Lu Jingxuan knows very well that although they have the ability to protect themselves, they don't want to waste their indifferent struggle on unnecessary trouble.

Song Fengfu nodded and agreed with Lu Jingxuan.

Now, after all, there is no shortage of food after the end of the world. People will eat people, not to mention robbery, murder and arson.

After a short rest, they heard a sound of footsteps on the stairs under the roof.

Song Fengfu and Lu Jingxuan opened their watch straps and looked at them. There were still many survivors around them. At the moment, it was really difficult for them to leave.

Closing the contents of the watch strap, song Fengfu turned her eyes to the door of the roof.

Only five or six survivors came out of it.

"Someone, there are people here." a blonde woman stared at Song Fengfu and Lu Jingxuan and couldn't help calling out.

Called by the woman's voice, other people's eyes turned to the direction the woman saw.

"Who are you and where do you come from?" others looked at Song Fengfu and pointed their guns at them.

"Shouldn't we ask you this?" Lu Jingxuan said first.

The same defensive eyes reminded others that they were here. Only when they broke in here did they know that Lu Jingxuan was here.

How can the poor people say that they escaped from the base to here?

"We are local people. It's normal for us to appear here. But you obviously don't look local. Come on, where are you from?" the man who spoke earlier noticed that song Fengfu's hair was black.

This is impossible in European and American countries.

So these two people must not be locals.

In particular, he found that Lu Jingxuan's eyes were not blue.

Lu Jingxuan was not afraid that he knew. He said directly, "we came from Antarctica. We had a little trouble before, so we..."

Lu Jingxuan needless to say, others already know what happened behind.

Because they escaped from their previous base.

"Are you from Antarctica? Then you must have been to a place called la..." the man just wanted to say something, but when the previous woman saw him speak, she quickly stopped, "Daniel, since they are up there, let's go down."

"Wait, Catherine, we can't let them stay here and become our time bomb." Daniel looked at Lu Jingxuan and song Fengfu warily.

Generally, there will be more than a dozen people in the group, at least five or six people.

But now he looked at Lu Jingxuan and song Fengfu. There were only two people who didn't say. They didn't even carry weapons, which made him suspect that the two people in front of him were powers.

In the era of no food, powers and people with weapons have an overwhelming advantage.

At present, these two people absolutely occupy a great advantage.

Dare to form a team with two people, which is something many people dare not think of.

Not to mention meeting a small group of zombies, but a larger group. He dares to say that these two people are absolutely doomed.

However, Daniel's mind was not so simple when he narrowly escaped from the base.

Daniel couldn't let the two men go when he thought of what was unusual in front of them.

Not to mention Lu Jingxuan, they frowned, but others frowned.

"Daniel, what do you mean?" Catherine looked at Daniel with a cruel smile at the corner of her mouth. She didn't know what he was going to do.

"Don't we have no food? The food delivered to the door is not for nothing." Daniel's words fell and his gun opened towards Lu Jingxuan.

However, Lu Jingxuan was not so stupid. He asked him to shoot at himself. As soon as he raised his hand, a strong wind flew in. Daniel and others didn't expect that Lu Jingxuan's power was so powerful that he was almost blown away by the wind.

"Let's go." Lu Jingxuan said to song Fengfu. They jumped down from the upstairs when they were too scratched to open their eyes.

As soon as they got to the ground, they ran quickly.

All the other survivors affected by the situation here have their eyes on their side.

After seeing two figures jumping down from the upstairs and leaving quickly, everyone thought they had met a terrible zombie.

"Damn it, they escaped." Daniel felt the wind stopped and quickly wanted to solve song Fengfu and Lu Jingxuan, but where did he find someone at this time?

There was not even a shadow in front of me.

"Daniel, you're so savage. We're not in the same environment as before. Now we don't have to eat human flesh or drink human blood. We don't have to live like those monsters. Isn't that good?" Catherine's age is not young, but the end of the world catalyzes her original girl face into a mature woman.

The man named Daniel Pooh a mouthful of water. If he didn't like Catherine, he would have killed her as food.

"Don't tell me that. What's the point if we don't even live." the man called Daniel looked at Katherine fiercely.

Being stared at fiercely by her man, Catherine stopped talking.

She felt that her man had become very terrible. She was not the man she knew at all.

Such a man made her feel strange, and even a feeling that she was about to turn into a devil.

"Daniel, those two people are so powerful that a gust of wind makes us unable to open our eyes, which is completely absent in our team." someone from one of the others stepped forward and said.

Daniel opened the watch strap in his hand, which contained information about the powers contained in the crystal base. He checked the power ranking and saw that many people's powers had broken through level 1 to level 2.

Daniel has not seen the ability of level 2 so far.

Just now he noticed that the strong wind blowing by Lu Jingxuan was not owned by first-class powers like them.

"They should be on Level 2." Daniel looked at the names of he Suqin and others on the list, as if filtering something.

Far from knowing what Daniel was up to, song Fengfu and Lu Jingxuan found a place to stay after running out of the whole street.

"I thought I could at least maintain the principle of going down the well without violating the river with them. Unexpectedly, they thought we were food." Lu Jingxuan didn't expect that the man named Daniel was so cruel and wanted to eat them as food.

Fortunately, they were a little more alert. They started their power when Daniel fired bullets at them, otherwise they would be miserable.