Chapter 2092

"You mean, let the heavenly demons and saints hide among the beautiful women in the world, directly enter the Royal Palace of Dayi saint, approach Yi Tianxing and wait for an opportunity to assassinate." when Hong Pao heard this, he clapped his hands and exclaimed: "Wonderful, wonderful, wonderful, what kind of assassination is most likely to succeed is between the bed. Unexpectedly, who can guard against the bedside people around him at any time and anywhere. It has long been said that the heavenly demon saint can't see any witch from the appearance, but is like a saint, more Saint than a saint. She is covered in the heavenly demon Tao Scripture." It has reached the point of perfection. Whether in breath or appearance, it is definitely more outstanding than those Fairies in the eternal world. The country and the city. "The heavenly demon saint is a very strange alternative in the eternal world.

Other witches charm all living beings, overturn the world and bring disaster to the country and the people.

But she's good. It's just how the saint comes. She's as beautiful as an immortal. She's holy, which makes people dare not blaspheme. She also has a unique temperament that makes people itch. One word is the goddess in the goddess. There's absolutely no temperament of a witch, which is very rare.

In the witch, it can be called a wonderful flower.

Moreover, it happens that this temperament is not only very popular in the eternal world, but also sought after in the eternal night. The holy word in the heavenly demon saint can clearly feel how strong this influence is.

Therefore, when you come to the eternal world, if you want to hide, the heavenly demon saint has an absolute advantage. Even if you don't need to hide at all, as long as she doesn't expose herself, say the wrong words, and go out, she will only be regarded as an immortal saint. She will be naturally sought after. If you want to participate in the draft, she will definitely stand out. If you don't say a single show, it must be among the best and take the lead. No May lose the election.

If the first two assassinations fail to succeed, the third is very important. She has a great chance. She must work well.

"I remember that in Dayi, we buried many dark children. It's time to start one and send her to Dayi to obtain a reasonable identity."

The green robe said.

"No, once any dark son is started, it will leave traces. Dayi's supervision in this regard is too strict. There are heavenly eyes in the sky, day and night, uninterrupted. The sun's eyes and the Taiyin's eyes have become the two eyes of Dayi's holy court. The star network is everywhere. If there are any mistakes, Dayi will detect them in an instant. It's true in all kinds of identities If you want to explore, you can easily find your roots. This is inappropriate and even more unsafe. You must be flawless in order to really break into Dayi and have a perfect identity. "

Black robe shook his head and said.

"I think there is a good opportunity in front of me now."

The white robe said: "According to reliable information and our Hydra's internal analysis, Dayi has begun to prepare to attack the surrounding boundaries. Once it starts, it may not be too difficult to occupy these boundaries with Dayi's size and strength. Therefore, we can arrange the heavenly demons and saints to go to these boundaries first, wait for these boundaries to be conquered by Dayi, put under control and stay in them, Naturally, she can easily and directly integrate into the Dayi system. In this way, no one can find out the flaws. No matter how powerful Dayi is, it can't detect what happened before their rule. No matter how terrible the star network is, no one can find a foothold without revealing the flaws after obtaining a reasonable identity. I believe this, it's not difficult for the heavenly demon saint. "

There was a trace of certainty in the voice.

This is an example to follow. The dark son buried in Dayi was inserted in this way. Up to now, it is still quite safe and has not been detected. As long as it is not enabled, it can always ensure safety and will not be detected by Dayi. Unless some behavior touches Dayi's sensitive nerve.

Of course, hydra can't fully guarantee whether those dark children are really useful.

Keep a certain degree of caution about everything.

But this method is easy to use. As long as Dayi is expanding, you can use this method to install people. If one can't, then 100, if 100 can't, then 1000, 10000, until you achieve your goal. This opportunity is great, and the foundation of the heavenly demons and saints is great. It's completely to occupy the favorable time and place. If this can't succeed, it's absolutely God's failure Eyes.

"That's a good idea. Only in this way can we make its origin more perfect. We can't find any flaws. We can really have a chance to enter the Royal Palace of Dayi saint. Kill Yi Tianxing, she will become famous in one fell swoop and make great contributions to us forever."

The green robe clapped his hands and said with admiration.

There was considerable affirmation in the voice.

Then he began to make plans.

Originally, after learning that Dayi was about to expand this time, Hydra was ready to join hands, so they couldn't make Dayi too happy. Anyway, they just fought with Dayi, and how to make the other party uncomfortable, then how to do it. Anyway, they are experts in sabotage. But now the plan has changed. They can't stop it, and they want Dayi to expand as soon as possible.

