Chapter 711

That posture is to completely shoot all the blood wolf arrows in your hand in the shortest time.


"Kill the city wall and rush up to let other races know the strength of our dog headed people. Our bravery is incomparable in the world."

"We will be the first to kill the wall. After this war, the world will praise the strength of our dog headed people."

A large number of dog headed people swept in like a tide. Under the cover of the war arrows shot by the wolf cavalry, they quickly approached the city wall and climbed towards the city wall at the first time.

With the flexibility of the dog headed man, it is a matter of three times and two times to climb the iron and blood Great Wall. Even if you step on the ground, you can jump directly onto the wall.

In the sound of shouting, you can see it impressively. A large number of dog headed people rushed up the wall.

Poop poop!!

But as soon as he rushed up the wall, a long gun came through like lightning, piercing his body and heart. The gun shook and the whole body was thrown down from the wall.

A large number of dog headed people's bodies hit the ground. When they hit it, they also hit the dog headed people who just rushed up together.

However, the number of dog headed people is too much. It is just one after another. Keep rushing up the wall. And kept being killed.

Every soldier on the wall is an elite, and every soldier is a soldier killed from the sea of corpses. Every cultivation strength reaches the fifth and sixth level of Shenhai territory, and practices military skills. It's killing.

Fight without blinking.

I don't know how much easier it is to defend a city than to attack it.

Even if the dog headed man kept attacking the wall, he was still forcibly driven and killed.

Blood flows on the wall.

No one flinched, no one was afraid.

At this time, retreat is death. Fear is falling.

Only by constantly fighting and waving the sword is the hope of living.

"The divine machine camp suppresses the army outside the city, and the spearmen snipe those who rush to the city wall. The sword shield hand, kill the orcs."

"Long Spearman, sword shield hand, divine machine crossbow. Three talents battle array cooperation. Kill me."

Orders were issued one after another.

Yang Ye, Zhang Fei, Qi Jiguang, Wang Dahu, Yang Yanping, Yang Yanding, etc. all the generals are distributed everywhere and constantly issue orders according to the battlefield situation.

"War! War! War!"

Some soldiers fought with the enemy until they went crazy. They were hit by arrows and covered with wounds, but they did not shrink back. Their eyes were red and their strong sense of war broke out. While waving the sabre, the light of the sabre was as sharp as a horse, killing a dog head man. He raised his mouth to the sky and shouted wildly.

"The thunder is the drum, the earth is the tomb, and thousands of miles of blood clouds illuminate the journey." a soldier followed the long song.

"The wild is fierce, the alien is crazy, and the human race cannot be humiliated since ancient times." a soldier waved a long gun and pierced a dog headed man's throat in the air, but a blood wolf arrow pierced his chest like a meteor. Blow up the bleeding hole and expose the viscera. Qi and blood gush wildly. Hair dancing. Stand tall. Even if you die, your spine will never bend.

"The head can be broken, the blood can flow, the iron skeleton and loyal soul fight Kyushu!!" a soldier pulled out the blood wolf arrow stabbed into his body from his shoulder. A backhand pierced a dog's throat.

"Holding a steel knife 99, you can't break the alien oath." a soldier was pierced by several blood wolf arrows. With a sense of determination, he rushed out of the city. Holding some Rune bombs. Jump into the massive enemy outside the city. The rune bomb exploded, and the annihilation force of terror completely covered dozens of feet around, and countless flesh and blood exploded.

On the city wall, millions of soldiers roared war songs, singing into the sky. The momentum of his body soared in the sound of war songs, as if he had become an insurmountable mountain in an instant. Everyone's momentum and fighting spirit are completely united. In the eyes and on the face, all are rendered by the war.

Even if you die, you will die on the battlefield of killing the enemy.

Even death will cost the enemy even more.

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

Wang Dahu waved his sword and roared up to the sky.

Looking at his comrades in arms and soldiers falling constantly, he looked like crazy.

"Fierce beast is crazy, and the alien is strong. The man holds a knife and gun. The knife is a beheading knife, and the gun is a killing magic gun. Regardless of God and devil, it's me who killed him."

"Eternal karma, white bones dye the sky. For my people, I wish to kill millions of spirits."

"Life should be a hero, and death is also a ghost hero. I will not destroy my soul and fight out peace in the world."

"Today, I abandon the thousand year name of benevolence and righteousness, laugh and drink the blood of all ethnic groups, and step on the white bone mausoleum. If I am weak, I will not do it with me. I will kill the enemy with a million hearts without punishment. I would rather have all ethnic groups gnash their teeth and hate, rather than teach, and no one will scold my enemy."

The vast war songs were flying on the battlefield.

"Let me ruin my body and bury it in the great wall of iron and blood."

Some soldiers shouted when they fell.

