Chapter 509

Name:Evil's With Me Author:qiu feng han
Aunt Yu almost fainted when Uncle Xiang said this. She gnashed her teeth and scolded, "you old bastard, it was you who hurt him and drove him out of Zheng town. You said, "why did you do this?"

"For what? Because he is an orphan, he wants to break us up, but also for this stone! " Meng Yao's voice was particularly excited and bitter, "Zheng Daxiang, am I right? You tell everyone what you've done and let them listen. Are you an asshole? "

Uncle Xiang trembled and nodded quickly. His daughter is a ghost now and hates him to the bone. Can he not be afraid?

He then covered his face and talked about the past. It was eight years ago. Bingfeng and Mengyao were only 17 years old. Two people have been childhood friends and inseparable from each other since childhood. That feeling is not generally deep. The two are handsome men and beautiful women. In everyone's eyes, they are a perfect couple.

But Uncle Xiang was not happy, because Bing Feng was an orphan since childhood. His parents died when he was born. His uncle brought him up. As a result, at the age of twelve, the uncle's family also suffered a catastrophe and was buried in the fire. From then on, they were helpless and worked in a coffin shop for a living.

A disaster star who killed the whole family, and a poor uncle Xiang with old traditional ideas, how can he agree to marry his daughter to him. Although aunt Yu liked the young man very much, she was still on the same front with Uncle Xiang when it came to choosing a son-in-law.

But Uncle Xiang's old couple's opposition was useless, and his daughter didn't listen at all. Uncle Xiang secretly asked Bing Feng for trouble and warned him not to be nice to his daughter again. Bing Feng was just an ordinary thin young man at that time. He couldn't beat strong uncle Xiang at all, so he was beaten less. Finally, he was forced to break up with Mengyao.

I thought it was over, but I didn't expect that they broke up in a fake way. One night, uncle Xiang went out for a walk. Somehow, on a whim, he went to his vegetable field to have a look. Unexpectedly, he ran into bing Feng and Meng Yao, hiding in the vegetable field and whispering.

Do you think uncle Xiang can stand it? Hold down the ice front and beat him to death. Mengyao couldn't pull it away. Finally, she knelt on the ground and begged him. That didn't work. Until he broke an arm of Bing Feng, he didn't stop the pain. But seeing her daughter hate herself, she got angry again and asked Bing Feng to get out of Zhengjia town tomorrow, otherwise she would fight every time she saw her.

This is not over, because seeing him kiss Mengyao, we must take out his baby as compensation. In fact, it was completely his selfishness, because everyone in the town knew that when Bing Feng was born, he had a stone in his mouth. Although it's not jade, Aunt Liu said it was a treasure.

Since it's a baby, everyone is jealous. Uncle Xiang took this opportunity to take it away.

The next day, Bingfeng left Zhengjia town and never came back. Mengyao was also dejected. After more than half a year, she also worked hard and was admitted to the University. I don't want to stay at home and take a more look at Uncle Xiang.

When she went to college, she didn't tell anyone about it, including aunt Yu. So I didn't come back for a year until I dropped out of school. Years ago, because I missed aunt Yu too much, I came back for a year. Unexpectedly, this parting separated Yin and Yang.

My heart said that no wonder Mengyao hated uncle Xiang so much. Bing Feng was the love of her life and was torn apart by Sheng Sheng. What's more hateful is that even if you beat someone, you wronged someone else's baby. Mengyao is obviously ashamed not to tell anyone.

Just listen to Uncle Xiang go on, in fact, later he also regretted it, but after Bing Feng left Zhengjia Town, his whereabouts were unknown, and he couldn't find anyone to apologize. There was nothing strange about the stone. He put it in a box under the bed. Two years later, when I cleaned the bottom of the bed, I found that it was missing. Because I thought it was worthless, I didn't find it. Unexpectedly, it was stolen by Lao hang and became a nightmare for the Zheng family.

After listening to him, aunt Yu scolded bitterly, "you old shameless. Even if the two children do wrong, they are still young. Why do you beat people so hard and corrupt their things? Bing Feng has had a hard life since he was a child. We don't agree to this marriage, and we can't do it too well. Drive him out of Zhengjia town. You're really an animal! "

It's not hard to hear these words. Aunt Yu is a kind-hearted and reasonable woman. Uncle Xiang was scolded. His old face turned red. It seemed that he wanted to find a ground to drill in.

When Uncle Xiang was finished, I turned to Lao hang and said, "it's your turn. Why do you want to hurt the Zheng family?"

Lao hang hung his head in shame and said, "six years ago, Bing Feng secretly came back to me, gave me a lot of money and gave me a Feng Shui secret. Tell me to steal the stone back and cultivate the old master of the Zheng family into an immortal corpse according to the method he taught... "

Hearing this, uncle Xiang jumped up, pointed to Lao Hang's nose and scolded, "how much money did he give you, you will lose all conscience and want to kill our family?"

Old hang covered his face and said, "I'm not greedy for money. I'm mainly interested in that Feng Shui secret skill. I can't buy it for much money, so I covered my heart with lard and did something worse than animals..."

I understand. At that time, Bing Feng had entered Maoshan college. With his unforgettable ability, he must have copied a Feng Shui secret book collected by the college to tempt Lao hang. This secret technique is undoubtedly a great temptation for a Feng Shui gentleman. Coupled with a large reward, it is difficult for many people to refuse.

Besides, Lao Hang is not a good person. After the accident, he even ignored his wife and children and ran away by himself. Even if such people don't have Feng Shui secrets, they can do anything for money.

What I can't figure out is that six years ago, Bing Feng was ready to die early and reincarnate into the belly of an immortal corpse? And how this ghost can be transformed into a "fairy fetus" has always been something I can't figure out.

But then, under the pressure of his friends, Lao hang told the mystery of this immortal corpse embryo. The key is the strange stone. Not only will the ghost be transformed into a corpse fetus, but also the old man's corpse and coffin, which have already been corrupted, will be restored to their original state.

All people in this industry know that only when the corpse is not rotten can they develop zombies and then evolve into immortal corpses. This can restore the dead wood to spring, a handful of rotten bones to grow blood and flesh again, and the coffin and shroud that have rotted into mud can be restored. In fact, this stone is amazing.

Unfortunately, with the disintegration of the cub, it was also crushed, and can no longer be taken back for a good study.

Mengyao interrupted at this time: "you all say that stone is a treasure, but what is it really, do you know?"

Uncle Xiang certainly didn't know, and Lao hang shook his head and didn't know anything about it. Obviously, Bing Feng just taught him how to do bad things, but didn't tell the origin of this thing.

Mengyao then said, "it's called life stone. It's a life thing that every demon descendant will bring out from his mother's womb when he is born, symbolizing his identity!"