"Do you want to bully? You know, anyway, I don't say much, I want to go back to the space." he Yufan said that when he was about to drill into the space, song Fengfu took his hand.

"Wait, don't go. You can't finish burning the vine. What if it casually drops a fruit and then blooms and bears?"

"You think too much. This vine is the kind that can't survive without roots. Do you think it can blossom and bear fruit after being burned? Dream." he Yufan rolled his eyes. In his cognition, this vine can't grow without roots, except that the vine can automatically divide cells?

Unlikely. If they divide cells automatically, they can't guard against it.

"Will it blossom and bear fruit? Won't we wait and see?" Song Fengfu took he Yufan and jumped to a tall building on one side.

At this time, the vines on the high-rise seemed to be stimulated. Generally, they all retracted and went towards the total root of the vines.

Song Fengfu found a place to sit down, took out a bottle of milk from the space, took out a bread and ate it.

Seeing song Fengfu like this, he Yufan couldn't help frowning, "didn't you eat? It's necessary to eat so ugly like a hungry ghost."

"Ugly? I think it's much better than those survivors outside the south gate. They may not be able to eat such delicious bread. If they can eat such delicious bread, it's definitely more ugly than me." Song Fengfu grinned.

He Yufan doesn't know what kind of goods the survivors outside the south gate are. Those people are doomsday moths. If you throw them anything good, I'm afraid they will destroy them all in an instant.

Now those people don't have to eat. They rely on the crystal base to get rotten food to live. Seeing such a picture, song Fengfu can't imagine how people can reach this point without a lower limit.

Mentioning the survivors outside the south gate, he Yufan doesn't know how to describe them. They are even more refugee camps than African refugee camps.

Those people only know how to eat, but they don't know how to make money to support themselves.

This is true of men and women.

But when some people know how to make money, they even choose to make money with their bodies.

I think he saw the scene near the south gate and really wanted to ban that place at that time.

However, since people have a way to survive there, let them go. As long as they don't hinder the normal development of the crystal base, it doesn't matter.

"You all know what the survivors outside the South Gate look like. Do you think they deserve to eat bread and other things?" he Yufan knows how to cherish happiness when he looks at Song Fengfu's bread without residue.

Song Fengfu glanced at him. The survivors outside the south gate can be said to have been abandoned by them. As he Yufan said, do they still deserve bread?

After drinking all the milk in her hand, song Fengfu turned her eyes to the cane in the distance. The cane of the Big Mac shone like the sun on the whole city.

The heat seems to be getting closer and closer to 40 or 50 degrees.

"We have to leave. The temperature in the city is getting higher and higher." he Yufan grabbed song Fengfu's hand and entered the space.

"I think it's going to burn for three days and nights. I'm afraid it won't end." Song Fengfu looked back at the world after entering the space.

In fact, it doesn't matter to burn for three days and nights. The key is not to let those mutated plants have traces of recovery.

"Three days and three nights are not enough. It's estimated that it's impossible to have seven or eight days. Don't pay attention to these first. Now it's late at night, I have to go back to make up for sleep." he Yufan yawned and made up for sleep, so that song Fengfu didn't know what to say.

Zombies are sleeping?

Who believes it?

Song Fengfu rolled her eyes. "OK, go back to make up for sleep. I don't want to sleep yet. I'll go around."

"That's OK. You should pay attention to the people who have recently come to the crystal base. After all, according to my calculation, there should be about 100 million people in the world. Even one tenth of those who can successfully reach the crystal base will have about 10 million. Such a huge number is equivalent to the number of a country, which is not so easy to manage." He Yufan knows very well that more than one person is not only a great burden for the crystal base, but also all kinds of things may happen at any time.

Listening to this, song Fengfu also knew that too many people would be a big trouble for their management, but fortunately, the crystal base is intelligent control, and the problem should not be big.

"Well, let alone manage or not, I don't want to build a country. I just want my parents to be happy. As for others, I really don't want to manage." Song Fengfu didn't want to be an emperor.

You know, since ancient times, no emperor has a long life. She doesn't want to live without a long life. She has to work for the survivors.

"It's a pity you can't help it." he Yufan knows that there may be disputes in the future crystal base pattern. It's difficult for song Fengfu to be alone at that time.

Besides, she is also the owner of the crystal base.

"Some things will be discussed later. Now the population is increasing, and how much food is left before the end of the world?" Song Fengfu is very clear that a large population also consumes a lot. Now in the crystal base, in addition to her space, it is the agriculture and animal husbandry that Lu Zhenhao is now managing.

According to the current production situation, I'm afraid the price of the crystal base will continue to rise in the future.

"Not to mention other things, the stock of rice is still quite large, and it can still cope with it at present. As for other things, it depends on how many points those people can give to eat and drink." he Yufan opens the watch strap screen and looks at the increasing number of people entering the crystal base.

One after another, people from all over the country came in through the Northeast gate, the southwest gate and the direction of the west gate, and the number has exceeded 70000.

No survivors outside the south gate at all.

Song Fengfu went out of the castle and said that she went everywhere. The first place to go was the crystal restaurant.

As the largest restaurant and food source store in the crystal base, it is the place where she can dig up some information.

From the people coming and going at the gate, song Fengfu found that the number was many times more than she did when she left.

The fast-food mode of crystal restaurant has gradually evolved into the form of buffet.

Maybe it's because it's also convenient for those backstage people to move.

As soon as song Fengfu walked into the crystal restaurant, she saw all kinds of people, young and old, almost occupying all the positions in the crystal restaurant.

"Shit, I knew zombie beads could be exchanged for so many good things. At that time, I should kill more zombies on the road."