Now they want to exchange corn kernels. Lu Jingxuan shows a look of surprise.

"That's not necessary. We have plenty of water. You can wait. I'll let my wife install it for you." Lu Jingxuan motioned to song Fengfu behind. Song Fengfu hid in the dark and took out a bucket full of water.

Of course, song Fengfu will not take out the water in the spiritual spring in the space to them.

The water in this bucket is the tap water usually used by those people in the base.

The three people outside the door were delighted when they listened to Lu Jingxuan's words.

After the end of the world, they know the value of food and water. They can kill each other for food and water, and even eat each other's flesh and blood.

They have seen too much and are afraid.

"Thank you." the three people went to the other side and watched song Fengfu get down from the car with a bucket of nearly ten liters of water. They quickly thanked him.

Ten liters of water is too precious for them. In the past, they did not dare to think that there would be so much water for them to eat and drink.

Song Fengfu didn't answer. Looking at the car in front of her, she just felt strange because these people's car was in the same opposite direction as them.

"You're welcome. Where are you going?" Song Fengfu asked curiously.

"Antarctica." people with Asian faces listened to song Fengfu with some Chinese accent, and then said, "are you Chinese?"

Although he just wanted to test whether song Fengfu and others were as he thought, the guys with Asian faces were still full of some worries.

Song Fengfu nodded slightly, just because she saw that the man's face was very similar to that of Chinese people.

"You are also Chinese. That's great. I'm also Chinese. I'm from H Province. Before the end of the world, I'm here to do state support work." the Chinese looked very excited and said.

Song Fengfu couldn't hold a relaxed attitude towards the Chinese people. After all, this is an era of extreme lack of materials in the year after the end of the world.

"Well, what are you going to do in Antarctica?" Song Fengfu looked at the three people. They should not know the changes in Antarctica.

Seeing song Fengfu's question, the man with Asian face hurriedly said, "we heard that some countries have established security bases in Antarctica, so we're going there now."

Listening to this, song Fengfu didn't know whether to laugh at their innocence or their stupidity.

"There is no so-called security base in Antarctica. We are from Antarctica." Lu Jingxuan went to the door of the car and looked at the three people outside.

The post apocalyptic nuclear radiation did not seem to have an unnecessary impact on the three of them, which made them look like normal people.

"From Antarctica? God, what about Antarctica now? Has a security base been established?" the man with an Asian face said.

"The security base in Antarctica has been destroyed. Now we have to go to the crystal base notified above." Lu Jingxuan tentatively said the crystal base notified above. He wanted to see why these people would think of going to the security base in Antarctica under the notice of the housekeeper.

Do you think Antarctica is close to them?

This is also possible.

"The crystal base notified above? You mean the voice that doesn't know where it comes from. We wanted to go, but later we thought that the place is too far away from us, and the authenticity of the voice is difficult to verify." people with Asian faces know that they really have to be careful at this time.

Not only for themselves, but also for the children behind them.

Lu Jingxuan listened to his words and nodded. He put himself in his shoes.

Indeed, without knowing this base, he would not go to that strange base at all.

"Well, we have to go back to cook. Would you like to come with us?" the Asian man said hospitably.

Lu Jingxuan shook his head, "no, we still have food."

"Well, let's go first." the Asian face glanced at the open RV, only one glance. He saw the furnishings in the RV, which can be described as warm and luxurious.

He had seen such a car before the end of the world, but there was no such car after the end of the world.

"Goodbye." Song Fengfu waved and turned to get on the RV.

As soon as the RV door was closed, song Fengfu turned to look at Lu Jingxuan, "the water is also given, and their direction is the opposite to ours. Do you think we should surpass them to the front, or stop here and wait for them to continue to borrow water?"

"Go ahead. After all, you don't want to be disturbed when we rest." Lu Jingxuan looked at the group of women and children and couldn't tell when they were curious. It's not good to come here to disturb them.

Song Fengfu naturally didn't want anyone to disturb them. After all, they can only sleep in the RV now.

As for space, I can't get in at all.

With song Fengfu's words, Lu Jingxuan started his car and ran to the front.

As soon as the car here started, the eyes of the people over there were on this side.

"Zhou Wen, they're leaving." the black man who came before couldn't help shouting when he saw Lu Jingxuan's car start.

When the man called Zhou Wen saw that Lu Jingxuan was leaving, he thought of the bucket of clean pure water.

Suddenly, he felt that maybe they could not only get water, but also some kind of security with Lu Jingxuan.

"Come on, let the children get in the car and we'll catch up." Zhou Wen believed his intuition.

After that, the children who were still outside quickly ran to the bus.

"Zhou Wen, do we really want to follow them?" the black man heard Zhou Wen's words. Although he got into the car, he still felt a little unsafe.

"They said they were going to the crystal base. You think since they are going to the crystal base, they must know a lot about the crystal base. And they have said that the security base in Antarctica has been destroyed. Since it has been destroyed, there is no meaning for us to go to Antarctica. We might as well go to the crystal base."

Zhou Wen's brain turned fast.

The Negro listened to Zhou Wen's words. He had some small ideas, but now he completely forgot them.

The destruction of the safe base in Antarctica means that they have lost a safe paradise. Now perhaps only the crystal base that doesn't know where it came from will be their last hope and paradise.

Song Fengfu went into the kitchen, took out a treated chicken from the space, put it into the pot, and boiled it with water.

Many condiments are completely unnecessary for them to like light food.

Of course, the guys who enter the crystal base are different. Some ask for this taste and some ask for that taste.