Ye Yuxi also had a serious look in his eyes, he hadn't seen Bud for a long time, and as for his family, he knew nothing about it.


Zi Ling poked his head out from Ye Yuxi's cuffs, his nimble little eyes rolled around, and his pink nose sniffed the air.

Ye Yuxi gently stroked Zi Ling's small head with his jade hand to keep him still. There was Gui Luomen's eyeliner nearby, so it would be bad if the other party found his trace.

"Let's find a place to stay first. There are not many medicinal materials in the space, so we need to buy a batch." Bai Jinyi looked at the still crowded street, his eyes always vigilant.

This is just the outer city. Ye Yuxi and Bai Jinyi found a nearby grocery store and bought a topographic map of the Nanchang area. It was densely marked with many forces, but the two searched for it, but they didn't find Qilong Valley!

Boom boom boom.

Ye Yuxi and Bai Jinyi were walking side by side on the street, when suddenly there was the sound of heavy footsteps from far and near behind them, as well as the sound of armor colliding from time to time.

"Look, look, it's them."

"Did you come back so soon? As expected of a strong man, it will be great when I have this stamina..."

After the sound of heavy footsteps, pedestrians on the street began to discuss in low voices.

Ye Yuxi and Bai Jinyi looked back sideways at the same time, and it was three men and one woman who aroused everyone's discussion. On this rather hot summer day, these three people were wearing heavy armor!

Looking at the black armor weighing hundreds of catties, Ye Yuxi's eyes flashed with surprise, black iron armor?

I don't know much about the armor Ye Yuxi, but after staying with Hei Fengtian for a long time, Ye Yuxi knows a little about ore. Most of the black iron ore is used to make weapons, because the texture is hard enough and can be absorbed slowly Spiritual power, when the spiritual power of the spirit person is injected into it, it can trigger the original spiritual power in the black iron, making the power to a higher level.

Therefore, the longer it takes to build a black iron weapon, the more spiritual energy it absorbs and the greater its power.

But precisely because black iron can slowly absorb spiritual power, it is not suitable for making armor at all!

The armor is worn on the body and made of black iron. Isn't it necessary to absorb one's own spiritual power?

What's more, it's summer now, wearing black an ordinary person, it's estimated that it will be roasted in it for half an hour.

Three men and one woman in armor walked heavily in front of the crowd. The four of them had firm eyes and sweat dripped from the gaps in the armor. However, before the sweat fell to the ground, it would be evaporated by the hot armor.

The sound of footsteps knocked on the hearts of passers-by, causing many exclamations.

"Uncle, we just came to Nanchang, what's going on, why would someone walk around in this kind of armor?" Ye Yuxi asked the old man selling snacks beside him about the situation.

"You said these people, they came out to practice, they came out from the mountains in the south, and someone would come out every once in a while." The old man glanced at the backs of the four people, and there was nothing strange in his eyes, as if he was not surprised by this situation. I have long been used to it.


Ye Yuxi and Bai Jinyi glanced at each other. Just now, they studied the map of Nanchang. To the south of the city, there is a large mountain range. The map is marked with virgin forests, and there is no sect power at all.

Shouldn't you have bought a fake map?

A thought came to Ye Yuxi's mind, and she hurriedly took out the map in the ring and asked the old man.