Chapter 705

Name:Evil's With Me Author:qiu feng han
The demon scolded the bastard, took me down quickly and returned to the tomb. But now the near water can't save the far fire. I can only release the flame and close my eyes to a dream.

It seems that I was the "descendant" of the ghost pupil demon imperial concubine. I was waiting for my move. I saw it standing in the warm yellow sky, with a mysterious smile on its lips.

Then the sky light changed suddenly, and the warm yellow turned into dark gray. At this moment, I only heard Tong Tong's eager cry, master, and disappeared. And the whole dream has become beyond recognition. It is not a tomb, but a path paved with bluestone. Both sides are full of bright and palpitating flowers.

Standing at the end of the secluded path, outside the flagstone Road, buhuagu gently waved his paw to me. Code, what do you mean?

I raised my hand to release a flame. As a result, I found that the flame on my fingertips had been extinguished long ago. I shook it, but it didn't light it again. The backhand went to the back bag to take out the symbol, and the bag on his back was gone. How can he play? So he snapped his fingers, but he couldn't retreat if he wanted to.

I was shocked and asked the demon what was going on. As a result, the demon didn't respond for a long time. Man, the heart sank. It was probably captured by the dead bone. I took advantage of this opportunity to catch the demon.

Thinking of this, I gritted my teeth and ran forward. I fought with you!

However, after only a few steps, he disappeared strangely in his secret smile. And its position just now became a hole surrounded by black fog. Somehow, a strange feeling suddenly appeared in my heart. I felt that all this was familiar, especially the black hole, which seemed to lead to a mysterious world. This way, however, makes people sad and urge from the heart, and has an impulse to make people cry.

It's so strange. Have I ever been to this place? What's the world in the cave?

With doubt, he ran to the end in one breath, stopped, reached forward and touched it. Bang, if I was shocked, I quickly retracted my hand in pain, and my whole palm was blackened. Fortunately, many minds, or directly hit it, the whole person doesn't know what to collapse into.

I can't help frowning. According to past experience, it's not evil, nor ghost, nor any curse array. What's that?

When I was puzzled, suddenly a figure came out of the black hole. Strictly speaking, it's a ghost, and it's floating on the ground.

Wipe, why can a dead ghost come out of it without any obstruction. Is this hole only allowed in and not out?

Then I saw the face of the dead ghost, and I couldn't help but surprised a pair of eyes. It was Zhang Mingyu!

This surprised me. I thought that after its death, its soul was scattered or taken away. I didn't expect to meet it here. But why did it come here? Suddenly I thought of one thing. Is this huangquan road?!

Turn around and look at the flowers on both sides of the road, so I'm going to cry. Yes, it must be huangquan road!

Because I recognized that it was the other shore flower, which only existed in the underworld and usually bloomed on the huangquan road. It's not surprising that the familiar feeling just now is that the environment here reminds us of the unforgettable memory left by the ghosts of the previous life.

But I can't figure out how can I have this ability to send me directly from my dream? Then another thing came to mind. There was a legend that after death, he did not enter reincarnation and became a leader of the yellow spring. It seems that this legend is true. Whether it is compiled in the underworld or not, it can at least easily introduce my friends to huangquan road!

No wonder the pupils disappear. The demons don't respond. They are isolated in the Yang world.

These thoughts just flashed through my mind. Seeing Zhang Mingyu floating away from me, I hurried to catch up.

"Professor Zhang, do you still recognize me? I'm your student Qin Shou, nicknamed beast."

Zhang Mingyu gave me a dull look, ignored me and continued to float forward.

I followed one side and said, "it doesn't matter if you can't remember me. I just want to know who killed you? And what's the password of ice cloud boy? "

Zhang Mingyu didn't respond to the first sentence, but after listening to the second sentence, he was shocked and stared at me. Ya's eyes are full of fierce light, which makes me feel uneasy. I won't kill people because I touch the core secrets of the demon family, right?

But I guessed wrong. After staring at me for a moment, he suddenly scratched his head and showed a puzzled look. My heart says I won't become an idiot, right?

In the twinkling of an eye, after seeing it as a ghost, it still retained the wound on its shoulder, so I suddenly realized that it really became an idiot!

Because it has something the killer wants in its mind, all its memories are included in the life stone and taken away at the same time as the life stone is taken away.

It seemed that I recalled this ethereal memory. Zhang Mingyu held his head in his hands and kept thinking hard. But the memory is taken away, and nothing can be thought of only by the residual memory reflection. So that he forced himself into pain and picked up his hair.

Suddenly, it seemed to think of something, stopped its crazy behavior, opened its mouth and read out a string of numbers.

There are eleven numbers in this string, and it starts with 139. It sounds like a telephone number. Then it stretches its eyebrows, calms down, reads this string of numbers and floats forward.

I smiled bitterly. It can think of a phone number. It's not easy for it to think of more things. It's obviously a fool's dream. So I didn't catch up, because not far ahead is the boundary river. After crossing the river, I really entered the underworld and couldn't turn back.

But it's not a thing to stay on huangquan road. We have to find a way to go back quickly. For one thing, the time is too long, there is no chance to revive. For another, the demon and Gu Xi are between life and death. They don't know how they are now.

But the more urgent it is, the more I can't think of a way, because I have no way to rely on myself. Unless someone in the sun lights up the "soul returning lamp" for you next to the body, and this person also has profound Taoist cultivation and chants a mantra to guide you to revive your soul. Demons have this cultivation, but they are not human.

Just then, another ghost came in. It was a man, about forty years old, looking very familiar. While I was watching it and thinking about who this person was, it was also watching me, gnashing its teeth and looking at me with hatred. I immediately remembered that it was the director named Meng Yi!

At noon, Gu Xi also mentioned the case that it colluded with the green gate ghost to seize people's souls. Unexpectedly, she met it in the afternoon. The grandson should have just been executed and reported to the underground government. But why did Mao just come in with his hands on his back and whistle, looking very happy?

People say that joy begets sorrow. Is it that sorrow begets joy? That's abnormal enough, just like its name. I can't remember it if the name is not heavy enough.

"Ha, you're dead too. No matter how you die, I'll congratulate you. It's time!" The grandson stared at me for a moment and said viciously.

I'm very angry. You're not only abnormal, but also don't want to beat. You didn't have time to talk to you. You still can't find happiness. So I grabbed its collar, opened my bow left and right, and slapped it in the face. Then he greeted his crotch with his knee. The grandson immediately screamed and squatted down with his legs between his legs.

It seems that everyone is a new dead ghost, and I am thinner than it, but my brother's soul has been nourished by the demon son yuan God, which is much stronger than ordinary dead ghosts. It's a piece of cake to beat it.

I grabbed my collar and went forward. The grandson cluttered on the ground. I knelt on his back with one leg and subdued him completely.


"Let me say what?" Meng Yidu is about to be pushed out of excrement by me. He is sweating with pain.

Uh, yeah, what did it say? When he remembered, he asked, "Why are you so happy after your death? Is it because the whole family is dead? Is it too happy? "