Chu Hao is understanding the sword and goes his own way.

He intends to create two sword techniques, one is Taiji Tianyuan and the other is limitless chaos.

Yin and Yin are transformed into Tai Chi, which is the most powerful defense in the world. Yin and Yang combine to form four images and transform all things. Who can break it? The limitless is chaotic, and the order and rules are chaotic. This is a fierce move. The power of nature goes without saying.

But everyone knows the truth. It's not so easy to use it.

Chu Hao encountered a bottleneck and was unable to turn his feelings into sword moves. He has a feeling that as long as he creates one-of-a-kind sword technique, his chaotic artistic conception is bound to make a great breakthrough.

But Lian zhanzun is extremely difficult to cultivate artistic conception. He still wants to make a big breakthrough in artistic conception. Is this an easy thing?

He is struggling along this road, constantly taking detours, because no one can guide him. Only when he comes to the end of this detour, will he suddenly realize that this road is impassable!

A month later, Chu Hao was no longer obsessed with meditation, but practiced with Su Wanyue.

He has the prototype of Taiji Tianyuan, and he should constantly mellow, repair and improve in actual combat.

Su Wanyue readily agreed. She cut a wooden sword and opposed Chu Hao.

Chu Hao also made a wooden sword. They just exchanged swordsmanship. Of course, they don't need weapons. Moreover, because they all have the mark of the copper Valley tribe, they can't really fight, so neither of them can use the star power, so as not to trigger the passive defense of the mark.

"You attack!" he said, because the purpose was to practice Taiji Tianyuan, he naturally took the defensive. He unfolded his wooden sword and waved it to scatter a shadow.

Su pulls the moon's sword to attack, the gray light flashes, and her sword is like the wind.

Their bodies flashed past. Chu Hao's clothes suddenly showed countless holes. Count, at least more than 100.

In other words, he was stabbed by Su Wanyue at least more than 100 swords just now.

"Ha ha, what kind of sword technique did you create, hooligan? You were stabbed with more than a hundred swords as soon as you came up. It's a real laugh!" Gu Qingcheng watched the war and laughed when he saw his embarrassed appearance.

Su Wanyue didn't smile. She knew the difficulty of creating a skill. Even Tianji martial arts didn't have boundless power as soon as it appeared, and it didn't improve bit by bit.

Chu Hao naturally knows that Gu Qingcheng has no malice. She just likes to attack herself.

He nodded to Su Wanyue and said, "come again."

Again and again, Su Wanyue was responsible for attacking, looking for the flaws of Chu Hao's sword technique. Chu Hao is defensive, constantly repairing the defects of Taiji Tianyuan and improving its defense.

From the morning to the evening, Chu Hao was stabbed with more than 100 swords at the beginning and more than 70 swords at the end. His defense almost doubled.

But this is still not called martial arts.

Too bad!

Which martial arts skill, if one shot is more than 70 flaws, how many lives do you have to die in a battle at the same level? What's more, Taiji Tianyuan was originally created for defense. It can't even have a flaw!

But this is Chu Hao's first time to create martial arts. He has no experience. Naturally, he starts from scratch, starting from the deficiency. The key is what power he can finally improve this sword technique.

In the evening, he practiced sword with Su Wanyue, and during the day, they stuck together almost all the time, which made Gu Qingcheng and the wild girl very unhappy. The wild girl was about to take Chu Hao to play, but Gu Qingcheng stopped her.

After all, Gu Yinnv knows the general. She knows that this is an important moment for Chu Hao. If he can create his own way, he may climb to the top of Jue mountain in the future, break the fate of the ancient family and become the God of war.

Then, the sword technique he created now may become a heaven level or even God level technique, which will remain in history forever!

The next day, Chu Hao reduced the flaws of Taiji Tianyuan to more than 40. On the third day, he improved again to more than 30. On the fourth day, he was more than 20. On the fifth day, he came to more than 10. But on the sixth day, when he wanted to reduce the flaws to less than 10, he was too quick to reach. How to modify them was useless. On the contrary, he increased the flaws to more than 20, which became a setback.

Chu Hao stopped to think. He must have taken a detour again.

"This sword technique is already very good." Su Wanyue said, "most of the martial arts in the world have flaws. It just depends on what price to pay to attack this flaw."

Chu Hao naturally knows this truth. For example, Tianfeng eight moves have flaws in each form, but they make up for it with strong attack power. The enemy's attack has swept the opponent before it comes, so it doesn't matter whether there are flaws or not.

Attack is the best defense, that is the truth.

However, Taiji Tianyuan is a pure defense, and it is extremely dangerous to leave a flaw.

"After reducing the flaw to single digits, I began to integrate into the artistic conception. The real unique skill is not at the level of light power, but also into the Artistic Conception!" Chu Hao said in his heart.

His heart is very big. He wants to create a sword technique at least at the level of heaven - otherwise, he will directly learn xiaotianluo WANYING sword technique.

