Chapter 500

Name:Evil's With Me Author:qiu feng han
It's normal for the demon to say you don't understand. This is a very rare "immortal corpse seed fetus". Tianmen secret is not recorded.

I once heard the Taoist priest Er Mei say that while the immortal corpse is pregnant, there must be a woman in the offspring who is born to live a happy life. The old zongzi absorbs the blessing and longevity, and then eats the baby, and the "immortal fetus" in the belly will be born in the shape of a baby. After birth, they will live in the world like normal children. But after eighteen, they will turn into demons!

Generally speaking, there is a reason for this. The old man will not turn into immortal corpses for no reason, and immortal corpses will not grow embryos for no reason. This has nothing to do with Feng Shui, but because of the curse. No matter how good the geomantic omen of the cemetery is, it can't stop this from happening.

Once the immortal corpse seed embryo is formed, it can not be dissolved. It can not be killed or burned. If you forcibly cast a spell, it will turn immortal fetus one into two and two into four. It will multiply endlessly and invade all nearby cemeteries. At that time, the rotten bones will be reborn, all turned into immortal corpses and planted with magic fetuses!

I couldn't help hearing that my scalp was numb and my back was cold.

"Is there no way to destroy them?"

The demon said yes. Unless the root of the curse is found, the so-called person who unties the bell must tie the bell. If he can't find the curse, he can only let it be born. Then send the child to the temple and use Buddhism or Taoism to dissolve the evil nature of the body.

While talking, he ran out of town with Xiaobei and returned to the cemetery. Sister long hid behind me and said timidly, "the old man is back in the coffin again, but her stomach has been bulging and looks very scary!"

I thought that the old man fled back to the coffin. He should be frightened by the dream of returning to the dark heart. Can be special? This old zongzi is like tofu falling into the ash. It can't be blown or beaten. What should I do?

Xiao Bei immediately saw the result from the long grass. He poured a circle of body oil around the grave and sprinkled two handfuls of glutinous rice. Finally, he put the body oil lamp on the grave, kneaded the formula and read a few words. It was obvious that the grave was completely sealed. Even if the old man was dissected again, he could not get through it.

After reading, Xiaobei breathed a sigh of relief and looked back to see Sufang running over with the child in her arms. Her angry eyebrows stood up and she scolded coldly, "do you mean to kill your whole family? If the child had been given a new surname earlier, it would not have happened... "

Zheng Mengyao interrupted her and said, "you're trying to kill our family. This is a fairy corpse embryo. Do you understand?"

Xiaobei eyebrows a pick: "I know this is a fairy corpse embryo, but if the child doesn't change his surname, he will be brutally poisoned!"

Zheng Mengyao was even more angry when she heard this. She stared at Sufang's eyes and shouted, "it's better to sacrifice a child than kill everyone in the town?"

I felt a burst of consternation. Hearing what she meant, how did I plan to push Doudou into the fire pit?

Beckham said angrily, "it's nonsense! Let an innocent child save others. Is that still human? Get out of here, or I'll be rude! "

The demon sighed sadly and said, "but if you don't sacrifice Doudou, it will kill more people." In the tone of the dead girl, it also seemed very tangled.

In fact, there is nothing to tangle with. The child is also a life. None of us has the right to decide her life and death. Zheng Mengyao forcibly seizes the house, so she is not qualified to represent Doudou herself. If she insists on doing so, she will be the murderer!

Zheng Mengyao said, "this is Doudou's decision. You have no right to interfere. It's you who should roll!"

Xiaobei almost vomited blood, rolled his eyes and said, "why do you say it's the child's own decision? I tell you, even your mother is not the Zheng family in the real sense, let alone the child. It's only natural to change her surname! "

"You're talking nonsense!" Zheng Mengyao couldn't help coming forward and was held by me.

"Xiaobei, what do you mean, this is not the Zheng family?" I suddenly doubted mengkai, who was killed by the old master.

Xiaobei was stunned: "how do you know my name?"

"It doesn't matter..."

As soon as I said this, the demon suddenly said, "no, the child has been invaded by evil spirits!"

Can't you? Xiaobei used the corpse to seal the grave. How can the immortal corpse seed fetus stretch out its claws again? But I still turned my head and looked. When I went, Doudou did have an accident. At the moment, with a pair of small eyes open, I was sending out an evil ferocious smile!

Zheng Mengyao immediately found this situation. Just after scolding an asshole, Doudou suddenly broke free of her arm and rushed out. Standing in front of the grave, he immediately jumped on the grave and blew out the corpse oil lamp. This thing can't compare with the bright flame. Although the wind can't blow out, it can't stand the attack of evil Qi.

We were all surprised when the oil lamp went out.

Su Fang immediately closed her eyes and fell down. Zheng Mengyao went out and seemed to want to return to Doudou.

But at the same time, Doudou suddenly disappeared, just like the air, and disappeared!

Then came Zheng Mengyao's scream, which rang through the whole cemetery, but then it was silent again.

My heart is not good. Zheng Mengyao was attacked. But I'm surprised. It's reasonable to say that ghost immortals should be very powerful and not inferior to immortal corpses. How does it sound like they have suffered a loss?

Xiaobei was just stunned. He immediately lit the corpse oil lamp again. Then he turned around and looked around. He seemed to be looking for the strange cry just now.

At this time, sister long whispered behind her: "Doudou... Into the coffin, in the old man's arms!"

After listening to this sentence, my hair almost didn't explode. Doudou is a human, not a corpse fairy. How did I get in?

The demon immediately said, "the evil spirit on Doudou just now came from a freak. Doudou temporarily had the ability to disintegrate the corpse, broke through the grave soil and went into the coffin. But I don't understand how the freak put his hand out when the corpse oil lamp sealed the grave. Also, if it is not afraid of the corpse oil lamp, why should it be blown out? "

I suddenly thought of one thing and blurted out, "photos, it must be the trapped wisp of divine consciousness in the photos that ran out!"

"What divine sense? Why didn't I find it just now?" The demon asked puzzled.

My heart says you're okay to say that the wisp of divine knowledge is frankly the original God of the freak. In the afternoon, it suddenly invaded Doudou's Lingqiao, and Zheng Mengyao didn't stop it. We can see the horror of this thing. It's probably the same as autopsy. When you find out, it's already on your upper body.

Zheng Mengyao must have had an accident. She couldn't control her divine consciousness in the afternoon. Finally, she was forced to introduce photos and relied on my help. Well, this freak's ability is far stronger than we thought. Maybe Zheng Mengyao was also caught in the coffin!

Sure enough, I only heard the crash sound in the coffin, mixed with a woman's cry: "put out the corpse oil lamp, I'm going out!"