Chapter 322

Name:Evil's With Me Author:qiu feng han
After death, a person changes into a cat corpse, which is recorded in Tianmen secret and Jinghua secret scriptures, and its annotation is basically the same, which is the scourge of the cat spirit.

But this is generally a bad thing that the cat spirit has a certain evil power after cultivating a few tails. The cat spirit is not able to raise multiple tails casually. Every time a woman is killed, it will develop a tail. However, the success rate is very low. Some cat spirits have harmed countless women and still have one tail in the end.

This depends not only on the understanding of the cat spirit itself, but also on the favorable weather, geography and various factors of luck. Being able to raise five tails is an existence against the sky. The cat spirit with five tails can use the evil method of passing through the Yin fetus to cultivate the resentment of the cat spirit on the female corpse killed by herself. When it reaches a certain level, it will feed back to itself. Make yourself further and raise a sixth tail.

And the female corpse after nurturing will be exhausted and lose its value. Then it needs to be reborn.

When you have eight tails, it is not enough to feed only one cat carcass. You need several or more. And will raise multiple cat corpses at the same time. At the same time, they will exchange corpse Qi to make up for their shortcomings and speed up the cultivation speed.

The girl's cat corpse in front of her is not rotten, but she is very angry. Obviously, she has not been fed back. That is one of the many cat corpses that the cat spirit has developed.

Thinking of this, I couldn't help taking a breath. No wonder the demon said he was the king of cat spirit. He has cultivated eight tails. If you raise another one, you won't be called a king, but a demon!

However, what needs to be mentioned here is that after evolving into a cat demon, the ghost spirit is lost, and all the eight tails raised will peel off. We have to practice from the first tail again. Our strength is not as good as a cat spirit with three tails. This is also the reason why the fur demon is so weak. After she raises nine tails, she can basically be compared with the Nine Tailed Fox. The king of cat spirit is a scum in front of her.

I took out a corpse talisman, pasted it on the forehead of half a cat faced woman, and then shouted at the wall: "prepare a coffin and bring it over!" Then he said to Mu Feifei, "carry the body to the house."

Mu Feifei immediately understood that this fierce thing can't be killed by the sun. Instead, it will wake up stimulated by the sun and can only be sealed. So we lifted the female corpse with me, went into the house and put it in a corner where the sun could not shine.

"Watch here. I'll go under the tree and look for the bones of the cat spirit. Maybe it's buried under the tree." I said, hurriedly running back to the courtyard, and I took the shovel to expand the pit.

Soon a small bone appeared in the soil. My heart moved. It seemed that the bones of the cat spirit were really buried here. Put down the shovel and dig with the thorns. A shovel is a common iron and touches the bones of a cat, which will stimulate its resentment. Qingling sting is different. It has its own suppression effect.

After a while, a layer of soil was removed, and the bones of a curled kitten were exposed in the mud pit.

Although turned into bones and in the sun, I still felt its evil, as if there was a strong chill, which constantly impacted the whole body, making my brother shiver.

This is the root of evil. Although the cat spirit is not on the bones, it is the so-called "Yin fetus" that the Yin fetus passed through. I immediately took out a forbidden talisman and a corpse talisman and pasted them on my skull. However, suddenly, the dead trees and the earth trembled, and a sharp cat cry sounded in my ears. The cry was terrible and creepy.

All the people lying on the top of the wall also gave a cry of surprise at the same time, followed by the sky, clattered and sounded a Jiao Lei. The sky suddenly became very gloomy. At the same time, there was a strong wind, which made me unable to squat on the ground, Gudong and sit down. There was another scream and sweat on the top of the wall.

Yes, the cat spirit finally took action. This thing is very cruel in revenge. I dare not neglect, just about to take out nine copper coins from my bag, suddenly a note of Jiao Lei blew in my ear, and it rained cats and dogs!

This thing is so refined that it even leads to a thunderstorm. Look at the pit, the blood surged wildly, and the two runes on the skull of the cat had already been washed away.

In the heavy rain, I don't know if the nine palaces of ice and fire can be used. Although Mingyan is not afraid of water, it's hard to say. So I had a dream first. Lying in the trough, it's not your dream. It's still as dark as last time. There's a horse lamp in front. There was a man sitting on the left and right of the square table. On the right was the third aunt, and on the left was the girl with half a cat face!

My heart said bad, these eight tails of dead things can seize my dreams, and it's not easy to retreat. The last time I retreated was thanks to Lao Lou Zi. I can't go any further, or I will be divided by them. As soon as I bite my teeth, I snap my fingers and bite my tongue. Under a burst of fierce pain, I finally retreated.

But open your eyes, wipe, why in the house? Due to the low sky, the light in the room is very weak, which makes it more and more gloomy. It reminds me of Linglong ghost cave!

But after looking around, I didn't see Mu Feifei and the woman's body. I was surprised. I quickly took out my mobile phone, turned on the light and shone around. I still couldn't see any trace of them. I'm a little uneasy. Did I not quit my dream, or did they disappear?

I bit my tongue hard. Oh, I almost fainted without pain. This is not a dream, so I was a little flustered, so I hurried next to the room to look for it, but I went round and went back to the living room and didn't see their shadow.

There was thunder and lightning outside, and it rained cats and dogs. I was in the house in waves of panic. At the moment, the situation is basically no different from the night, which is very conducive to the cat spirit to do evil. Mu Feifei was "robbed", and the dead thing hid in the dark. This situation is as much as when dealing with the moon shadow ghost girl at that time.

But now I don't have time to think so much. We must solve the cat spirit as soon as possible, otherwise the consequences of Mu Feifei are difficult to predict. I immediately took out nine copper coins and threw them out to form nine palaces of ice and fire. The house suddenly became bright and the previous evil spirit haze was swept away.

First stop the land in the house, and then go out and burn its bones with a bright flame. Even if it fails, my brother has a way back.

I quickly ran out and immediately a cold rain poured on my body. It was difficult to open my eyes. When I ran to the jujube tree, I found that the pit was full of bright red blood. I pulled out the peach wood sword and poked it into the water. I wanted to pick out the bones and then burn them with open flame.

But unexpectedly, after the peach wood sword entered the water, it suddenly became cold to the bone, as if holding an ice pick. At the same time, Kara, a dull thunder burst and hit the peach wood sword. Suddenly, an electric current rushed into the body along the hilt and quickly swam all over the body. The feeling of over electricity, not to mention how sour!