Chapter 41

Name:Evil's With Me Author:qiu feng han
Listening to Luo Qingyu say so, my heart is also a burst of gloom. No matter whether this woman lied to us or not, she killed herself for the man she loves deeply, which is moving and worthy of our respect. This reminds me of those sad poems. I ask the world what love is and teach people to make a promise between life and death

After sighing, I was very depressed to think that Feng Guang's ghost had also hung up. However, this trip did not get nothing. He got a lot of valuable things from yingzi's mouth and destroyed the demon cave. It was also regarded as eliminating harm for the people and doing a feat of shaking the world and weeping ghosts and gods. It's a pity that he didn't kill the painted ghost.

I lay on my sleeping bag and said, "don't think about anything. Just think it's a dream."

Luo Qingyu let out a gentle hum, then lay down on his side without saying anything. It can be seen from her worried back that she had many questions to ask, but she still didn't speak.

What she wants to ask most is her unknown future. I don't know what will happen in the future at the moment. Feng Guang mentioned in his letter that I am also the victim of this spell, so our destiny is bound. Whether we live together or die together, we will stand together to struggle and struggle.

Although tired and sleepy, my mind is full of worries about the future. I can't sleep. Looking at Luo Qingyu's long wet hair, I suddenly felt that she was very lonely and helpless, especially her curled back, which was so pitiful.

As soon as I bite my teeth, my brother will save her even if he loses his old life. So as soon as the brain pumped out, he blurted out, "Qingyu, don't worry, I will protect you!"

Luo Qingyu immediately turned over and asked in surprise, "why don't you sleep?"

Er, unexpectedly, she didn't sleep either. I smiled awkwardly, "I... I can't sleep because I'm afraid of something else. I didn't mean to wake you up just now. I was talking to myself. Go to sleep and it will be dawn soon. "

It's OK not to explain. This explanation made Luo Qingyu blush. She bit her lips and said, "thank you. I feel very safe with you by my side."

I was immediately flattered. The whole person was stunned and said, "Yeah, well... I'm willing to protect you all my life!"

Luo Qingyu's face became redder and hurried to avoid my eyes.

At the moment, I'm also stunned. I don't know how to make such a sentence. It's usually used to express my lines. My brother is really out of his mind.

Luo Qingyu then said faintly, "you're tired. Go to sleep." He turned on his side and gave his buddy a back.

I can't wait to smoke my two mouths. There would have been a happy chat next. As a result, my brother succeeded in killing the chat. I'm such an idiot!

In the awkward atmosphere, I was worried about gain and loss, and I couldn't sleep any more. Fortunately, it wasn't long before dawn. Bian Ying was calling everyone to gather.

After the gathering, Bian Ying first called the vice president and Luo Qingyu and whispered for a while. Then he came back and told us that the mountaineering activities had ended. I hope everyone can forget about last night, whether it's a dream or a fact. No one is allowed to mention it when he returns to school.

We all know and understand that if we tell the story of last night, it will be difficult for the club to organize activities in the future, and the president and Yu Xuesong will be punished. Yu Xuesong is OK, and Bian Ying is always nice to us. We can't hurt him.

So everyone ate something to replenish their strength, then put away their tents and went down the mountain.

In fact, after everyone returned to the tent, they didn't dare to sleep, including their faces when they went down the mountain. After sitting on the bus, they finally relaxed their nerves and fell asleep on the back of their chairs.

I also meditated in my dream all the way, and quietly watched Luo Qingyu's elegant sleeping position. This is the first time to see her sleeping closely. It's so beautiful. The sun shines on her face and her skin looks transparent. Long eyelashes are so fascinating.

Unfortunately, this time is very short. I haven't seen enough and have returned to school. However, after getting off the bus, I recovered all my strength and felt full of energy, but the demon still didn't respond.

On the stairs back to my dormitory, I found Yu Xuesong behind me. When I looked back at him, the grandson was staring at me cruelly. I wonder, is there any deep hatred between us? I have saved you one after another. Even if there is any hatred, should it be dissolved?

Really crazy!

But in the moment of turning back, I caught a glimpse of the same amulet as Sudan red hanging on his neck. I suddenly felt wrong. He and Sudan red expected to be haunted and made preparations in advance before going this time?

Thinking of this, I deliberately slowed down. When the grandson came up and walked side by side with me, I lowered my voice and said, "the amulet you wear has been contaminated with evil spirit. Let's have a fight with our classmates. Don't say I didn't remind you. You will have a nightmare tonight."

Yu Xuesong suddenly became angry and scolded: "fart!" Then hurried up a few steps and into the corridor.

When I came out of the stairs, I saw him holding his mobile phone and walking to the toilet with an uneasy look. I can't help but be happy. My heart says I won't be scared, right? This call may be a call for help. Who will he ask for help? I turned my eyes, so I quietly followed and hid outside the toilet to eavesdrop.

"... Mr. Xiang, are you sure the amulet is not evil?"

I didn't hear the previous words. I just heard this sentence. Sure enough, he was asking for help.

"Oh... Oh... But wearing amulets, why did you hit ghosts last night?" Yu Xuesong's voice was full of tension, "OK, I understand. After these days, I'll invite you to dinner."

His tone suddenly relaxed again, and he went outside. It was too late for me to hide. I walked in directly facing him and pretended to be a coincidence that I also went to the bathroom.

When the grandson saw me, he first changed his face, then hurriedly put away his mobile phone and walked away, looking guilty.

I couldn't help but wonder. He seemed to have done something wrong for fear of being discovered by me. But at this time, I suddenly wanted to go to the large size, so I didn't think so much. I hurriedly opened a compartment to go in.

Unexpectedly, I suddenly saw a beautiful woman sitting on the toilet. Before I knew what was going on, I heard a scream and got a punch in my left eye!

I'll go. The girl's fist was very fierce. She directly knocked me to the ground, and there was a burst of Venus in front of her.

The beauty quickly put on her underwear. She was wearing a short skirt and silver high heels. GADA GADA rushed out of the compartment and stepped on my crotch.

She used a slender heel and enough strength. Suddenly, her painful brother screamed like a pig.

"Dead coyote, dead pervert, how dare you peep at me in the women's room!"

I was a little confused in the sharp pain. Why didn't I notice entering the women's toilet just now? No wonder the grandson Xuesong is guilty of being a thief and sneaks so fast.

But then I reflected, where's the women's toilet in Ya's boys' dormitory?