Chapter 319

Name:Evil's With Me Author:qiu feng han
Everyone was stunned, and there was a look of distrust in their eyes. Although my mother exaggerates Mu Feifei into a fairy, she is a woman after all. She is so fashionable. What is it like Mr. Yin and Yang? This is the same impression I had when I first met sister Wu.

The shape and bearing of fan is an expert at first sight. Although I know this woman and call her sister, who knows what she is in the countryside. Mr. Fan said there was no need to open the coffin. Why do you have to do this? Every time you open a coffin, you will create another sin.

The third uncle had no idea. He turned to my father and his big brother. At this time, the uncle also said, "this..."

Mother quickly introduced: "her name is mu Feifei. She is very easygoing. Don't call her sir. Just call her Feifei."

Uncle Oh, but he had a strong sense of traditional ideas. He still called Mr. shengfeifei: "last night, so many wild cats were attracted because of the opening of the coffin, which almost caused a big event. Besides, opening the coffin is not good for my sister-in-law and my family. I'd better not open it. If Mr. Feifei wants to see it, he'll go to the mourning shed. If he doesn't, we'll go home and have a drink. "

Mu Feifei just met with fan. It was because the southern branch always looked down on these people in the north, so they were unconvinced and fought secretly. I would open the coffin if he didn't open it. But when the owner refused, she had no choice.

The man surnamed fan looked very proud and said with a smile, "where's the old building? We have known each other for many years. If he hadn't invited me, I wouldn't have come. Why didn't I see him? "

Dad just said that he was bitten by a cat last night. Suddenly, there was a loud crash in the shed. Everyone immediately changed color and looked at the shed. Sure enough, the coffin was shaking, and all the people in the mourning shed were scared to run out.

Mu Feifei and I looked at each other and were very surprised. No matter how fierce the body is, it will stop at dawn, and there is the suppression of the ink line. Unexpectedly, there is more noise in the daytime. The king of the cat spirit is really an unexpected horror.

Fan also frowned. Just about to enter the mourning shed, the third uncle suddenly turned his eyes white, plumped to the ground, and kept foaming at his mouth. The crowd was surprised. The fan squatted down quickly and opened the third uncle's eyelids. His eyes were as red as blood, as if condensing a ferocious and fierce breath.

The guy was a little uneasy and hurriedly asked, "was he in front of him when he opened the coffin last night?"

"Yes, he is." Dad replied.

Mu Feifei said: "he was entangled by the body's resentment. Come here with glutinous rice, chicken blood and a bowl of water..."

Fan got up and said, "this man has been handed over to my sister. I'll go and see the coffin." The guy walked quickly into the mourning shed. As soon as he came to the coffin, he heard a scream from inside.

"Open the coffin... I'm in it..."

Although the voice was a little stuffy, we could hear a man's voice. Now everyone fried the pot again. The situation was so strange that I couldn't figure out what was going on. Ignoring the third uncle, I ran into the mourning shed with the man surnamed fan.

"I... i... I'm an old building..."

I went and almost fell to the ground. I didn't expect there was a living man in the coffin, and it was still an old building, but how did he get in?

Fan also looked confused. He couldn't open the coffin now. He quickly asked someone to bring a black umbrella. When opening the coffin during the day, he had to use the umbrella to block the sun for the bones. When the umbrella was brought, fan and I also pried open the iron handle. I took the umbrella and drove the person with the umbrella away. At this time, fan also moved the lid of the coffin.

The old building immediately emerged from the inside, gasping and climbing out desperately. We quickly took a hand, pulled it out and put it on the ground. The old man looked terrified and his clothes were ragged, as if he had just climbed out of the abyss of hell.

Ignoring him, we hurried to look into the coffin and immediately opened our mouths. The body changed again, with a layer of short and dense white fur on its face, four sharp tiger teeth exposed in the corners of its mouth, and two blood red eyes like two black ruby, emitting strong resentment and looking extremely ferocious!

Fan's eyes trembled and hurriedly pushed the lid of the coffin. It seems that seeing the real situation of the body with your own eyes, you know it's not as simple as you think.

I looked at him contemptuously, and then helped the old building out of the mourning shed. At this time, Mu Feifei also mixed the rune water with glutinous rice and chicken blood and poured it down to the third uncle. The third uncle woke up immediately. Seeing that Mu Feifei showed such a hand, they all changed their despised attitude just now.

There was another accident in the mourning shed, and the situation was more strange than last night. For a time, the street was surrounded by busy villagers. We hurried home with our third uncle and the old building.

At the end of my walk, I was thinking about the strange thing in my heart. I only heard Mu Feifei whisper to me: "president, Fan Jian's face is very ugly. Is the situation very serious?"

act bitchy? I was stunned and immediately realized that it was fan's name. I nodded and said, "it's more than serious. Now even if we use samadhi to cremate, it's difficult to deal with it. You must find the root of your resentment, or it will lead to great disaster. Well, how do you know my mother? "

As soon as Mu Feifei said it, she understood that she was the staff assigned by the branch to Lincheng city. Because I didn't read the personnel list carefully, I didn't know that there were still supernatural detectives in Lincheng city. In fact, like her, she has a very leisurely life in various cities. She usually receives businesses like this and makes some extra money.

My mother is very superstitious. She is also a famous supernatural master in Lincheng City, so she often asks her for fortune telling, dream interpretation and a talisman. She knows her very well as soon as she comes and goes.

I asked about Fan Jian again. Mu Feifei said that she was a member of the southern branch stationed in Henan city. She had been low in Maoshan College for two times and had average skills. But this man is arrogant and narrow-minded. Many people don't like him very much.

When he returned to his third uncle's house, Fan Jian had burned a rune and poured it into the old building. Of course, the old guy is also full of resentment. His situation is more serious than that of the third uncle. He was pulled into the coffin. If Fan Jian hadn't woke up in time and advocated burying him as soon as possible, even he would have been buried alive.

Perhaps speaking of this, some people want to ask, how can people be pulled into the coffin if it is not suppressed by the corpse talisman and ink bucket line? That's because these two can only suppress corpses. Although they can also ward off evil spirits, they are much weaker. Therefore, they can suppress fierce corpses, but can't stop the living people seduced by resentment.

It's just that my buddy has been sticking to the Lingpeng. He doesn't know when the old building went in. He's really a little ashamed. However, this situation is very similar to that when I entered the demon grave at that time, so I don't have to worry about how a big living man wore into the coffin.

After pouring Fu water, Fan Jian said proudly, "the grievances on the old building have been resolved. I'll find another way to suppress the grievances on the body, and I can be buried at noon."

Wipe, this bastard is still unconvinced!

Just then, the old building suddenly jumped up madly, meow, and threw Fan Jian to the ground.

Didn't you resolve the grievances of Lao Lou Zi? Slap in the face!