Chapter 468

Name:Evil's With Me Author:qiu feng han
Sure enough, I answered the ominous omen in my heart and hurriedly comforted her: "don't cry. I'll solve something. What happened?"

Deng Xiaoting sobbed and said, "just now when I was at the police station, I received a phone call from a seller asking us to collect the ancient jade. I asked for 10 million. He said yes and asked me to send it right away because he had to catch a plane. I didn't care to discuss with you. I went home and took something. Who knows... Sobbing... "I couldn't help sobbing here.

"Don't cry, go on." I actually guessed what was going on in my heart.

"Unexpectedly, they accidentally broke a blue and white porcelain vase of the Yuan Dynasty, worth 20 million... Wuwu... And our ancient jade, which was also identified as fake by them!"

Sure enough, it was such a routine. Knowing that we were eager to spend money, we dug this pit and let Deng Xiaoting jump in. The digger must be sister long. Don't you pay back 9.8 million? If you add another 20 million, you'll have to die!

The woman was so cruel that I took a deep breath and asked, "is Mengmeng following you?"

"Follow me and don't go now. What should I do, husband?" Deng Xiaoting began to cry again.

"Don't be afraid, I have a way. Tell me the address and I'll be right there. " I said.

Deng Xiaoting cried and said the address. Then I told the driver and immediately turned around and drove to the north suburb. Outside a villa, I got off and left.

The driver stopped me: "I haven't paid yet!"

I patted my pocket back and said, "I didn't bring any money or mobile phone, but I won't default. My wife broke a dollar blue and white, which is worth 20 million. Do you think I can owe you these tens of dollars? I remember the license plate number. I'll double it for you then. "

"No..." the driver was stunned when he said this. He put his head out of the window and looked a few times. "Oh, I recognize you. It's Zheng Dakai, the murderer who overturned the case. You saved a lot of people in the enchanted valley. For your courageous deeds, the fare is free this time!" Then he raised his thumb and drove away.

The little brother of the driver seems to be a man with a sense of justice.

I looked at the passing taxi and smiled. Then I came to the door of the villa. The security guard immediately opened the door and let me go. Obviously, I was waiting for me. As I walked in, I called to the demon in my heart, "put down your work. We have something important to do."

The demon was a little impatient and said, "I heard it just now. It's obviously a trap. Can you beat the Dragon sister if you don't call the police? I don't care. If you want to save this mindless wife, you can do it yourself. "

"What's the use of calling the police? If it's a genuine antique, the police can't help it. " I argued.

The demon didn't make a sound. I called her again and still didn't respond. It seems that I've made up my mind to ignore it.

Well, if you have the ability, you really don't care. When you encounter danger, I'll see if you can calm down.

After walking a few steps forward, I found that the villa was too big and more imposing than Tao Wenbo's mansion. It can be seen how high the owner's worth. There's no need to guess. Ninety nine percent of them are sister long's Kennel. But I wonder if it's just millions. It's a drop in the bucket for her. Can she do it herself?

What kind of tricks does this mysterious woman want to play?

When passing the swimming pool, the demon suddenly couldn't help but say, "this villa is different..."

I laughed contemptuously and said, "you just see it? I'm afraid no one can cover the luxury of this house in Yanghu. "

"Water donkey!" The demon scolded, "I'm not talking about how luxurious it is, but Feng Shui in the house. Don't you see a problem?"

I was stunned. I just looked at the scenery under the light and completely ignored the Feng Shui layout. At this point, there is a real problem. The so-called left Green Dragon and right white tiger. The green dragon is in the East and likes Yang. The terrain should be high. The white tiger is in the West and likes Yin. The terrain should be flat. The terrain of the courtyard is not only high in the West and low in the East, but also the rockery symbolizing the high point is placed in the West.

The west is the worst for the health of male hosts, while the southwest is good for female hosts. Even if sister long doesn't have a husband, such a layout also has a great impact on gas transportation and house safety.

Moreover, rockeries, buildings and swimming pools form a triangle, which is also taboo in Feng Shui. Since ancient times, the ancients believed that the heaven was round and the triangle was fierce. In short, it was the place of the coffin!

Moreover, the blank area in the triangle can be distinguished by the naked eye under the light, rising with wisps of Yin Qi. This Yin Qi is needless to say, it has developed a coffin ground. Yes, if you bury a body here, it will grow hair and will not rot for many years. This Yin Qi hurts women the most. According to the number of Heluo, it is limited to 28 years, that is, the hostess will die two and eight years after check-in.

Sister long is so rich that she can't afford to hire a better feng shui master to turn a good house into a dangerous house?

I was wondering. I only heard the demon say, "this Feng Shui bureau is really different. Evil is a little evil, but if the master can live in the town, wealth and power will be firmly in his hand."

I'm stunned again. Demon, you won't have a fever today. Otherwise, how can you start talking nonsense? I then turned my mouth and said, "open your demon eyes and take a closer look. It's not evil, it's fierce!"

The demon sniffed and said, "you see the positive five elements, I see the negative five elements. Feng Shui pays too much attention. Many of them are not in books. For example, there are five elements inside and five elements outside. Those who have only read Feng Shui books for a few days don't understand it at all. "

"Wait, when did a positive and negative five elements pop up again? You're making a fool of yourself?" My heart says you're a dead girl. You dare to say anything. You think you're still a tripod. How hoodwinked? What I say now, I can be regarded as a master.

The demon disdained to say, "you know more about these things than a three legged Feng Shui gentleman. The positive and negative five elements are my master's unique skills. The so-called positive five elements are orthodox Feng Shui, while the negative five elements are... Magic. Although it's a magic trick, it's not undesirable if it's well arranged and harmless to people. Moreover, the Feng Shui Bureau against the five elements is more powerful than the five elements. It is not afraid of damage. Once it is laid, it will be worry free for a hundred years. "

I was skeptical and said, "it's true or false. What I said has a nose and eyes."

The demon hummed and said, "of course it is. The changed Zuo Qinglong, right Beihu, front rosefinch and rear Xuanwu are actually not important. The core secret of the Feng Shui bureau is on rockeries, buildings and swimming pools. Do you see this triangle? The Feng Shui and Qi of the whole villa, good and bad luck, are all tied here. This is called 'three corpses build Qi'! "

"Three corpses build Qi?" I've never heard of this term. It doesn't sound like a fabrication, "why hair is not three flowers gathering at the top?"

"Get out!" The demon scolded, "a zombie is buried under the rockery, building and swimming pool!"

Wipe, it seems to be made up. I stared and said, "is it still blue and white?"

The demon Leng said, "how did you guess?"

I almost didn't spit out a mouthful of old blood: "how did I guess? I also guess you will say that it is because of the condensation of corpse gas that the whole villa aura is changed and the owner's luck is enhanced, right? I can make up several different ones for you at one go. Would you like to try them? "

The demon almost died of anger: "shut up! Not change the villa atmosphere, but change the villa and the whole atmosphere nearby. Have you seen that this place is actually very poor in Feng Shui? Why is there only a lonely villa and no other luxury houses? If it is arranged according to the positive five elements, what can be done is to ensure the safety of the house, which is not very helpful in wealth and fame. The three corpses build Qi is different. What the anti five elements want is to turn rotten Feng Shui into magic. The effect of changing Qi against the sky is much greater than the development of feng shui treasure land. "