Chapter 616

Name:Evil's With Me Author:qiu feng han
Yu Yinyin said that her father was very conceited. He had never appreciated a person like me and trusted me so much. The old building was an office building built in the 1990s. Because it was haunted, it was abandoned a few years after it was handed over. Until now.

President Yu later bought it and renovated three rooms on the fourth floor, which were used for his own refuge. As for what to avoid and why to choose here, Mr. Yu never said. However, he sent a message to me. There was a secret hidden in the building, which he had not found so far. If I can find it, I may be able to solve many truths, which is also of great help to resolve the current dilemma.

Yu Yinyin said that because this building is a ghost building well known to Hengyang people, no one dares to approach, so hiding here is the safest. And before she arrived at the hotel, she had sent someone to destroy all the monitoring near the door. In addition, this was the Yu family's car. With their status in Hengyang, even if someone suspected, no one dared to trace it.

I'm sure of this. I'm just curious. What secrets are hidden in this building and are related to my current dilemma? President Yu also plans to take refuge here at a critical time. Isn't he afraid to live here?

However, this is not a problem to think about at the moment. The most urgent thing is to find them. What's the matter with you these days? They're addicted to disappearances. If I had known this, I wouldn't have brought them to Hengyang.

I frowned and said, "do you know where Hei Chenchen and some of my friends are now and what happened to them?"

Yu Yinyin shook her head: "although we flew back to Hengyang last night to attend the engagement banquet of Ning and Zhang families, I stayed at home because... I was still uncomfortable. After receiving my father's call, all my attention was on you, not on Chenchen's whereabouts. "

"Do you know Chenchen?" I turned my head again, and she hurried back.

Khan, can't you sit a little farther, so you're not tired?

"I knew her when I was a child, but she was lonely and we never had a good relationship." Yu Yinyin finally moved aside, "so we didn't know much from childhood. Then she disappeared for a few years, and now we are almost strangers, otherwise I wouldn't have gone to her engagement party. "

"Then her hometown is Hengyang. Why do you live in a hotel? Is there no real estate here?" I asked puzzled again.

Yu Yinyin frowned gently and said, "Uncle Ning has always been doing business abroad and rarely returns to Hengyang. Chenchen can be said to have grown up alone in his hometown. Since Chenchen disappeared, all the properties under Ning's name have been sold. This time, I can only stay in a hotel. "

Her so-called disappearance is that black knife went to Maoshan college, but Ning Zhongtian wanted to sell all the real estate. Even if she didn't plan to go back to her hometown, she didn't need these money. Like a daughter, like a father. Father and daughter are like mysteries. Sometimes it's hard to guess.

I suddenly saw a light in front of me and asked Yu Yinyin, "do you think Ning Zhongtian was behind the scenes when you said that my friend was missing and your father lost contact, and I was involved in the murder?"

My friend suspected that Ning Zhongtian made a counterattack in advance in order to prevent Zhang's retaliation. He used Zhang Tianhua to hijack Deng Xiaoting's mother and daughter and asked me to be cannon fodder. Then I was cornered and obediently handed over the secret of the demon's nine sons. It can be said that killing two birds with one stone.

Yu Yinyin suddenly stared at Mei Mei's eyes. She was as surprised as seeing an alien creature. She only heard her say, "why do you think so? Uncle Ning is not such a person, otherwise my father would never have such a strong relationship with him. Besides, you should know one thing. How can Zhangjia and Yujia, who have the strength in Hengyang, develop abroad all the year round and have no foundation here, move our two families? "

It's true that as a man, I can't make friends with shameless people. Besides, Ning Zhongtian really can't provoke these two local snakes. Does it mean that president Yu lost contact because he was anxious to protect Ning Zhongtian? In fact, Zhang Tianhua did not really die, but pretended to die?

Yes, it's probably so!

After Zhang Tianhua was sealed by me, he completely lost the capital to compete with me, so he used a conspiracy to frame me by pretending to die.

At the same time, he took revenge unexpectedly. He caught Mr. Yu unprepared and caught him and the black knife. Maybe even Ning Zhongtian couldn't run away. President Yu probably informed his daughter in advance to protect me out of his keen sense of danger. Only by keeping me can they hope to survive.

It can be seen that Mr. Yu's strength is far inferior to that of Zhang Jia. In other words, in terms of conspiracy, Mr. Yu is not the opponent of Lao Zhang and his son.

Well, I have a few points in my heart for this broken building. There must be a secret about Zhangjia in it. If this secret is found and made public, Zhangjia may fall.

To understand this, he said to Yu Yinyin, "I know what to do. Go back. And... I don't know if I'm going to stay here for a few days. Remember to send us something to eat. "

Yu Yinyin said, "I have prepared the food early. It's all in the trunk."

I was stunned: "why didn't you let me bring it up before going upstairs?"

Yu Yinyin said, "what's the hurry? Besides, I don't know if you agree to live here."

Well, you have as many minds as your father. I smiled and said, "let's go down. I'll take something and you'll leave."

Yu Yinyin was stunned and said, "what are you leaving? My father said, "I have to follow you to be safe."

The man couldn't help blinking and asked, "what do you mean, you live here, too?"

"Hum!" Yu Yinyin ordered the beautiful head melon.

"But there are only two bedrooms..."

"Isn't there a sofa?"

I was speechless.

Since she won't go, I won't rush down to get something. But Yu Yinyin was a little worried. She said it would be dark later. She didn't dare to walk around the building after dark.

Then go down now. I said hello to Deng Xiaoting in the bedroom and told them not to go out. Just in case, he pasted a talisman on the door and opened the door.

Unexpectedly, I suddenly saw a strange situation and stopped.

Yu Yinyin was too tight behind. She was caught off guard and hit me hard on the back. She complained bitterly, "how can you stop without saying hello? It hurts me!"

The demon also asked curiously, "what's the matter? It looks like a ghost. It's getting more and more worthless."

I said in my heart, "look at the ground carefully."

"What's wrong with the ground, isn't it good..." the dead girl stopped here and hissed, "why didn't your footprints disappear when you came? Just now I've been paying attention to the changes of the surrounding breath, and I didn't notice the ghost spirit. "

My heart says your nose is lame again. If there are no dead ghosts, how to explain the disappeared footprints? It seems that the dead ghost is extraordinary. We have met the best goods again!