Chapter 543

It has been handed down for many years.

This was originally a trivial killer organization, but in an accidental opportunity, it got a strong inheritance.

With this sword, mieyinhui suddenly emerged and had a detached position in overlord city.

Because of this sword, no one can't kill it.

This sword is called "all can be killed".

After the master of the mieyin society got the sword, he killed 17 masters who were above him and avenged his blood. From then on, there was a rumor that the mieyin society would never fail.

After the training, all killers of the society are entitled to enter the inner chamber and understand the sword meaning of "all can not be killed".

It's just that this sword has gone to extremes. If it's not for the person who has the heart to break away, it can't be practiced at all. There are very few people who can really understand the meaning of this sword.

However, from the sword idea of this sword, we can see that the new martial arts are derived from this sword. Half of the martial arts of the mieyinhui society came from this sword, and the other half came from this sword.

The contemporary leader of the association has no intention to be asexual and has a unique talent. Therefore, he can get a fluke understanding of "nothing can be killed".

After all the gold medal killers failed, they finally asked for this sword. Anyway, they would kill the third young master Shen of abandoned sword villa.

The meeting leader is full of confidence.

This sword can cut off the whole world.

This is the final strength of the society.

Never fail!

Hoo -

the sword spirit soars into the sky, and its killing intention is like substance. The flowers and plants wither on all sides, and the trees wither, as if the vitality is completely swallowed by the sword Qi.

Chu Huoluo's three feel short of breath. They are forced to retreat step by step by this vigorous wind like murderous spirit. The pressure on the outer edge of this move is so strong. What about Shen Zhenyi in the middle of this sword?

Zi Ning Jun turned back worried, but he saw Shen Zhen in white, standing still. His sharp sword moves had no effect on him, but his eyes were just like the autumn water, with a touch of feeling.

"This is What's going on? "

The voice in the dark fog became a little flustered.

This sword should not be done like this.

Even the masters who are stronger than themselves have to face the exclusion and killing intention of heaven and earth. Not to mention Shen Zhenyi, even the fifth elder of God state like Luo Da Tian Wang, after falling into this "all can't kill", he has to be in a mess for a while.

-- because the killing intention in the middle of this sword is not only from the opponent, but also from himself and heaven and earth!

How can Shen Zhenyi calm down?

"No, it's not possible!"

The black fog suddenly expanded and became thin and sharp, showing a small and graceful figure inside. The sword in his hand was red with blood!

The sword is more fierce!

The column of light rising from the ground, combined with the light and rain falling from the sky, turned into the gnawing of the dog's teeth, as if it were the evil heaven and earth, which would devour everything that was not allowed.

"It's too killing. It's dirty."

Shen Zhenyi sighs.

"No one can't kill them. Of course, it's meant to be killed by the autumn wind, but there is vitality in the process of killing. With the heart of hatred, anger and jealousy, we can't push this sword to the highest level

"The highest significance of this sword is merciless obliteration."

"It's like winter, ice and snow, and everything is killing. Why does winter wind ever want to kill everything? That's what God wants. "

He waved his hand gently. In the sense of sword, a warm spring breeze was blowing up, as if spring had already arrived.

Those interactive sword Qi, flushed by the spring breeze, soon disappeared.

No matter how strong the intention of killing, how can it resist the vitality?

Even in the frozen polar regions, under the thick ice and snow, there is still a weak life.

Even in the most difficult devil's land, there are still people tenaciously living in the blood pool.

This is the power of life, though far weaker than the power of death, which rules most of the darkness.

But when it twinkles, it is better than eternity!

Spring breeze has risen!

Kill the opportunity to retreat!

With Shen Zhenyi as the center, the original sinister sword Qi was eliminated in the wind and turned into a scattered petal.

-- the unique skill of the hermit society did not pose any threat to him!

This sword is a unique sword for killing the gods and killing the demons!

How? How?

The master was in a daze and couldn't believe it. The black fog around her body was blown away by the spring wind, revealing her true appearance.

It's just a girl of twelve or thirteen.

He is less than five feet tall and looks like a child, but his white hair is scattered. It is a bit sad to cooperate with the seven foot blood sword on his back.

She looked at Shen Zhenyi in a daze, her lips murmured, unable to speak.

"I have already taken your sword."

Shen Zhenyi opened his mouth quietly, gently brushed his sleeves and dusted away the dust that did not exist."In that case, shall we go?"

He waved to Chu Huoluo and others, indicating that they could leave.

Chu Huoluo was very surprised. She got close to Shen Zhenyi and asked curiously, "master, what kind of sword technique are you doing? How can you break the opponent's unique skills so easily? The sword of the Lord of the hermit looks very dangerous! Teach me

She has a good eye now. Of course, it can be seen that the sword technique of the master of mieyin society is not easy. Shen Zhenyi can break it easily. That sword just like spring wind must be very good!

Chu Huoluo forgets that she is a gentleman. She just wants to learn some unique skills!

"Nothing There is nothing but life

Shen Zhenyi hasn't answered yet, but the master of mieyin Association calls out.

Her voice was strange, her body was shaking, and her eyes were staring at Shen Zhenyi.

"There is nothing but life! In the sky and on the earth, the only thing that can restrain me from killing all my hidden skills is nothing but life

Nothing can't be killed, nothing can't live.

It is said that when the Lord of the hermit society accepted the inheritance, there were not only one sword, but two swords.

One sword can kill all his enemies.

the other is the illusory nothingness, which can save him after hatred and pain.

Unfortunately, at that time, his heart was full of hatred, and he could not think of redemption. So I only learned one sword.

But he also knew that nothing can't live without life, and he can control this sword without killing it.

Because the vitality in that sword can remove all the anger in my heart, even the hatred and killing intention are gone. How can we maintain the sword move that must be killed?

It's a pity that there is only one sword in the legend of mieyin society, but it doesn't have the meaning of this sword.


Shen Zhenyi raised his eyebrows and nodded with a smile: "so these two swords have been given such a name? It seems to be good

He is just a sword, never want to name, but others are willing to name, he also can not control.

The master of the hermit society was so excited that he suddenly knelt down on his knees and kowtowed three times to Shen Zhenyi: "xiaoyinhuixing sword boy, meet the sword ancestor!"

"Ha?" Why did you worship again? Chu Huoluo gaped.

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