"Bastard, a group of dog headed slaves dare to ignore the emperor. It's outrageous. Look, the emperor's dog head has cut off your evils." the green emperor was furious on the high platform.

There is a silent Rune Stone, which can't make any sound at all for a time.

Seeing that those dog headed men on the battlefield rushed so crazy, they were almost green with anger.

"Look at the guillotine, guillotine, guillotine!"

The green emperor roared in his heart.

When I opened my mouth, I saw the dark dog head guillotine appear on the battlefield.


There are seven iron chains on the dog head guillotine. It seems that the iron chain is bound to the guillotine to seal the guillotine. When the guillotine is not used, it should be bound and sealed with iron chains. But at the moment, these chains are like spirit snakes, extending towards the battlefield in an instant.

In a crisp sound, a dog headed man was bound by an iron chain.

When he was bound, his face still showed panic.

"How can this happen? Why can't I avoid these chains? I have an impulse to be bound."

"No, it's a guillotine, dog head guillotine."

"It's over. It's a dog's head. Why don't I want to resist, but I want to put my head down. No, it's not true. It must be an illusion. It can't scare me."

Seven iron chains, each like a chain gourd, bind seven or eight dog headed people at once. Together, dozens of dog headed people were hung in mid air.


When the chain was pulled, seven dog headed men appeared directly under the guillotine. When the guillotine fell, the dog's head showed a ferocious color.

In the sharp and crisp sound of the guillotine, seven dog heads fell under the guillotine, their heads were cut, and blood gushed out like a fountain. Dye the guillotine red. But in an instant, the guillotine completely absorbed and swallowed those blood stains. Still bright and sharp.

Click! Click!!

The dog headed people bound by iron chains were sent to the guillotine one after another, and they were easily cut to death. They really couldn't even resist at all, as if they were doomed.

Click click, dozens of dog headed people died like this.

An invisible pressure like a tide emanated from the dog's head.

This pressure has no impact on other races, but for dog headed people, they instinctively feel that there is a mountain on their head.

In an instant, morale plummeted.

"Damn it, it's a dog head chopper. Damn werewolves, even if they have a dog head chopper in their hands, they still take it out. It's nothing to take it out. It's useless to be taken away by the green emperor. It's like a group of pig teammates."

The elder of the dog headed man witnessed it and couldn't help shouting abuse.

With this dog's head cut in, the soldiers of their own clan will be suppressed by 30% in an instant. Being suppressed so much, on the battlefield, that is death.

"Don't slander our pig headed Terrans. We are definitely good comrades in arms on the battlefield."

A pig head man said angrily.

It's really wrong to be hurt by mistake.

"It's you dog headed Terrans who are so useless that they will be suppressed by a guillotine. What a waste."

Said the werewolf without showing weakness.

"Believe it or not, after this war, my dog headed man destroyed your wolf people. We have few other people, that is, there are many people." the strong dog headed man said angrily.

"Don't make any noise. The dog headed people withdraw first. The second echelon, get on."

King Jin Bimeng glanced at him and stopped him directly: "no matter how strong the Terran's combat power is, it's just a million soldiers that can fight. Our Orc coalition army is ten or twenty times their. Give full play to the human sea tactics, give me an attack, constantly attack and attack the city in turn. I want to let those Terran soldiers have no chance to rest. Consume them, and kill them."

Werewolves and koeheads are just part of the orc army.

Not all at once.

What king bimon wants is to attack and attack the city like a tide. Under the intensive attack, it is absolutely impossible not to reveal flaws. As long as there are flaws, it is the time of complete defeat.

The dog headed man and the werewolf withdrew. Leaving a large number of bodies.

Blood flows into a river and countless human remains are piled up like a mountain. Under the city, you can almost pave a blood path. You can rush up the city wall by stepping on the bones. This is the flesh and blood ladder. Many corpses have been trampled into blood mud.

"Jackal, charge, attack the city!!"

The Jackal leader gave orders.

Without any hesitation, a large number of jackals immediately began to run forward, carrying flying Spears on their backs and holding flying spears in their hands. They were very flexible and rushed into the battlefield and rushed to the city wall at a fast speed.

"Bow and crossbow, target, outside the city, free scattering, kill."

The soldiers on the city wall did not relax because the first wave of ORC army retreated. They quickly sorted out their combat readiness. When they saw the jackals coming, they immediately burst out again with a subzero sound.

The army of jackals, obviously, was also prepared for it. I have witnessed the power of arrow rain killing array. When charging, the whole formation looked very scattered, far away from each other.

In the face of the roaring arrow rain, take out your weapons and quickly rush out to the front. You want to rely on your own sensitive speed to rush out of the range of the arrow rain. At the same time, you keep waving weapons to intercept the rune arrows.

It's like dancing in the arrow rain.

That picture is full of brutality and shock.

Give full play to their own advantages.

Whoosh, whoosh.

Flying spears were hurtling towards the city wall.