Chapter 30

Name:Evil's With Me Author:qiu feng han
This kind of love giving activity has been carried out by the community more than once, but it is not just a love giving activity. At the same time, it organizes everyone to climb the mountain. This is also in line with the purpose of our society, killing two birds with one stone.

Such activities are basically proposed by Luo Qingyu. There is no need to solicit sponsorship for the activity funds. The president has covered it all. It can be seen that Bian Ying not only has a mysterious background, but also is a rich man.

The timing of this proposal was better than usual. Bian Ying agreed without hesitation just after the exam and no class during the holiday. So he prepared materials the next day and set out early in the morning the third day.

Ten kilometers away, less than half an hour to reach the destination. This mountain village is not big. There are only 80 or 90 families. With their backs against the big green mountain, you can see the whole picture at a glance on the road.

Before we came, we all contacted through the school. The village head and several village cadres greeted us at the entrance of the village. Grain, oil and other materials were removed from the car, led by them and distributed to the elderly and poor households. In fact, these things are not worth much. What we offer is just a love.

In addition, we also help the elderly to do some work. Boys clean and girls wash clothes. Busy until noon, the village head will take us to the town for dinner. Even if it is very enthusiastic, we can't agree, because this is the principle. We came to help them, not to make trouble.

So we prepared our own lunch box and squatted in the street to solve the lunch. After dinner, rest for an hour, and then mountaineering.

During this period, Luo Qingyu and I winked at each other and slipped away on the grounds of the above toilet. We didn't act separately, so that we wouldn't be suspicious when we were found out.

I slipped into the back street and saw a middle-aged uncle sitting in the shade of a tree. I quickly walked over. He immediately recognized me as a college student who came to offer love. He quickly got up to say hello and wanted to give me the bench. I refused, squatted on the ground, took out a pack of cigarettes, pulled out one and handed it to him.

I don't smoke. I bought it. Uncle took it with a smile. It looks like it. When he lit his cigarette, I asked, "uncle, ask you about someone. Is there anyone named Lei Ming in our cambian village?"

Uncle shook his head and said, "no, I'm a native of kanbian village. I haven't heard of anyone named that."

It seems that I guessed right at first. The name was indeed false, but I read the letter many times and found no other clues.

"Is there a man like Feng Ziqing? It's a woman. " I specifically specify gender later.

The uncle frowned, looked up and said, "this name is a little familiar... It's not from our village. I forgot where I heard it."

My mind moved. This may be a clue left in the letter. I said, "uncle, think about it."

Uncle tilted his head and thought for a long time. Finally, he shook his head and still couldn't remember. Just then, an aunt came out of the alley beside her. The uncle quickly called her: "yingzi, come and help me think about it. Where have we heard of this woman called Fengzi light?"

Aunt obviously has a better memory than uncle. She immediately smiled and said, "that's Feng Guang's former object. No one has mentioned it for more than ten years. Why do you ask?"

It has been more than ten years since I heard it, and I'm excited. The time is right. And Feng Guang must not be wrong, because Lei is right to the wind and Ming is right to the light. This is a riddle.

Uncle pointed at me and said with a smile, "it was the big brother who asked."

"Why do you ask?" My aunt looked at me curiously.

I scratched my head and said, "because... My father mentioned that he met a man named Feng Guang in kanbian village and his girlfriend was Feng Ziqing. As a result, I remembered uncle Feng Guang's name as Lei Ming, so I couldn't find Lei Ming, so I had to ask Feng Ziqing. "

Aunt suddenly realized, nodded and left.

I asked Uncle where Feng Guang lived. Uncle immediately frowned and said he'd better not look for him. Even if he did, he wouldn't pay attention to you. I was busy asking why. Uncle said he didn't know what happened more than ten years ago. He became crazy. He studied the physiognomy uploaded by his ancestors all day. No one saw it and ignored it. When his father was buried, he didn't even go to the cemetery.

Speaking of this, the uncle sighed and said, "he was the only college student from our cambian village. Who knows it was so destroyed."

The demon had never opened his mouth, but suddenly said, "this man speculated about the disaster between you and Luo Qingyu sixteen years ago, and now he has solved it. He must have learned the Xiangshu uploaded by his ancestor!"

I blinked, blinked, and said, is physiognomy really so magical?

"Uncle, I still want to see him. He is a good friend of my father. Now, I should visit him. " I pretended to be sincere.

The uncle sighed again and said that the most shabby house in the east of the village was his house. I got up to say thanks and hurried to the east of the village. I met Luo Qingyu on the way, but she didn't ask anything. I was very glad to hear that I had the result and went with me.

At the east end of the village, I saw a very dilapidated house with weeds on the roof and broken plastic sheets nailed to the doors and windows. There was no courtyard wall. We went directly to the door. I photographed the broken door board full of holes.

However, no one answered for a long time. With a slight push, the door opened. Immediately came a pungent smell, and Luo Qingyu hurriedly covered his mouth and nose. I reached out and fanned my nose, looked inside and saw that the house was like a dump, with shoes and clothes all over the floor. But it's empty. There's no one in it.

I can't help but wonder. According to uncle, he doesn't go out easily. How come we just came to find him today, but he wasn't there?

The demon said, "go in and have a look. If you find the physiognomy, you will send it."

I didn't have a good way: "we're looking for someone, not to steal. Why do you have no bottom line now." With that in his mouth, he raised his feet and entered the house. Luo Qingyu followed in with his nose covered.

The demon then scolded impolitely: "why did you go in when you had the bottom line, and Luo Qingyu also went in? You are a man and woman made in heaven! "

I almost vomited blood, but I didn't dare to say anything. I can only comfort myself in my heart. Even dog men and women are a happy dog men and women!

Looking at the dirty and smelly environment in the house, my scalp is numb. Even if you want to steal the physiognomy, you can't stretch out your hand. You'd better go out and stay a little longer. You'll have to be smoked to death. When I was about to turn around, I suddenly saw a few words written in chalk on the ground in front of the bed: "you're late!"

I was surprised. Who wrote this? Is it Feng Guang himself? Did we still find our purpose here and he was plotted against?

Just then, I heard the voice of cedar outside the house: "what are you doing in someone's house?"

Luo Qingyu and I looked at each other quickly. Why is this boy here? Luo Qingyu just saw the words on the ground, winked at me and turned to go out. I stretched out my foot on the ground and wiped the chalk words, which immediately blurred. No one could recognize what the words were.

"We heard that there was a poor family in the village, so we came to have a look." Luo Qingyu reacted so quickly that his friends admired him very much.

However, the village head didn't bring us here because he was worried about Feng Guang's crazy temper and couldn't say it was wrong.

I followed and came out. Yu Xuesong looked at us suspiciously, hummed and said, "didn't you go to the bathroom and how did you get together?"

This revealed a very unhealthy meaning. Luo Qingyu said with a deep face: "Yu Xuesong, what do you want to say?"

Seeing that she was angry, Yu Xuesong immediately restrained and said, "nothing. The president asked me to find you. I'm afraid I'll get lost if I don't come back for so long." Then he turned around and left.

The demon couldn't help scolding: "it's really a villain's face. If you help him in the future, you're an asshole!"