The bulging bag was naturally formed by the accumulation and winding of insects and insects. In a twinkling, the small bag accumulated on Hao lianche's back looked like the layer of skin of a toad from a distance. It was crowded and bulging, which made people both afraid and disgusting.

Yan Qiqi probes Hao lianche's temperature with his palm. It seems to go down a little compared with just now, but it's still very hot.

What makes people feel strange is that his breathing is much more stable, and he is no longer in a hurry to breathe. The whole person is like sitting and becoming very quiet. Yan Qiqi knew that Hao lianche's burning body temperature could fall down. It had nothing to do with her method just now. It should have something to do with the poisonous insects suddenly emerging from his back.

Looking again, those small bags were like rows of neatly distributed abscesses, with thin skin like cicada wings, and they were about to break out.

This was the first time Yan Qiqi had seen her. If she hadn't had excellent psychological quality, she was really afraid that Hao lianche would change and become a monster.

At this time, Hao lianche, who finally calmed down, began to tremble violently again. The dense abscess on his back became larger and larger. Yan Qiqi suddenly blessed his heart and his skill was as fast as lightning. He picked up the thin iron sheet in the medicine box and pointed it at the abscess, and instantly a green to smelly liquid splashed out.

Fortunately, she hid quickly so that the smelly liquid would not be reduced to her.

However, Yan Qiqi was familiar with this smell after reading medical books. She looked at the ground and her eyes coagulated instantly. It was cold poison!

No wonder, so far, all the unsolved mysteries in her heart have been answered.

Hao lianche didn't lie to himself.

When they first met, in the summer, others were all in spring clothes and thin coats. Only Hao lianche was wearing thick ferrets. In the cold weather of 39 days, others wanted to wrap themselves into a big zongzi, and he was the only one.

Hao lianche's body not only has cold poison, but also heat poison. This should be a disease brought out from his mother's womb. Only he has strong perseverance and can be cured even now.

Such a disordered breath led to the imbalance of temperature in his body... Yan Qiqi looked at Hao lianche with more and more eyes, even with a little pity, for fear... He suffered a lot when he was a child.

But now it's not the time to love him. Yan Qiqi looked at these and suddenly thought of the method of squeezing abscesses often mentioned in medical books. Maybe Hao lianche had long found the abnormality of his body and mediated the two kinds of breath in his body with the help of poisonous insects. Just now, the smelly liquid body can also take the opportunity to discharge.

The poison can't be solved completely. We can only take it slowly. We can imagine how much Hao lianche has suffered for so many years.

It's not too late. Yan Qiqi congealed his mind. He was quick and ruthless. He flew out of his hand and cleaned up those abscesses in an instant. The splashing liquid filled the whole side hall with a disgusting smell. Yan Qiqi thought it would be all right to poke these abscesses, but he didn't expect more and more.

Yan Qiqi was suddenly shocked, and the thin iron piece in his hand didn't swing out again.

Because she found that if she cut it again, Hao lianche would not only not wake up, but also lose too much blood and die.

She looked at those pustules bulging again, which appeared on the meridians on Hao lianche's back. Looking along the vein, they were all swam by the small red poisonous insects on his back.

Is that why?

Those poisonous insects absorbed the toxin that made Hao lianche uncomfortable along the direction of the meridians, and then broke the epidermis to discharge the toxin. However, there are hundreds of meridians in the human body. I'm afraid that Hao lianche will die first if the toxin is not discharged at that time.

If... Let those toxins flow in only one direction, would it be much easier?

The idea flashed through Yan Qiqi's mind, and she thought it might be a feasible method. She was willing to try it without delay.

It has to be said that Yan Qiqi was very clever. She found that the insect only revolved at the back, turned the silver needle in her hand, and immediately sealed several big holes in Hao lianche's back.

After the meridians were sealed, the wandering breath in his body gradually changed into a green, slowly trying to break through the acupoints she had sealed. Without delay, Yan Qiqi pressed his fingers and forcibly rushed the gas to Hao lianche's back. Sure enough, it was not long before he saw that the swarm of insects swallowed up the green breath.

The body turned green again.

At this time, Yan Qiqi didn't dare to relax for half an hour. After doing the same for nearly an hour, the red poisonous insects on Hao lianche's back were completely led out. The venom in the golden basin on the ground had overflowed the bottom of the basin, and Hao lianche's high fever gradually returned to normal.

After tossing back and forth, there was already an internal guard outside. Yan Qiqi looked up and saw that the fish belly was getting white in the distance. It was almost dawn!

Good guy, in order to force the toxin out of Hao lianche's body, she spent most of the night.

Just in case, Yan Qiqi gave Hao lianche a silver needle again. After confirming that there were no remaining insects in his body, she wiped his back again, replaced him with a maid and carried Hao lianche to his bed.

The side hall is already filthy. The venom stinks. The original side hall needs to be cleaned before people can live again. Hao lianche can't sleep on the ground, so he can only be carried to his bedroom.

Looking at Hao lianche who is still sleeping, Yan Qiqi can't laugh or cry. It's really good to avoid suspicion. She even welcomed Hao lianche back to her bedroom

After working hard for most of the night, Yan Qiqi was tired and sleepy. The whole person was paralyzed and didn't want to move at all. She simply thought of a lazy way, pulled up another cloud brocade quilt on her bed, turned around one direction with Hao lianche, covered her head and began to sleep.

I don't know how long I slept. Yan Qiqi always felt that her eyelashes were itchy. She stretched out her hand and scratched. The itching disappeared immediately, but before she slept again, the familiar itching came up again.

She frowned and wanted to turn over and continue to sleep.

Suddenly there was an extremely gentle cry in my ear, "77, how did I force my poison out?"

Yan Qiqi was too tired and didn't want to talk nonsense. As soon as his brain pumped out, he answered, "suck it out with his mouth. Are you satisfied? Don't disturb me! "