can lose. Is this an unbreakable curse in my life?

Suddenly, black knife and Tang Yun's face came to mind involuntarily. I don't know why I think of them, but at least fortunately, they are far away from me and away from this curse.

In a trance, he fell to the ground. The demon panted and said that she had reached the foot of the mountain. Now she was almost overdrawn. Next, it was up to me.

As soon as the voice fell, the temperature around suddenly dropped, as if it had entered a cold winter. The sudden cold suddenly woke my brother up. Is it the drought? But this game is said to be thousands of miles away. Shouldn't it be a high temperature?

The demon said reluctantly, "I thought I got rid of it, but I didn't expect it to follow me all the time. But don't be too nervous. It's still a dry dog with a dead fetus and no complete shape, otherwise it would have caught up with us. "

I said with a bitter smile, "even if it's a baby, can you kill me seventeen or eight times?"

"Not necessarily..." the demon said here, eh, "shouldn't you feel sad for their martyrdom? Why can you say jokes?"

I took a deep breath and said, "this is not the time to be sad. Wait until you save your life."

The demon said, "I found you grow up!"

I didn't have time to quarrel with her and asked curiously, "we've all said so much. Why don't we do it?" What's more strange is that I only feel the cold, but I can't see the shadow of this dead thing.

The demon smiled mysteriously, "because it can't see us, it's circling around. Ah, by the way, turn off the flashlight! " It seemed that I suddenly remembered it and my voice changed.

I quickly turned off the flashlight and suddenly it became dark. Just then, a strong chill came and almost didn't freeze me at this moment.

I saw two faint blue lights shining in the dark. They should be the two eyes of the Dryad, seven or eight meters away. I immediately had a bang in my heart. If I could not see it clearly just now, it was high myopia.

Is there myopia in the special dryland?

Just when my heart beat violently, two blue lights stopped in front and didn't move. It seemed that they were staring at me silently. I didn't move it.

I asked the demon nervously, "what's the situation? Why is it staring at me?"

The demon said with a smile: "because you are handsome, it has a crush on you. It is estimated that it is wondering whether to put you in the right place or catch you back for a wedding night."

I almost fainted: "your younger martial sister and male God are dead. Are you so happy? Even if you are cold-blooded, you should always pretend, at least speak seriously? "

Who knows, the demon cut his voice and said, "as long as you don't die, anyone will die with me... Er... What did I say just now? Suddenly the brain went blank, as if the brain waves had been disturbed by drought. I didn't scold you, did I? "

I was so excited that I finally caught the dead girl when she slipped her tongue. It turns out that in her heart, what little martial sister and what male god can't be compared with me at all.

"Yes, you scolded me. I like you to scold like this. Remember to scold more in the future." I'm serious nonsense.

"OK, you big flower donkey with flowers in your head!" The demon scolded angrily, "are you happy to scold you like this?"

"Happy!" I said these two words and looked at the two blue lights opposite. I suddenly thought of sister long and felt dejected. Happy wool!

"So happy, you are the most invincible big cheap donkey!"

At this time, I lost the mood of bickering. When I was about to ask the truth about why the dryland did not move, the two blue lights suddenly turned and floated to the left. But in the blink of an eye, he disappeared into his sight and recovered a dark darkness.

The demon breathed: "it's gone at last. I was so nervous just now!"