As soon as Yan Ming and his men and horses arrived in fengningcheng, there was a loud noise in the distance. The location of the iron blood camp was full of fire, which dyed the whole sky red.

Yan Ming looks at everything in front of him, and he doesn't know what happened there. The plan he knows is to save Xie Xiaosheng.

Is the blood ear wolf to see through all this, so angry, blow up the iron blood camp, want to die together.

"What the hell is going on?" Xie Xiaosheng's eyes are red. The soldiers of the iron blood camp are still there. Isn't this explosion

"I'll settle it for you when I get back!" Xie Xiaosheng dared not go on thinking any more. He took a horse and rushed towards the shovel.

Yan Ming quickly stopped him, "master, you have been trapped for seven days and nights. At this time, I am afraid you are already physically and mentally tired. Let me see it."

"Let go! If it's your plan, I can't spare you. " Xie Xiaosheng half narrowed his eyes, and his voice was low and desolate.

Can Yan Ming gamble on the lives of the soldiers of the whole iron blood camp in order to save himself? Xie Xiaosheng's psychology inevitably has such a guess.

"Master! Please, I'll explain to you when I come back. It's urgent. Let me go. "

Yan Ming doesn't know what to say now, and he doesn't dare to tell Xie Xiaosheng that Xie Fuyao is still in the iron blood camp. If he knows, he will be more desperate.

Just when the master and the apprentice were deadlocked in front of the gate of Fengning City, a dark army galloped from a distance.

Because it was too dark, Yan Ming could not see them clearly. He did not know whether they were friends or enemies.

Could it be that the enemy had defeated the iron blood camp and now came to attack Fengning city.

Xie Xiaosheng didn't have time to think about it. The most suitable plan for him was to close the gate and keep the enemy out.


At this moment, Gao Meng's rough voice came from a distance. By the light of the city fire, he could see the people in front of the city gate clearly.

"It's Xie Jiajun, it's elder brother Gao!" Yan Ming exclaimed excitedly. Gao Meng's nothing means that Xie Fuyao is safe at this time.

"Get out of here and get ready to close the gate. There are enemy troops behind." Gao Meng yelled with a heavy voice.

The horse's hoof opened on the sand and raised the dust. All the soldiers and horses of the iron blood camp entered the city, and the city gate was closed heavily, blocking the army of the blood ear wolf outside.

The blood ear wolf looked at the embarrassed soldiers behind him and knew that this was not the best time for the empty city, so he had to swallow the evil spirit in his heart and turned the horse's head in indignation.

Li Dequan came down from the horse and saw Xie Xiaosheng safe. He was so excited that he couldn't say a word. "General, if you're OK, if you're OK."

Not only did the battle defeat the enemy, but general Xie also returned safely. For a moment, Xie's family army was in high spirits, shouting, "general! general! General

Xie Xiaosheng's face was full of relief. He swept the soldiers in front of him one by one, and finally fell on the tearful face in the corner.

It's Xie Xiaosheng who thinks he is calm enough. At this moment, his mind explodes.

His daughter, who is far away in the capital and should be kept in the palace, appears in front of her and in Fengning, which is full of danger.

But also wearing soldiers' clothes, mixed in Xie's army, experienced the danger of being chased by the enemy just now.

Xie Xiaosheng thought that he was too tired to see dazzling eyes. He rubbed his eyes. The figure in front of him was not half different.

"Shake? Why are you here? " Xie Xiaoran was stunned in the original place, and felt that his brain began not to listen.

"Father Xie Fuyao's eyes were red and swollen, and his long eyelashes were covered with tears.

She stood still, trying to walk past, but her legs were as heavy as gold, for fear that her father would suddenly disappear.

Since he got off the horse, Xie Fuyao has never left Xie Xiaosheng. He has been on tenterhooks for so many days. Now his father has come back safely.

This father let originally emotional Xie family jundun time quiet down.

People all around look at each other, staring at Xie Xiaosheng, and this "officer" who had a bad impression but saved everyone in the crisis.

"General, when did you have a son?" Gao Meng picks his eyebrows and stares at them.

In this moment of rich atmosphere, he spoke out his doubts without seeing.

"Well, he is... The adopted son of master." Yan Ming swallowed his mouth and blurted out his words against his will.

Xie Fuyao once told himself that her identity could not be exposed in any case, so Yan Ming was anxious to cover it up.

"Don't mention it. A few days ago, I thought this young man looked very familiar, but I didn't remember who he looked like. Now I stand with the general. I understand that he looks like a general."

Li Dequan suddenly opened Gao Meng and suddenly looked at the two people in front of him.

Yan Ming's heart almost came out of his chest. Xie Fuyao called his father Xie Xiaosheng. He could cover up with lies. Now he says they look alike. How can he refute them. However, it is obvious that Xie Xiaosheng and Xie Fuyao did not notice this problem. At this time, Xie Fuyao was completely immersed in the joy of his father's safety. But Xie Xiaosheng was afraid. Just now he didn't know that Xie Fuyao and Xie Jiajun were mixed up. Now when he looks back, he feels creepy. If the explosion hurt Xie Fuyao, or she was captured by the enemy, at this time, I'm afraid I want to die“ You're not hurt, are you? " Xie Xiaosheng holds Xie Fuyao's shoulder in both hands and asks carefully“ Dad, I'm fine. " Xie Fu shook his head and gave a smile. Subconsciously, she wanted to wipe away the tears from her eyes with her sleeve, but she forgot that she was wearing armor. She raised her right hand and put it back in silence. Although the situation just now is dangerous, the dark guard has been fighting to protect Xie Fuyao, so only Xuan six and Xuan nine are injured. Gao Meng stares at the side for a long time and suddenly says in a high voice“ Ah, you don't have to say, it's really like ah, these eyebrows and eyes are carved from the same mold as our general. " Gao Meng wanted to break the casserole and ask to the end, but Li Dequan pulled him back. Li Dequan kept a secret and made a silent gesture to Gao Meng“ General Xie has only one daughter, but the man in front of him looks like him. I think there is only one possibility. The young man in front of him is probably his illegitimate son. " Li Dequan whispered in Gao Meng's ea