Their own artistic conception and their own swordsmanship will certainly be more powerful if they are combined.

However, he didn't have so much time to practice swordsmanship, because the copper Valley tribe planned to join hands with the three fire tribe to kill the fierce beast guarding the iron sword Valley first, and then have a showdown, otherwise neither of them could rush out.

Chu Hao is now the king of war and has a chariot in hand. He has the combat power of Zhan Zun level. Naturally, he is qualified to participate in the joint battle meeting between the two tribes to discuss how to deal with the terrible beast.

It was an armored Stegosaurus, but it was not a real dragon, but an existence similar to Saber Toothed dinosaur, standing at the peak of zhanzun.

It is also the peak of Zhan Zun. In fact, it can be divided into several grades.

For example, the high priest is the eighth level war statue, while the nine yellow golden lions in ChiYan ridge are the Ninth level, and the hundred legged centipede at the bridge is also the Ninth level, but it is stronger than the nine yellow golden lions.

On the contrary, the four headed beast statue in Flame Mountain is relatively weak, which is only level 4 or level 5. However, the strength of fire cockroaches lies in the number and rotten liquid, that is, if nine Golden Lions and hundred insect centipedes join hands to attack, it is more likely to fall.

——If they want to pass by force, it's simple. After all, the individual combat power is too terrible. But if they want to eliminate this swarm of insects, they must be surrounded and beaten. Under the endless pouring of rotten liquid, the ninth rank war Zun has to hate.

Chu Hao hasn't experienced it in the snow mountain. He doesn't know, but the armored stegosaur here has reached the tenth level of war respect!

How terrible is that, big and full Zhan Zun?

Therefore, although the Tonggu tribe and the sanhuo tribe have gathered the strength of 15 tribes, they are extremely big in the face of this beast statue. Maybe they can kill it under a strong attack, but the whole tribe will be buried with them, and even their own tribe is finished. This big guy is still alive.

Joining hands has also become a helpless move, which is caused by outsiders on both sides.

After all, outsiders do not have a sense of honor that indigenous people adhere to. The most important thing is to achieve their goals. In contrast, what about working together? It doesn't mean that the enemy of the enemy is a friend. Now they are enemies with the armored Stegosaurus. Naturally, they can become friends temporarily. After finishing this ticket, we can compare them.

All the combat forces at the zhanzun level of both sides were dispatched to hold talks in the middle of the two armies. A huge tent was set up here. Everyone sat down on both sides.

Of course, Gu Qingcheng, the wild girl and Fu Xue were not qualified to attend such a meeting, while Chu Hao sat with Su Wanyue.

"That person is Guan Feng!" Su Wanyue indicated with her eyes.

Guan Feng was one of the top ten kings of the high platform with Su lanyue at the beginning, and unlike Su lanyue, he only took this position by relying on Xuanyin sword. This person was completely hit with his own strength. It is said that he didn't use any treasure at all. It can be seen that his strength is strong.

Chu Hao looked at the past. He was a slender young man who looked only 20 years old, but Zhan Wang had a life of nearly 400 years, and the aging rate was naturally slow. He might be 30 or 40 years old.

It seems that he sensed Chu Hao's eyes. Guan Feng immediately turned his face and looked back at Chu Hao.

Their eyes collided and suddenly seemed to rub out the fire of war.

Guan Feng smiled and took back his eyes. He didn't seem to take Chu Hao to heart.

He has such qualifications, because he is the eighth order war king!

"When he first entered here, he was only level 6, but now he has reached level 8. The speed of progress is really shocking!" Su Wanyue preached with divine knowledge, "even if he may have reached level 9 or level 10!"

The ninth and tenth levels belong to the "hidden stage", and the breath emitted is the same as that of the eighth level, which is that the strong in the upper three environments cannot be distinguished.

Chu Hao nodded. Even if he only raised two steps, it was extraordinary, because the higher the realm, the more difficult it was to improve. I think Guan Feng also gained a lot of benefits here.

——It's normal to be the king of the high platform and get Qi.

"Tomorrow, all of our zhanzun level combat forces will go out together, and we must take the beast Zun!" said the high priest of the three fire tribe.

"Then arrange specific tasks." the high priest of Tonggu tribe nodded and went straight to the point.

That's the key.

To deal with a ten rank war statue like the armored sword dragon, we must have tactics. Someone is responsible for containment and someone is responsible for the main attack. Otherwise, the beast statue with a hard front is really dying.

But the person responsible for containment must be much safer, and the main attacker is likely to fall, or at least suffer a heavy blow.

The two tribes are only working together temporarily. It is very likely that the armored Stegosaurus will turn against each other and start a new war. No one wants to lose a lot, but makes wedding clothes for each other.

Therefore, the two sides have launched fierce negotiations, and everyone wants to be responsible for lighter work.