Chapter 311

Name:Evil's With Me Author:qiu feng han
It's no wonder they think I'm bullshit. This matter is really a little complicated. I'm afraid they have to ask Tang Bing if they want to get the truth. At the meeting, I also issued the first order after taking charge of the work and tried my best to arrest Tang Bing and Bian Ying.

Speaking of Bian Ying, I was a little curious and asked Xiaodie, "you were tied up in the mourning hall. Didn't you see Bian Ying? How could he not do it to you two? "

Xiaodie shook her head and said, "I don't think he will be willing to hide in the mourning hall and don't kill us. Maybe he wants to intimidate you with us?"

Chen Ziyun nodded and said, "Bian Ying really wants to kill you, otherwise he would have killed Xiaodie and Zhao Jingnan in QQ ghost house. So when you take the bait, Xiaodie will lose their use value and kill them together. "

"But why did he take away the Yin soldiers after quarreling with Yu Mulong? Isn't that a big gift for me?" I said puzzled.

Chen Ziyun said, "maybe Yu Mulong wants to drive him away completely, so he..."

I patted my thigh and said, "yes, they broke up because of this, and Bian Ying wanted to kill me himself, so he secretly took away the twelve Yin soldiers. Besides, three of the Yin soldiers were his. He would not be willing to leave them to Yu Mulong. However, his injury did not fully recover, and the Yin soldier was taken away by Yu Mulong. Instead, he was driven out of Yanghu city. This bastard must be on guard. Once his injury is cured, it's time to come back for revenge. "

After that, he turned and asked Chen Ziyun, "have you been reinstated?"

Chen Ziyun smiled as brightly as pear blossoms. She only heard her say, "since Bingfeng's case is over, I don't need to stay in the police station. Didn't you say you wanted me to come and help you? Now you has the final say in the branch, I intend to go to you.

I can't help but rejoice. Although those people in the branch support me on the surface, who knows what they think in their hearts. With her help, my friend's power will grow a little. I can't help thinking that if Tang Yun and Heidao come back, they will be even more powerful. Who dares to compete with me for the position of President?

But why should Mao be president? This is not my life ideal, and what is my life ideal? Suddenly I found that I didn't seem to have any ideal

I have to say an ideal is to find a stable and well paid job after graduating from college, so that my parents can enjoy the happiness of their family. On second thought, isn't the job of President far beyond the ideal? The vice president has a salary of 50000 a month, not counting the bonus. If he is the president, the conservative figure is also a million a year!

What else do I pretend to be a grandson? The president has decided. So she asked Xiaodie, is the president usually sent from the college or selected from the branch?

As soon as he said this, all three people saw my ambition. Before Xiaodie spoke, Chen Ziyun smiled and said, "how long have you been vice president? Strictly speaking, it's impossible to jump the rank and become president in less than ten days. "

Man, I'm sorry to blink. It's true. It's impossible to want to run before you learn to walk.

Xiaodie patiently explained, "the president is usually selected from the branch, but he must have sufficient qualifications and ability, and be recommended by the previous president. Even if you are a vice president, it is rare to directly appoint fresh graduates to serve as the vice president. You are one of the few precedents. As for you to be president, I think it will take at least a few years of experience. "

I smashed my mouth and asked, "is the college the Federation of supernatural detectives? The president has the power to directly appoint the president? " As a vice president, I'm ashamed that I haven't figured out the power structure of the Federation so far.

Xiaodie shook her head and said that the college is not the general assembly, it is also a subordinate organization. It's always located abroad. It seems to be a secret in which country. No one knows. The Maoshan Institute is one of the founders, and is responsible for exporting talents. Therefore, it has a very high power. The president is naturally the vice president of the association and is responsible for the north and South Branch of the country. The two branch's personnel transfer has the final say.

I couldn't help nodding. I said that the members of branches all over the country were all from Maoshan college. In fact, the president was a powerful school. If he rebelled, he would certainly respond to everything. It would be appropriate to kill the president of the general assembly.

Since I can't be president, my buddy is out of interest and claps his hands to go to bed.

In the afternoon, he took them back to the branch and announced Chen Ziyun's joining. Although this needs to be reported to the college for approval, the president still has the right to arrange temporary workers, such as the previously publicized intern detective. Xiaodie and Zhao Jingnan, as my assistants, finally began to work in good faith. So I handed over the affairs of the branch to them. My brother went back to school the next day.

Despite having a good job, it seems that everyone has a deep-rooted idea that they should get their college diploma. The graduation certificate of Maoshan college is not recognized in the society.

Mr. Tang is really dedicated. He is still in class with a hot hand. Also because the brothers saved their husband and wife, they were not investigated for skipping class these three days, and they took care of them everywhere.

The lesson I taught F4 was also widely spread on campus. For a time, birds and animals became a term of hot search and worship in Yanghu University. When someone saw me, especially the beautiful soft girl, she had to sign for her brother. She had to sign the word beast. They got their autographs and ran away happily, as if the animals had a glorious image in their hearts.

However, Xu Bing is still the most troublesome person for her friends. The little girl is very smart. Don't you always hide? Well, she launched a club party to see where you go?

There were too many toasts that night. Even scum like Sudan red and Wei Dayong changed their mistakes and praised me. So he inevitably drank too much. He woke up in the second half of the night and found that he was not in the dormitory, but in a hotel room. Xu Bing slept next to him. My hair almost didn't explode. What's the matter?

Wake up Xu Bing and ask. The little girl was wronged and said that everyone ran away. She was the only one to send me back to school. As a result, I didn't go back and had to open a house

I patted my head and asked with a cry, did anything happen to us? Xu Bing was stunned and asked me what I wanted to happen? It seemed that nothing had happened. We were well dressed, so we breathed.

But then Xu Bing said, "president, you are so bad that you have to sleep with me, but you are still reading the name of the demon in your mouth."

I wipe it, man. Are you too fat after drinking wine? But what Mao read is not Luo Qingyu or Tang Yun and black knife, but demons?

"Did you really sleep with you later?" I covered my face and dared not look at her.

Xu Bing said with a flat mouth, "no, I finally slept in the middle of the night with the toilet. I dragged me to bed at dawn. If I hadn't seen you vomit so hard, I wouldn't have stayed. It's bad to spread it. " She said so, but her eyes showed a trace of joy.

I immediately breathed a sigh of relief, hurried out of the hotel with her, and told her not to tell anyone about it. It happened that today was the weekend. I pushed her into a taxi and I fled back to the rental house.

When I entered the door, I saw Xiaodie standing at the door, staring at me with a murderous look, so I was guilty of being a thief. Did she find out about opening a room with Xu Bing last night?

I swallowed a few mouthfuls of saliva and asked her, "why... Why are you staring at me?"

"The Dean has appointed you as president!"