"If the assassination is really successful, whether the evil saint can obtain greater benefits by virtue of her identity in the great book of changes that day, even if the bird occupies the dove's nest. It may not be without a chance." the green robe said with expectation.

Of course, this possibility is very low, very low.

After all, Yi Tianxing is not without children. He has more than one child. The harem also wants to inherit the inheritance. The possibility that birds occupy the dove's nest is very low and almost impossible.


Dayi, holy palace.

Yi Tianxing, who was dealing with government affairs in the Zhixing hall and watching memorials, suddenly raised his eyes to the void, stretched out his hand and grabbed in front of him. A jade amulet appeared out of thin air, followed by a natural message to his mind.

"It's interesting. Yongye doesn't stop with me. He's staring at me. It's endless. Three Tianjiao of Yongye Haoyue list demons come to the eternal world, or they come specifically to deal with me. It's really painstaking. However, since they come, they should stay in the eternal world and in my great book of changes."

The jade talisman is a magic weapon of space, which contains a huge storage space. Similarly, it contains a message, which is impressively transmitted from Yi tianxie. It opens the two boundary channels to send black and white double evils. The evil Buddha is unintentional. When the heavenly demon Saint comes, it is silently transmitted, which not only contains all kinds of intelligence messages about eternal night, It also contains a huge amount of resources.

This is a resource captured from the eternal world. Whether it's natural materials, earth treasures or various exotic weapons, it can be described as a mountain. You know, the hall of evil is not a good person. In the eternal night, it casually wipes out a star world, and the resources of a world naturally fall into your hands. In addition, there are a large number of Kung Fu classics. The total number of these classics is a heavenly number.

There are not only all kinds of anecdotes and strange records about eternal night, but also all kinds of classic magic scriptures.

The variety and scope involved are absolutely beyond imagination. Even Yi Tianxing took a cold breath on the spot after taking a look at it. You know, the eternal night world is a plundering civilized world. Since its birth, countless worlds have been plundered and devoured. In these worlds, there are unique crystallization of development civilization, various paths of practice, and ancient books of practice methods. It's strange.

There are all kinds. Plundering is not only the population, but also hundreds of millions of years of heritage, Kung Fu classics.

These years, the hall of evil spirits has collected these in secret.

Destroy the world, plunder its resources and obtain the inside information. Many ancient books and records seem to be of little use, but they are still included in them. Books, Yi Tianxing has always believed that they are the crystallization of wisdom. Even ordinary books and autobiographies can see a lot from them, such as life, such as the truth of being a man, such as a more profound philosophy of life.

What is inside information, this is inside information.

The number of these classics is more than that of the Dayi Sutra Pavilion. There is no doubt that it greatly enriches the details of Dayi.

After seeing these books, Yi Tianxing didn't hesitate to put aside the fact that Tianjiao came to assassinate him at Yongye. Then, he appeared in the Sutra pavilion the next moment.

"Holy king, why are you here?"

The fairy in the book was obviously surprised. After seeing Yi Tianxing, he asked curiously.

"I've sent you books. Look at how many valuable classics there can be."

Yi Tianxing smiled and handed the jade talisman to the fairy in the book to watch for himself.

This time, the immortal's eyes in the book suddenly straightened, and even his mouth opened subconsciously, almost drooling.

"OK, a lot of books. Many of these are not our eternal world."

"Alchemy, magic pattern, astrology, dark night demon record......"

"I'm rich. It's really amazing this time. There are a lot of top demon scriptures. This is the crystallization of wisdom belonging to multiple civilizations."

The immortal in the book turned his mind for a long time and wiped the saliva around the corner of his mouth. Said with glowing eyes.

"Well, I'll immediately put them into the Sutra Pavilion and classify them into different categories. Of course, if there are taboo ancient books of the devil's way and they don't reach a certain level, even if they are ordinary devil's way scriptures and don't involve practice, they can't read them at will. They must be qualified to read. Beware of being distorted by the magic scriptures in the eternal night. Even if they are open, they must be shielded and suppressed The power of filth. Eliminate hidden dangers. "

Yi Tianxing nodded and said.

These classics are precious, but there are differences between the two. It's hard to be too careful.

"Don't worry, it's absolutely safe in the Sutra Pavilion."

The fairy in the book promised with a determined face.

Waving, countless classics emerged, and then turned into a jade book with the naked eye under the rules of the Sutra Pavilion.