But the doctor also did not leave, Rong Zhi did not allow, but let the doctor wait in other hospital, to avoid Acacia at any time.

After the doctor left, Rong Zhi sat down beside the bed.

Acacia is still very hot. The slaves have brought the medicine. When they are ready to feed Acacia, they are stopped by Rong Zhi. Rong Zhi takes the medicine bowl in person. The slaves are stunned. You know, they have never seen Rong Zhi talk so well.

In this case, the slave did not dare to say anything more, put the medicine bowl in Rong Zhi's hand, and respectfully retreated.

Rong Zhi raised Acacia, let Acacia lean on his body, carefully to give Acacia medicine, but it seems that no matter how to feed, this medicine can not smoothly enter the mouth of Acacia, and spit out after a while.

And Rong Zhi is very clear, Acacia do not take medicine, then the fever can not go down, the result can be imagined.

In this case, Rong Zhi was quiet for a moment, and then looked at Acacia, eyes with a trace of deep, thick palm so across Acacia delicate skin.

Then, Rongzhi's eyes stay on the body of Acacia.

Every word, Rong Zhi said clearly: "Acacia, you forced me."

It's calm and calm.

Voice down, Rong Zhi so picked up the bowl, the bitter juice in his mouth, so a little bit of personally feed to Acacia, feel Acacia want to spit out the juice, he completely blocked the mouth of Acacia, do not give Acacia such an opportunity.

Until a whole bowl of juice is finished.

Rongzhi just stopped, but he was greedy for the softness of acacia's lips, mixed with the taste of Chinese herbal medicine. It lasted for a long time, until acacia's cheeks looked red, Rongzhi let go of Acacia.

Acacia is still in a coma, the body seems to be more hot, but this hot mostly because of instinctive reaction, lasting.

Rongzhi put Acacia back on the bed, but Rongzhi did not leave, just here to accompany Acacia.

It's quiet inside.



At night.

Xuanying is back.

Acacia body temperature has dropped down, Rongzhi this just left the house, went out, Xuanying waiting outside.

Rongzhi didn't say anything. Xuanying soon said: "the people in the Imperial Palace should know about the prince of Tubo. They have dealt with it. It's not the first time to say that Princess acacia is here. "

Rong Zhi made a sound and motioned Xuanying to continue.

"My subordinates have already inquired about the princess's selection of his son-in-law. What Dazhou ruled out first was that people from the north, no matter whether they were from the north in Dazhou or from other countries in the north, refused without any reason. But it is said that this is what the Li family means. "

Xuanying also feels strange. He doesn't know where such a request comes from.

"No reason?" Stop frowning.

"It is said that if the princess married someone from the north, she would be unfortunate. So the talents of the Li family have such a requirement. " Xuanying explained, "but it's just a rumor. The Li family didn't give any reason."

Rong Zhi was quiet and didn't speak.

Regardless of the subtle relationship between Beiming and Dazhou, Beiming and Dazhou have always been enemies. Under such circumstances, Li Shiyuan can never let Acacia enter Beiming. If Xuanying's information is true, then even if they are not old enemies, Rongzhi has been filtered out in the first round.


Rong Zhi was quiet and didn't speak.

"Wang, it probably doesn't take much for the prince of Tubo to have an accident. The people of Li family can find out the reason, and naturally they will know that the princess is with you." Xuanying is reminding Rongzhi.

After all, this is in Dazhou. They are not Li's rivals, unless they take Acacia away before Li's people pay attention. And Xuan Ying followed Rong Zhi for many years, more or less guessing Rong Zhi's idea. It's necessary to love each other. And really, Acacia in the hand, for the north there is no harm.

At least you can hold big Zhou.

But Rong Zhi didn't respond to Xuan Ying's question.

As a subordinate, Xuanying didn't ask much. He knew that Rong Zhi didn't want to talk about Acacia, and Xuan Ying quickly changed the topic.

"Lord, when will you return to Beiming? Our troops are ready to go back to Beiming at any time. " The dark shadow answered.

Rongzhi left Beiming in exile in those years, and then never went back. The situation in Beiming was turbulent, and it was not until these years that he was gradually controlled by Rongzhi's forces. However, the king of Beiming is still on the throne, but there is no doubt that he and the puppet will fall to the ground as long as Rongzhi appears.

Beiming has been waiting for their emperor to return for countless years.

Xuanying is naturally looking forward to it.

As a result, Rong Zhi suddenly spoke faintly: "the time to go back to Beiming will wait."

Xuanying is stunned and just looks at Rongzhi. Suddenly, Xuanying seems to understand something. Her eyes fall in the direction of the house. There is Acacia Li. It seems that except for Acacia Li, Xuanying can't find the reason why Rongzhi doesn't leave.

Rong Zhi looks at Xuan Ying's line of sight, and doesn't deny it or admit it.

For a long time, Rong Zhi said calmly: "if you want to bring her out of the big week, you have to cook mature rice with raw rice."

Xuanying understood after a moment. Xuanying didn't say much.

Any decision Rongzhi made, Xuanying will not have any objection, soon, Xuanying quietly back down, Rongzhi this just turned back to the house.

The house was still quiet.

Acacia didn't mean to be sober, but because of taking the medicine, Acacia began to get rid of the fever, and her clothes were wet with sweat one after another. This kind of thing would have been nice for a slave to do, but the clothes of Acacia were changed by Rong Zhi himself.

But Rong Zhi here does not have woman's clothes, therefore the lovesickness exchange is Rong Zhi broad clothes, in such clothes, on the contrary is looming.

What should be seen, what shouldn't be seen, and what Rong Zhi sees clearly, but Rong Zhi is not a unreasonable person. At such a time, he won't take advantage of the opportunity to do something about Acacia. On the contrary, he seems to have no distractions.

Until Rongzhi changed the fourth clothes for Acacia, Acacia no longer sweats.

The whole person also followed to stabilize down, as if after so tossing, Acacia sleep more heavy, just subconsciously, Acacia seize the recent stop.

I want to find a sense of security in my tolerance.

In this case, Rongzhi looked down at Acacia, and then looked around his own Acacia, Rongzhi's eyes sank, Acacia bar chirp, I don't know whose name is reading.

But I could tell it was a man's name.