Chapter 364

Name:Evil's With Me Author:qiu feng han
In addition to being shocked and angry, I couldn't understand it. Although demons pretend to be other people's voices and can confuse the true with the false, how do you know that demons always call me water donkey? And how can you teach me to crack hallucinations and care about me so much?

These thoughts flashed through my mind. At the same time, the lip fish baby had rushed over. His face was full of ferocious and evil smile, and his mouth shouted in the voice of a demon: "will you be surprised, surprised?"

Nima, I really want to tear it up, knead it into a ball and step on it a hundred times under my feet!

Now I don't need to do it at all. Tong Tong raised the Qingling stab on my right hand and stabbed the abdomen of this dead thing. Although it is a post start, the speed is not slow at all. If the strange baby doesn't dodge, it is bound to be stabbed.

Who knows, this thing doesn't hide or stop attacking. It rushes straight over, as if it automatically sends its abdomen to Qingling stab. However, at the moment of stabbing it, it suddenly turned around, slid aside, opened its mouth and bit my arm.

This is the smartest and seems to have the highest IQ after encountering countless strange babies. It's really a bit bad if you fight alone. Fortunately, Xiaodie, Chen Ziyun and Gu Rong nearby shot in time. The strange baby was forced to turn over and fly back, which resolved one of my crises.

"Brother, how does this strange baby call you water donkey? You look so familiar. " Zhao Jingnan asked.

"Shut up, you water donkey!" I was not angry and scolded him. I shook my hand and lit the bright flame finger. Then I felt nine copper coins and threw them out, forming a nine palace ice fire.

At this time, the whole ice cave was completely disordered and turned into a terrible hell. Snake demons, fox demons, wolf demons, yellow skins, hedgehogs and mice, almost all the animals you can think of, have become evil spirits.

There are also many ghosts, most of which are female ghosts, but in terms of appearance, the types are different. Like hanging ghosts, intestinal dragging ghosts, hair ghosts, headless ghosts and hungry ghosts, these things can be seen at a glance.

Fortunately, Jiugong Binghuo was arranged in time to block more than a dozen threatening demons and ghosts. I shook the flame finger again and let out a flame. There was a big sweep behind me, and I forced several demons and ghosts to attack.

Then waved the formula to expand the scope of Jiugong ice and fire, and several of us hurried into the circle. At this time, there was a mess, but I couldn't see the hateful strange baby. It must know where the demon is and what the situation is now, so it must be captured alive.

But in the current chaos, these demon prisoners are not united. They come and go vertically and horizontally, collide with each other, and will also provoke each other and fight each other. Man, I'm really worried that the little boy will die in the chaos.

Because there are many people here, the more demons and ghosts we attract. Although these things are not worthy of carrying shoes compared with Nine Tailed Fox and green head, we usually have a lot of trouble dealing with one of them, not to mention so many. I blew out the flame finger and focused all my energy on the nine palace ice and fire.

With the ice flame and imperial thunder sword of Chen Ziyun, Xiaodie and Gu Rong, four or five were soon destroyed. A wolf demon also had one hind leg cut off. The hair ghost burned all his hair and became a ghost nun!

Hair ghost's hair, but it is full of ghost heads it killed. In the burning, the shrill sound of ghost crying and wolf howling spread all over the cave. Frightening and numbing.

These demons and ghosts are not fools. They can't siege us and have killed and injured a lot. So they withdrew a large wave to encircle Gao Ming and Luo Sheng. They don't know how many years they have been trapped here. As soon as they get free, they will certainly burst out all the ferocity of previous lives and this life. They will never stop until they taste the blood. Even if there are too few prey to plug their teeth, it's good to drink soup.

To speak of Gao Ming and Luo Sheng, at the moment, they show the ability of excellent students. One holds a copper coin sword and the other holds a peach wood sword to form a simple Liangyi array combination. They protect themselves from wind and rain, and it is difficult for demons and ghosts to get close at once.

Looking at Pingnan again, I saw three or four demons and ghosts around him, but no one dared to talk. The boy was still crazy. It seemed that he couldn't see the demon in front of him at all. He ran back and forth with the golden statue. No matter where he runs, the demon and ghost in front of him will dodge a way and make way for him.

This makes us feel very strange. People are crazy. Can't they still consciously read the life saving formula? It suddenly occurred to me that Li Wen said he had a Buddha statue on his body, but it was also wrong. Like these fierce things, how could he care about the power of the Buddha statue? If he worked hard, he would eat this fat meat to his mouth.

I suddenly thought of a possibility and turned to look at Chen Ziyun. Chen Ziyun was also looking at me. We said at the same time: "residents of lip Lane!"

The grandson must be an original resident of chenkou lane, otherwise he can't survive in this place with only one life-saving formula. It's hard to imagine how the professor of archaeology got the secrets about the jade pendant dripping blood and melting ice with tears. We can't push everything to the ancient literature. At most, the ancient literature records the imaginary way to break the lip fish curse, but there will never be the ultimate secret of opening the treasure.

Otherwise, relying on ancient documents, should not all the mysterious treasures of all dynasties and generations be found?

Unless you are a resident of lip lane and have the blood of lip fish, you will know so much and save yourself from danger all the way to live until now. He must also be wearing some kind of evil repelling object of lipfish family, which makes ghosts and evil spirits dare not touch.

Xiaodie, Gu Rong and Zhao Jingnan also woke up. Zhao Jingnan scolded angrily: "the son of a bitch of dog day is so cunning that he never tells the truth. I'll cut his tongue!" He was about to rush out of the nine palace ice and fire circle.

Gu Rong also went fooling around and was held by me and Xiaodie respectively. I said, "now that I know his true identity, I want to leave his dog life. How to escape in the end depends on him. "

As soon as the voice fell, Gao Ming screamed as if he had been bitten by a demon ghost, and then he and Luo Sheng ran desperately to our side. When they got close, they saw clearly that Gaoming had lost half of his left arm, and blood flowed from the wound, forming a bright red blood line on the ground.

They obviously wanted to come and ask for help. Xiaodie looked at me and asked, "do you want them to join the battle?"

When I was about to say no, Gao Ming threw the copper coin sword in his hand. Instead of shooting demons and ghosts, he came to us. Wipe, what does he want?

Just listen to the sound of Ding, the copper coin sword shot down a copper coin ice fire. The nine palaces of ice and fire were broken immediately, and the remaining eight fell to the ground one after another. At this moment, seven or eight demons and ghosts wandering around attacked fiercely. And those who chased after them also leaped one after another. In an instant, we fell into a siege.

Why, the grandson must know that we won't save him, so he ran to destroy the nine palaces ice and fire and died with us!