
The little monkey barked twice, and its two little paws grabbed the fat man's clothes reluctantly.

Bai Jinyi and Ye Yuxi sat on the same tree branch, and it was the first time that they sat together so quietly and peacefully.

"Your strength is still at the fourth level of spirituality, but that Ye Bingfan has already broken through to the fifth level of spirituality." Bai Jinyi looked ahead, without a wicked smile or provocative eyes.

Ye Yuxi tilted her head and glanced at Bai Jinyi's side face: "How do you know?"

Bai Jinyi looked at him and said, "Secret."

"Ye Bingfan...I'll make them pay the price!" Ye Yuxi said firmly, clenching her fists tightly. Although her own strength is at the fourth level of spirit masters, facing opponents below the third rank of spirit masters, she doesn't need any spiritual power at all. , only relying on physical strength is enough to defeat, using spiritual power, as long as you are not a master of the seventh level of the spirit, there is no problem!

Listening to Ye Yuxi's tone, Bai Jinyi didn't speak, and looked forward again, enjoying the peace of this moment.

Yeman was leaning against the tree trunk alone. Even though Ye Yuxi's elixir was used to heal her injuries these days, her palms were full of calluses and scars. The rough palms kept rubbing her long sword. She had waited for a day for too long , when a person full of hatred has enough power, her revenge will be crazy!


In the early morning, the sun is rising, and the rooster's crowing is still echoing in the woods.

Ye Yuxi and the others arrived at the meeting place agreed in advance.

After looking at the number of people, Ye Yuxi nodded and said in a cold voice, "Let's go."

Squeak, squeak!

The little monkey stood in front of Ye Yuxi and the others, squeaking and making gestures.

"It said let's wait for a while, the elder went to fetch things." Long Xiaopang held a cold roasted rabbit, and usually gnawed on the translation, which saved the trouble of Huo Ling.

Without waiting too long, Elder Zilei Monkey walked over from the direction of the cliff, carrying a net bag woven from tree vines.


Elder Zilei Monkey handed the net bag to Ye Yuxi, and there were twenty or thirty Ziyuan berries in the net bag.

Ye Yuxi put the things away, thanked her, took a deep breath, and said in a cold voice, "Let's go."

Squeak! Squeak!

Elder Zilei Monkey raised his arms and called out.

Hundreds of purple thunder monkeys silently followed behind Ye Yuxi and the others. During this time, Ye Yuxi and the others had already used their own strength, Fatty's cooking skills, and various elixirs to completely capture the group of people. Monkey trust.

I am afraid this is the first time in Ziyun Continent to go to the mountain to practice and go out under the escort of the whole group of spirit beasts!

A group of people walked out of the Zilei Monkey's gathering area in silence and came to the official road, which is the fastest way out of the mountain.

Ye Yuxi looked at Fatty and the others, except for Bai Jinyi, the eye circles of the others were a little red. "Hurry up with all your strength!"

An order is issued.

Several people showed their training results these days, and ran with all their strength, leaving a phantom on the official road.

After leaving the Tianshan Mountains, the speed of Ye Yuxi and the others also slowed down. Although they were just hurrying, they ran with all their strength. It still consumes a lot of energy.

"Boss, we still have horses stored in the Tianshan Inn, do you want to pick them up?" the fat man reminded Ye Yuxi.

Ye Yuxi nodded, and they walked towards the Tianshan Inn at the foot of the mountain.

Ding - Ding -

A few people were walking, and the sound of fighting came from not far ahead. Judging from the sound of the collision of swords and swords, there were real things moving on both sides.

"Fatty, Qing'er, you two go and have a look."