Chapter 637

Name:Evil's With Me Author:qiu feng han
I was really afraid that the demon would force me to propose to sister long, so I ran back and drank too much. Let's see who is crazy.

Originally, Yu Shaoming was not in a good mood. Seeing that I went out again, he symbolically drank two drinks with everyone and left the banquet. But as soon as I got back, Lao Yu returned to his seat. He sincerely admires and appreciates me. For so many years, he has tried his best to find Qi Jing. He has searched all the experts, but he can't find a clue.

Since I met him in Shenmu, I thought I could help him find Qi Jing's clue. Sure enough, he didn't mistake people. In addition, I have saved their father and daughter's lives again and again. In his words, I am his noble man.

Lao Yu completely put down his identity as an overbearing president and drank happily with me. Everyone couldn't stop him. When we drank too much, we thought of our sad things and cried with our heads in our arms, which broke everyone's eyes.

I don't know how much I drank. It's broken anyway. I slept until the next morning and still had a splitting headache. It can be seen that I really drank too much yesterday.

I rubbed my head and asked the demon if he made a fool of himself yesterday. The demon hummed twice and said that I didn't make a fool of myself, but cried and laughed. He also hugged Lao Yu and told Yu Yinyin that I'm friends with your father. Don't make any plans for me in the future. Hearing this, my buddy almost didn't fall out of bed. It's embarrassing that he didn't make a fool of himself!

The demon then said, thanks to sister long taking care of you all night, otherwise the house will become a garbage dump. I was stunned and asked, why didn't Zhao Jingnan take care of me? The demon was angry at Zhao Jingnan and said that the boy had drunk too much. He kept crying with Xiaobei's thigh, and then he was almost kicked to death by Xiaobei.

Fainted. Why did the bastard drink so much and provoke Xiaobei for Mao? He deserved to be kicked to death.

I smashed it, smashed it and asked again. Sister long shouldn't take care of me. Xiaodie has been with me for so long and is my assistant. It's her job to take care of me. The demon said it was the result of their discussion, because sister long had seen through your whole body, so she didn't care more this time.

Hearing this, I felt wrong: "what do you mean, don't care more?"

"You threw up yesterday. How can you sleep without changing your clothes?" The demon has no good airway.

Surprised, I quickly opened the quilt and saw myself wearing clean pajamas. I immediately wanted to die. If I drink too much and make a fool of myself, I need a girl to change my clothes. How can I meet people in the future?

The demon suddenly chuckled and said, "anyway, sister long will wear clothes for you. You have a skin kiss. This marriage will be justified. It's settled!"

As soon as I heard it, I was worried: "your family's touch of the body is the kiss of the skin? What's it like for me to kiss Xiaobei and Xiaodie? Isn't it an old husband and wife? "

"Even the old husband and wife can't marry them. They must marry sister long!" The demon said firmly.

Then someone knocked at the door and told me to go downstairs for breakfast. I'm so tangled in my heart. In fact, I'm very hungry. I really have no face to go out and meet people. Then wait a minute. I'll go down when they're all finished.

After twenty minutes, I put on my clothes and went out. Unexpectedly, I just met Yu Yinyin. She was embarrassed to see her, but she burst out laughing and said, "Uncle Qin, I remember your teachings and will never like Uncle Qin in the future." With that, he couldn't help giggling. The smiling man's face turned red and wanted to find a ground to drill in.

Fortunately, Yu Shaoming appeared at this time, helped me resolve my embarrassment and chatted with me downstairs. At the restaurant, everyone hasn't finished yet. They're all there. One by one, Zhao Jingnan endured a smile. Only Zhao Jingnan had a bitter face, like his father who had just died. It seemed that he was bullied by these women's army again.

After breakfast, Yu Shaoming didn't go to the company and accompanied me to have tea in the living room. Suddenly received a call, hung up and told me that all your cases have been solved. I was stunned and asked what case?

As soon as Yu Shaoming said it, he found out the identity of sister long early, so he went to help us through the relationship with Longhu in Shenmu. Originally, sister long was framed. It's not difficult to deal with this matter. In just four days, Longhu police found out the truth and withdrew the wanted warrant for sister long.

I can't help but be very grateful to him. Lao Yu is so righteous. He wants to help you. He does it without saying anything. He won't tell you until it's done. Well, sister long can finally make a fair appearance. And I'm Zheng Dakai. He also said hello. Even if Deng Xiaoting goes to the police station to sue me, the police station will not accept it. At most, it will register according to ordinary family disputes.

Besides, the current situation of Deng Xiaoting's mother and daughter will certainly not sue me, but I am worried about their mother and daughter's future.

Lao Yu saw through my mind and told me that Deng Xiaoting could stay in Hengyang and find a job for her. At the same time, he would help me look after their mother and daughter.

I couldn't help but rejoice. This arrangement was the best, so I sincerely thanked you.

Lao Yu put his arm around my shoulder and said, "you saved my life. It's nothing to do something for you. We are friends in need. Don't be polite to me!"

I nodded and stopped talking polite.

Lao Yu then sighed and said, "I can see that you love Chenchen very much, but... Don't mention it. What are your plans in the future?"

In my heart, I was dejected and said, "I'm leaving Hengyang today."

Lao Yu was neither surprised nor asked me to stay. He told me that he could spend the money on the card without worry. Without him, he would add it at any time.

We said to go and booked a ticket to Sichuan. I have talked with Deng Xiaoting. She agrees to stay here and appreciates what I have done for their mother and daughter.

In fact, we need to recuperate. Hengyang is a good place, but I don't want to stay here for a moment. Lao yu should have seen what was on my mind, so he didn't stay. Going to Sichuan is just a random place on the map, because everyone is still arguing about where to go, so it's like throwing a coin.

Since entering the airport in the morning, Zhao Jingnan has been depressed. I'm surprised that this is not his style. I should get used to being angry with several girls. Why is Mao so unhappy this time?

While waiting for the plane, I couldn't help asking what was wrong with the boy. Unexpectedly, he cried and sobbed on my shoulder.

"What's the matter?" My heart says I won't be deprived of my virginity by anyone, will I? While asking, he turned his head and looked at the girls next to him. They also looked at us strangely. Obviously, they didn't know what the boy was because of.

"I'm lovelorn..."

Hearing this, we suddenly realized that we had been kicked by Chen Guangmei. I patted him on the shoulder. Just about to comfort him, the boy said, "she said she liked the president and sent a picture of taking care of the president in the hospital yesterday..."

I immediately felt a burst of consternation. Didn't Beast 2 be seduced by the ghost?