Chapter 62

Name:Evil's With Me Author:qiu feng han
I reached out to wipe my wet face and sat down in a chair, but Tang Yun sat down beside me.

"It's all right. Don't be ashamed." Tang Yun's face was serious and didn't mean to joke. "It's not that a man can't cry. Crying makes me feel that he dares to love and hate. He is a man of true temperament. It's a hundred times better than those sweet talking and kind-hearted men all day. "

I looked up and took a deep breath and said, "I didn't cry because of Luo Qingyu."

"Don't hide it. I won't say it."

I was too lazy to explain to her. I got up and wanted to go away, but she grabbed my arm and pulled me back to the chair.

"Come back, I haven't let you go yet. You're not allowed to go anywhere." Tang Yun was cold and overbearing.

"You've gone too far!" I can't control my temper now. If she hadn't been a woman, I might have hit her with one punch.

Tang Yun smiled carelessly and said, "I'm for you. Now the police are looking for you to take a statement. Do you want to face them at this time?"

Hearing this, I calmed down and sat still.

Tang Yun took out a band aid from her bag and helped me wrap up the cracked index finger of her right hand. She looked very careful and seemed afraid of hurting me. But now I'm numb and have no consciousness at all.

"You've been standing in the stands all night. Do you know?" Tang Yun crooked her head and asked me.

I don't want to say a word.

Tang Yun sighed and said, "when you left the library, it was 8 p.m. and now it's 6 a.m."

I was stunned. Was it night when I came to the playground? Then he woke up. There were street lights on the campus at night. At that time, he was confused and didn't pay attention to whether it was day or night. When I came to the grandstand and fell into the dark, I sadly forgot everything. It's just unexpected that I should have stayed so long.

"During this time, we got a lot of truth from Feng Guang. Do you want to know?" Tang Yun asked with her head tilted.

I still didn't speak. Tang Yun was not angry. She smiled and said, "if you don't speak, I'll say it."

Then she said it to herself, but I was still listening. After all, the truth about Eve's death is still full of endless curiosity.

But her first sentence surprised me, because fengziqing was killed by Feng Guang!

It is true that they were lovers and fell in love at school. But after they graduated, he took fengziqing home and everything changed.

Fengziqing is a child of a middle-class family in the city. Although he is gentle and kind, he is no different from many girls in material concept.

Sixteen years ago, kambian village was still very poor. Feng Guang's parents owed a lot of debt for his son's college. Not to mention buying a house in the city, even in kanbian village, they belong to poor households. I have seen the broken houses at home with my own eyes. They don't even have money to renovate their houses. How can they keep a wind light who hasn't suffered since childhood?

So Feng Ziqing proposed to break up. No matter how hard Feng Guang begged, it was difficult to recover each other's mind. For a time, he was hit hard and couldn't accept the fact, so he grew from love to hate and gave birth to the evil idea of destroying Fengzi light. However, Feng Guang was very intelligent since he was a child. He didn't directly kill his ex girlfriend and ruin his life, as in social news.

He planned slowly and secretly. First, he investigated the construction company where fengziqing was located and inquired about the supernatural incident that occurred when the library of Yanghu University was built. Then I did a lot of investigation and found that all the rumors spread. What I dug out was not a female corpse without lips, but a pair of withered bones with non rotten lips, which were as bright as blood.

Then he collected all kinds of folklore and strange news, and finally determined that it was a lip demon that harmed countless people many years ago!

The goblin has been cultivated into human form, but it has been eradicated by a Taoist priest with profound magic. It is said that the yuan soul will not perish after death, so the lips will not rot, but the yuan soul is suppressed by magic and is always sleeping and can't wake up.

And this well preserved lip is an evil curse. The moment they were dug up and saw the sun again, the builders were entangled in a curse. From then on, disasters continued and there was no peace. The only way to unlock this curse is to revive the lip demon.

The day of its resurrection is also the day of liberation for builders!

However, in order to verify the authenticity of this matter, Feng Guang decided to explore the mystery of Daqingshan's missing person first. Because many of the materials it investigated show that the lip demon has an inseparable relationship with big green hill. It knew that it was difficult to complete the task alone, so it invited the professors in the school to form a scientific research team.

The old professor is very interested in supernatural aspects and knows many magic experts, including Taoist priest Er Mei. When the scientific research team was formed, Taoist Er Mei was invited to participate in it. It's not what yingzi said. Taoist Er Mei saved Feng Guang by passing here, let alone entering the mirror cave after Fengzi's light death. Feng Guang deliberately reversed the facts and deceived yingzi, so as to cover up the truth that he killed Fengzi's light.

Led by Taoist Er Mei, he successfully found the entrance of the mirror cave and was "sucked" into this strange space. At that time, the mirror demon had been dead for many years, but left countless "mirror souls" in the mirror cave to protect their territory at all times. After a soul stirring battle, most of the mirror souls were killed. Taoist Er Mei was also seriously injured and finally forced to the edge of the underground pool.

At that time, the underground pool had not been banned, so all the scientific research team members died from the attack of the molten heat wave except Taoist Er Mei. Feng Guang was not spared. He died in the mirror cave before he began to implement the revenge plan.

Taoist priest Er Mei quickly sealed the forbidden area pool with a talisman, then killed all the remaining mirror souls and successfully escaped from the mirror cave. At that time, the old Taoist priest was dying. He didn't have the strength to block the entrance again. He was rescued down the mountain by local villagers and sent to the hospital. He died the same day.

When I heard this, I couldn't help sighing. It turned out that Taoist Er Mei died in Yanghu city. At that time, she certainly didn't bring a demon, otherwise she couldn't have known the secret.

Tang Yun went on to say that fortunately, Taoist Er Mei killed all the evil spirits, and Feng Guang and several other ghosts were able to survive. Feng Guangyuan was more cunning than them. He found the secret code left by the mirror demon in the mirror cave, but he never mentioned it. He stole out of the mirror cave secretly according to the map on the secret code.

In addition to witchcraft, this secret book also records the secret history of the rampant evil in the Yanghu area. Therefore, it is determined that the lip Demon Under the library is indeed the leader of the demon in this area. If you want to revive it, you must develop a lip ghost, plus a pupil ghost and a painted skin ghost as "auxiliary materials". When you wake up, you will restore your human shape.

I know it's to give the lip demon a human skin, but what role can the pupil ghost play?