Chapter 497

Name:Evil's With Me Author:qiu feng han
We hurriedly looked down at the photos on the ground. Although the light in the room was a little dim, we could see them clearly. The baby in the photo is grinning, the smile is very gloomy, and two lines of blood and tears flow out of his eyes. It's really strange and frightening!

This is an old photo twenty years ago. Blood and tears are not dyed from the outside, but printed in the photo. I was a little surprised when I saw it. My scalp was numb. Did Mengyao know something had happened at home and come back?

When Uncle Xiang saw it, he reacted more than aunt Yu. He immediately squatted down with his head in his arms and his whole body trembled like chaff. Su Fang was completely scared and silly. She clubbed there like a stone carving and didn't move.

However, sister long bent down to pick up the photo and showed no fear. Looking at the photo, her eyes blurred and said, "is this the photo of Mengyao when she was a child?"

She must know Mengyao, but now is not the time for you to express your feelings. I grabbed the photo and said coldly, "I don't care who you are, I'll leave quickly, or I'll be impolite!" A trace of Taoist spirit came from his fingers to let the other party understand that his brother is not talking big.

Then the photo trembled slightly. Doudou in his arms raised his head, opened his eyes, showed a panic look, stretched out two small hands and covered the photo. I suddenly understood her meaning, handed the picture to sister long again, bit the index finger of my right hand and drew a cross on the picture.

"Southern fire order, upper envoy Liuding. Jiutianlishi, a million elite soldiers. God is dead and ghosts are dead. After three days, everything was taken. Urgent as a law. " At the same time, he recited the forbidden mantra in his heart.

At the moment of reciting the spell, the blood cross faintly flashed a layer of blood light, and then disappeared quickly. Immediately following the photo summary, Mengyao's smile disappeared and turned into an angry expression. Her two wide eyes seemed to spray fire.

The forbidden curse has been revealed and suppressed the evil in the photo.

Doudou breathed a sigh of relief and leaned softly in my arms. At the moment, a pair of small eyes became very clear, even without blood.

My heart moved and I lowered my voice and asked in her ear, "are you the reincarnation of Mengyao?"

Doudou nodded gently and wiped. Mengyao reincarnated and returned to Zheng's house, and still with his previous life memory!

How is this possible? However, at the end of the bridge, Meng Po will not give any reincarnation ghost the opportunity to cross the bridge with memory. How did Mengyao do it?

My heart is extremely shocked and confused.

"Who's in the picture?" I whispered again. Although I know it's a freak in the grave, I don't know its identity. Is it a ghost or just the divine consciousness of zombies?

Doudou stared at the picture and shook his head. I don't know whether he doesn't want to say it or because he can't tell me. But it doesn't matter. Now that she's back to normal, there's no need to worry about bleeding and tears.

I hurriedly asked aunt Yu to get the yellow paper, drew a talisman to suppress all evil deeds, and pasted it on the photo. Because I don't know what kind this thing belongs to, it's the right way to suppress all evil talismans.

Aunt Yu asked me fearlessly, "Da Kai, can you draw runes? Does this work? Why did something happen to Mengyao's photos when she was a child? "

I said with certainty, "it works! Aunt, don't ask any more. It's all about the cemetery. " Then she asked Sufang to bring a small quilt and swaddle Doudou.

"Sufang, you must send the child out five miles away!" I especially told her that three li is a boundary, and five li is more safe.

Although Su Fang was very reluctant, she knew it was not a joke, so she nodded with tears and walked away with Doudou in her arms. But when she went out, Doudou was struggling again. She couldn't help shaking her head at me. It seemed that this couldn't solve the problem. Instead, she could help if she stayed.

My heart said that although you were reincarnated, you knew nothing about Taoism and didn't understand what kind of evil consequences nine withered grass would bring. Wave to her and signal that she doesn't care. I'll take care of everything. Hearing this, Doudou heard a scream in the yard, and seemed unwilling to leave.

Next, I'll tell Uncle Xiang to prepare the coffin quickly. Xiaobei's glutinous rice and paper figurines were all followed. I also drew some yellow talismans to drive away ghosts and evil spirits. As for the town of corpses, Xiaobei is better than me, so he doesn't have to work in vain.

Uncle Xiang immediately ran out to the coffin shop and bought a good coffin. According to my meaning, he sent it to the cemetery first. I bought glutinous rice by the way and asked the paper maker to make a paper man and bring it back together. Aunt Yu was busy preparing paper and incense offerings. When it was getting dark, everything was ready.

But Su Fang hasn't come back yet. Obviously, she doesn't give up her children and wants to stay at her relatives' house for a while.

Although there was such a big event at home that uncle Xiang and his wife were not in the mood to eat, aunt Yu still kept up her spirits and cooked some porridge for us. I had no appetite, but sister long ate a big bowl impolitely.

I was not angry and whispered to her, "you've been with me for two meals. Don't you go yet?"

Sister long took out a paper towel, gracefully wiped her lower lip and said, "it's dark. I don't have a penny. Where do you want me to live?"

Wipe, do you want some face? Just eat together. Do you want to rub it?

"If you dare to hurry with me, I will expose you and hide the truth that Zheng Mengyao is dead!" Sister long stared angrily.

I'm speechless. You're a big sister. You're a scoundrel!

As time went by, it soon reached eight o'clock and Beckham arrived as promised. She changed into a sportswear. Her long hair was tied into a ponytail at the back of her head. She looked clean and tidy.

Seeing that we had prepared something and the child had sent it out, he showed a satisfied expression. Wave to us and let's go. Uncle Xiang said wait. He found some young people to help dig graves and carry coffins. They will come soon.

Xiaobei frowned and said, "it's very dangerous. How can we ask outsiders for help? You two are enough. "

I couldn't help but say, "don't you want to die if you let the old man's descendants dig graves? And the coffin, even with two women, it can't be carried! "

Xiaobei glanced at me contemptuously and said, "with me, there will be no accident when future generations dig graves. As for the coffin, I have a way to carry it away."

Well, since she said so, there was really no need to let outsiders take risks, so we took things to the cemetery. Sister long doesn't want to go. I'm worried that this woman can do anything. She takes the opportunity to steal money at home and slip away. I said if you don't go, wait for us in the street. You can't stay at home anyway.

Sister long had no choice but to go out of town with me.

However, when I got to the cemetery, sister long whispered to me immediately, "the body in the coffin is missing!"

I was surprised and said no. the grave was intact without any trace of movement. How could it be missing?

Xiaobei also seemed to find something wrong. He stared at two nine withered grasses and said in horror, "the old man is out of the coffin!"