Chapter 594

Name:Evil's With Me Author:qiu feng han
I said impatiently, "stop talking nonsense and say it quickly."

The old blind man snorted and smiled: "don't pretend to me. I know you must be angry now and burn the flame of anger and hatred. You must want to bite me to death? Hahaha, OK, now I tell you, this soul refining mouth is sealed in a soul snatching cave. You are only allowed to enter and not to leave. Once someone breaks in, they will immediately seize the soul and open the soul refining mouth, and all the angry souls that are being tempered will come out.

"But you have a soul seal on your body. They want to pull your ghost into the well, but they can't. when they become angry, they will tear up your body and eat your soul. That taste is far more ecstatic than going to hell. This is the special death method I prepared for you. Are you satisfied? "

I smiled and said, "satisfied, this is the way I dream of dying. Thank you for your success. But before I die, I want to know all the truth. Can you always meet this last wish? "

Tong Tong cried and said, "master, can't you be serious?"

The old blind man said with a smile: "of course, it will take some time for these resentful souls to break through my soul seal. This is what I did on purpose so that you can get the truth and understand it. Three life blessing daughter is not the wife of one of the nine sons born by the demon, but her daughter-in-law. These seven graves are called seven son graves. They are the graves of the seven children of the demon son. These seven children are seven little blessings... "

The surprise in my heart when he said this was beyond words. Yard, it turns out that seven Xiaofu is the son of dace. No wonder it's not a ghost or a demon. That's the seven yuan gods!

The old blind man went on to say that the third life blessing girl was not called blessing girl, but called the third life girl. It was the combination of human and ghost corpses. At that time, he was liked by seven Xiaofu at the same time, so the seven brothers married him together, that is to say, he was a woman and seven husbands. After he became the wife of qixiaofu, he changed his name to Fu nu.

Later, the demon son of the nine sons was seriously injured when fighting with several brothers. In order to keep the yuan God and immortal body after death, he ate the flesh of seven children.

Hearing this, I was even more shocked. It was the evil nature of the demon to eat his own flesh and bones to heal his wounds. Didn't Bian Ying save his life by eating his own children at that time?

But I interrupted him: "don't always bring a demon to have nine sons. It's really troublesome. Let me tell you, this demon son is called dace."

The old blind man opened his mouth in amazement: "is it called dace? How do you know?"

Ya doesn't even know the name of the Lord's father-in-law. There's no one to be a dog leg.

At the moment, those angry souls have begun to be restless and want to attack the soul seal. I don't have a good airway: "time is running out. Speak quickly."

The old blind man rolled his eyes and went on to say that after the death of Qi Xiaofu, he was buried here, hence the name of Qi Zifen. The three life blessing women were forced to be buried. Because the seven husbands were one wife, the seven tombs were repaired. At the same time, the evil situation of seven killing Lianzhu was formed, which destroyed the Feng Shui here and prevented the construction of civilian houses nearby, so that the seven son tombs could be kept quiet.

But sanmingfu was unwilling to die. She had been secretly communicating with another demon son among the nine sons of the demon. I learned that although the dace was not dead, it was not alive. Shizi just saved his life. He was half dead and didn't wake up. According to the current words, he was a vegetable. Therefore, the original gods of the seven children were imprisoned in the tomb and tempered in the hope that one day they would raise the body for them to swallow, and then they could wake up and recover.

What is imprisoned in the tomb, whose tomb? I couldn't help but wonder in my heart and interrupted the old blind man: "make it clear, whose tomb is qixiaofu trapped in and where is that tomb?"

The old blind man said that it was the tomb of dace. It was said that it was located in a secret place in Yanghu City, and no one could find it.

I wipe it. Before anyone can find it, my friend went in. Unexpectedly, the ancient tomb under Yanghu lake is the demon Tomb of dace!

It's not right. The ancient tomb has no remains of dace for Mao, but sister Wu used the coffin to refine the corpse. What kind of hatred? Since he is imprisoned, why can qixiaofu run back to his kennel? On second thought, he suddenly realized that the dace, like the boss, had made a lot of suspected tombs, including the devil command post.

Under the Yanghu lake is to imprison the seven little blessings, so the soul refining mouth is not to create the seven little blessings, but to temper them. A part of its original God was hidden in the grave of the command post in order to wait for me. The real tomb, like the demon pupil, is a mystery that is difficult to solve.

This bastard is cunning enough. I don't even know where his body is.

These thoughts flashed through my mind. I just heard the old blind man say that Qi Xiaofu was trapped in the tomb and couldn't get away, but he was sent to nine children by another demon. My heart is cold. Aren't the nine children sent in for tonic for the nine children?

The old blind man said that the demon had the ability to predict. He had long known that the seven little blessings would be broken up on that day, so he arranged a girl among the nine children to collect the scattered yuan gods into the body. With a young psychic body, he could not only recover the seven little blessings, but also form a demon fetus, and then transfer it to the three life blessing female's abdomen for pregnancy.

This kind of pregnancy can only be produced in one day, and what is born is a powerful "demon king fetus". With the hatred of being swallowed in the previous life, go to the dace for revenge.

Hearing this, I finally understood that this is another secret contest between Lin and dace. Sister Wu, the little corpse devil and the nine child tonic should be carefully designed. It seems that there are no underpants left in the five burial tombs, but with this move, the dace will eventually be buried with the dace.

What is the hatred between their brothers? Why do they have to fight to the death? In fact, they are such inhuman demons that even children can eat. What's the matter with brothers fighting? Do you think I'm out of my mind to explore the root cause?

Thinking of this, I asked, "is an Xiao the host for cultivating the demon king's fetus? Is that what your wife said about the task? "

The old blind man said with a smile, "it's a demon fetus cultivated by ANN Xiaoxiao, but the task my aunt said is not the same as what I want to do."

I asked puzzledly, "you said that a girl received seven small blessings at that time, but the oldest of the nine children was only two or three years old..."

The old blind man interrupted me and said, "yes, it was really three years old at that time, but when cultivating the yuan God, he was also bitten by the evil spirit. Like a growth promoter, an Xiao grew up to seven or eight years old in six months. If it takes another six months, she will become a girl of fifteen or sixteen. "

His uncle, I didn't expect that sister Wu was still working for the clinic. What's the nine child tonic? The real purpose is to bring the seven little blessings out of the tomb. They should be cursed and can't leave the ancient tomb for half a step. Only when the yuan God is scattered can they break the curse.