"What the Empress Dowager said is serious. If I can do it, I will do my best." Mu Cen said it directly.

He didn't promise or refuse, just patiently waiting for the Empress Dowager to finish his words. The Empress Dowager didn't mind. Knowing Mu Cen's temper, she calmed down and looked at Mu Cen with her old eyes.

"Ai Jia tells you, the person behind the scenes..." the Empress Dowager coughed a few times, and her breathing began to be a little unsmooth.

And this words, let Mu Cen's eyes slightly narrow.

To know the person behind the scenes, Li Shiyuan couldn't find him for a long time, but can the Empress Dowager easily know who the person behind the scenes is? Or are they related?

But although Mu Cen thinks so, but the surface is still, she knows, with static brake this truth.

"You promise me one thing. Don't kill all of them. " The voice of the Empress Dowager became more and more cramped. "The family of he has lost and died. The family of AI knows that the emperor wants to uproot the family of he, so even the branch of he in the south, which is the family of AI, and the emperor doesn't want to let it go."

The Empress Dowager said that she was in a tense mood, as if she was excited all of a sudden.

In fact, Mu Cen can understand what the Empress Dowager thinks.

She did not say a word about the family because she understood that it was out of her control. However, as a member of her family, the Empress Dowager could not really watch the people of the family be killed.

However, for Li Shiyuan, he would rather kill by mistake than let it go, so as to avoid sticking out any more twists and turns.

Under such circumstances, the Empress Dowager would plead with herself.

Mu Cen didn't know whether to agree or refuse, especially after the Empress Dowager put forward such an exchange condition, Mu Cen kept silent.

However, the hand of the Empress Dowager suddenly clasped Mu Cen's wrist: "promise to AI Jia, AI Jia knows that only you can persuade the emperor. As long as you promise to AI Jia, AI Jia will tell you..."

And then——

At this time, Mu Cen was acutely aware of a gust of wind in her ears, but mu Cen's speed could not keep up with the speed of palm wind. She exclaimed.

A silver needle had been stabbed into the neck of the Empress Dowager. The person who was still holding Mu Cen's hand had let go of it.

Mu Cen looked at everything in front of him, immediately released the hand of the empress dowager, and quickly went to the window edge.

Li Shiyuan, who was outside the room, had already heard the movement inside. Now, without saying a word, he came into the room. His speed is very fast. When he came in, he just saw Mu Cen quickly walking towards the edge of the window.

The Empress Dowager has passed away.

"There are assassins." Mu Cen said it fast.

Li Shiyuan also found a silver needle on the neck of the Empress Dowager. He tried his nose and knew that the Empress Dowager had passed away.

He sent someone in to deal with it, but on the surface, he kept silent and looked at Mu Cen quietly. Mu Cen didn't speak. They all know that this is not a good time to talk.

Soon, Li Shiyuan ordered: "close the temple, so that all the Shamis in the temple can not leave, I want to check one by one."

"Yes." Rong Jiu doesn't know where he is, but he still agrees quickly.

Soon, the eunuch's shrill voice came: "the Empress Dowager has passed away."

People outside the wing room knelt down.

There was also chaos in the temple. All the monks were gathered together, but no suspicious people were found among them. These people were originally in the temple.

During this period of time, because the Empress Dowager was in the temple, and the temple was rarely open to the outside world, they were all royal people, so during this period of time, it was even more strict, and it was impossible for outsiders to enter.

What does that mean?

Mu Cen and Li Shiyuan exchanged their eyes for a while, but they were clear in their hearts, but they didn't speak immediately, but calmly dealt with the affairs behind the Empress Dowager.

Until the night, this matter was eased, Mu Cen's physical strength was forced to the limit.

Li Shiyuan did not dare to hesitate, and immediately took Mu Cen back to the palace.

In the carriage back to the palace, Mu Cen closed his eyes and didn't move. It really couldn't support him. Li Shiyuan just hugged Mu Cen and kissed her forehead: "it's my fault. You shouldn't be here with me for so long."

"No harm?" Mu CEN is to smile, didn't say what.

Li Shiyuan didn't say anything. He just looked at Mu Cen and his eyebrows were full of concern.

And Mu Cen seemed to ease for a while, and quickly said: "before the Empress Dowager goes, tell me, let you let go of the rest of the he family, she is willing to tell you who is behind the scenes."

This made Li Shiyuan look at Mu Cen, but he didn't ask these questions: "why did the Empress Dowager look for you? Because of who you are? "

Although he didn't say it clearly, Mu Cen also vaguely recognized Li Shiyuan's meaning. He wanted to ask Mu Cen if even the Empress Dowager knew it, but mu Cen still didn't admit it to himself.

Mu CEN is a little weak, but he can't say where Li Shiyuan is. In this case, everyone will misunderstand.

Mu Cen looked at Li Shiyuan like this, and finally said calmly: "maybe the Empress Dowager thinks that you can look at me with new eyes all the way, so she thinks that I can convince you."

This explanation is reasonable.

Li Shiyuan didn't speak, the Mou light very heavy looked to Mu Cen.

Mu Cen did not speak, calm down, very light to continue to go back around the topic: "that is in the Empress Dowager to speak, the assassin appeared, the silver needle into the Empress Dowager's neck, to her life, but also let her put the words to the mouth, there is no way to say."

Li Shiyuan listened quietly, and his eyebrows seemed to be thinking about something.

"I think that if the Empress Dowager knows about this person behind the scenes, there are only two possibilities. The Empress Dowager is clear about what he family has done. The other is that the Empress Dowager is familiar with this person all the time." Mu Cen said what he thought.


"The monks in the temple obviously have no access, but in such a short period of time, no one can leave the temple, so it must be the people in the temple."

Mu Cen's eyes were not distracted when he looked at Li Shiyuan, and his brain turned quickly: "I'm afraid that this palace is not as peaceful as we saw, and after the event of he family, it's equivalent to cutting off all contact with the people behind the scenes. No matter how dark we are, we can only wait for each other to show our feet again. But it's hard for this person to hide for such a long time. "