As soon as the news was released from the underworld, even the soldiers guarding the edge of the base were ready to move.

In addition, when a large number of strange fish from afar rushed towards them, the soldiers were almost stunned.

"Hurry up, everybody load the bullets." I don't know who called. The soldiers immediately greeted the strange fish with guns.

The sound of bullets kept coming. With the sound of puffing, everyone found one thing. The strange fish they thought they killed didn't die.

Isn't this a waste of bullets?

"Take the knife quickly." I don't know who shouted. The soldiers pulled out the knives tied to their bodies one after another.

Such a situation was expected in the base before the end of the world, and the so-called machete had been prepared long ago.

The soldiers did not rush at the strange fish with knives, but guarded the fence.

"I really hope those strange fish don't find us, otherwise we'll be finished."

"Well thought, why didn't you want it not to find you when you were holding a gun?"

A soldier, holding a knife in his hand, looked a little nervous and looked at several strange fish jumping up under the wall.

"Fortunately, fortunately, these fish can't jump up, otherwise they will be finished."

The soldier who just said it was okay didn't expect that the next second a fish with feet under the fins flew up and bit the soldier with a sharp mouth.

"Ah..." the unsuspecting soldier uttered a scream.

"Fish, cut it down quickly." the soldier who made a sound rushed to the strange fish who was biting.

"Be careful, don't hurt people, don't hurt people."

The others with machetes shouted.

"Damn it, the head of the strange fish is so hard." Ben thought of carefully cutting at the soldiers of the strange fish with a machete. He found that the head of the strange fish couldn't even be cut off.

So what else in the world can kill this strange fish?

"No, the speed without bullets can't kill those strange fish at all. Come on, let's retreat to the Yinshi."

The eager voice rang, and several soldiers looked at the soldiers attacked by strange fish. Because the wound was expanding, it was already bloody.

Seeing the strange fish, we couldn't deal with it at all. Everyone began to retreat towards the Yin Shi.

Daoming and yujiangliu stood at the top of the house and looked at the base with binoculars. They couldn't help frowning.

"Strange fish have begun to erode the spring city. It seems that the spring city is about to be lost."

"The high wall of the base can surround the zombies, but can't surround those monsters with more amazing numbers than people." yujiangliu glanced. "Fortunately, we have Yin Shi. Otherwise, I'm really afraid I'll become one of those guys."

"It seems that you are afraid." Daoming thought of his previous experience. It seems that starvation still makes him feel afraid.

"Nonsense, look at those people who have been gnawed in a mess. If it were you, what would it be like?" yujiangliu turned his eyes and thought about when it would be dark.

"It must be a bad time." Daoming took a slight puff at the corner of his mouth.

"Daoming, do you think we two are particularly eye-catching, especially when we are still on the run." yujiangliu said with great interest.

"The last war of resistance against Japan was no worse than the present situation. Didn't you look at it so coldly?"

Daoming doesn't think of himself as the same as the people below.

"That's different. Last time I appeared as a god of death, but this time it's different." yujiangliu found a place to sit down.

"As a survivor?" Daoming thought.

"No, I'm the human recorder." yujiangliu looked at the crowded crowd downstairs. How many people could enter the temporary shelter before the strange fish completely arrived.

In half an hour, under the statistics of ghost difference, nearly 30000 people entered the underworld.

In less than an hour, the whole four floors were crowded with 60000 or 70000 people.

For a time, such a huge group was full of noise.

"Dad, we're all on the fourth floor now. Why don't we go up the stairway." Xie Lin swept the whole hall. There was no elevator leading to the top. It seemed that it was completely isolated from the top.

"I don't know. Maybe they didn't do it." Xie Jun looked at Xie Lin irritably.

They don't even have a sitting position here. They still care about the elevator.

"How could we not do it? So we can't go up?" Xie Lin finally came to the Yinshi. She was unwilling to leave like this.

She wants to see what Xie Juan's life is like.

"What are you doing up there? Are you going to find Xie Juan? Xie Juan is not in the Yin division now. What do you want to do?"

Xie Jun knows that Xie Lin likes to compare herself with Xie Juan, but is it time to compare now?

"Of course I want to find us something to eat. Dad, you see, we don't even have anything to eat now. If we want to stay here for many days, you think we will starve to death even if we don't get killed by the strange fish outside."

Xie Lin looked at her father. Among such a large group of people, only Li huaigu had a bag of heaven and earth.

But now the heaven and earth bag is empty and there is nothing, which means they have to be hungry.

Maybe it's OK to be hungry for one day, but it's estimated that you'll lose your life for two or three days.

Xie Lin's words are true. Xie Jun touched his stomach. They haven't eaten a meal. If they haven't eaten today, they may really starve to death.

Anyway, Xie Jun agreed with Xie Lin's words, "come on, find the stairs."

"Dad, don't you want to see Xie Juan? How can you find the stairs?" Xie Jun didn't want to see lanze, especially when she had something to eat and didn't eat, that scene was embarrassing.

After all, at home, he made lanze have a meal or not.

"Don't talk nonsense. If you don't want to eat, don't look for the stairs." Xie Jun said and began to look at the whole place.

Xie Jun's mouth moved twice and didn't speak at last.

Eating is the most important thing.

Unfortunately, they searched the whole building, and there was no sign of stairs.

"Damn it, is this an independent space?"

Xie Jun is still thinking that they can find the stairs. Maybe they can take advantage of lanze's not cheating those ghost poor food. I don't know they can't even find the stairs, let alone go upstairs.

The disappointed Xie family, like others, had fantasized about rushing upstairs. They didn't know that these four floors didn't even have a staircase, let alone go upstairs.

Are they destined not to get food?