This sound is not big. Compared with the sound made by the big tree, their voice is small.

The two men were very fast. When they were almost 100 meters away from the tree, they got off the waste car.

In a place invisible to the people behind, they released two cows and tied them to the waste car.

At the same time, they were afraid that the cow was not enough to attract the big tree, and they made two pigs from the space.

For a moment, the cries of cattle and pigs sounded, as if protesting how they came to this place.

Song Fengfu naturally didn't understand the pig language and cow language. After pulling Lu Jingxuan into the space, they quietly waited for the arrival of the tree.

"Fortunately, there are many things in the space. You can use these things to catch mutant plants and creatures every time. Otherwise, you can only use people to test these guys."

Song Fengfu lies down at the entrance of the space and looks out.

Four animals are in front of us. The big tree is not too far from the animals.

The sound of the four animals not only attracted the big tree, but also those powers behind.

Although Yuwen didn't come forward to see it, he didn't prevent others from coming forward to see it.

He even hoped that others would come back and tell him what had happened.

"I'm Cao, a pig and a cow."

A man looked at everything in front of him and couldn't help rubbing his eyes.

"Those two powers put it here? Shit, they really don't know this food will be enough for us for a long time."

The other man really wanted to run up and save the four animals.

"Eat, eat, eat. You know to eat all day. When can you be a little promising?"

A group of people watched at a distance of 20 meters from the animals.

"I fucking want to be promising, but who let me meet the end." the man roared.

"That's what you said," cried the previous man.

"OK, you two don't want to lie down here. Hurry up and find a way to get those two pigs and two cows."

Someone has an idea.

"Wait, this is not very good. It seems that these two cows and two pigs are tied here by the two powers. If they are of any use, we won't have trouble getting them away?"

The other man spoke with some uneasiness.

"Whatever, they're not here now."

The man was very unhappy when he saw that someone was worried.

If he had not been afraid of offending the two powers, he would have gone to rob the pig and cow.

"Yes, where did the two powers go? Why didn't they see anyone?"

Someone asked.

"Who knows, maybe they're gone or dead."

While a group of people spoke behind, the big tree in front had stretched out its tentacles and attacked the power.

Originally, fresh cattle and pigs can attract big trees.

But as soon as the powers approached, their powers fluctuated and the tree directly ignored the cows and pigs and rushed to the powers.

"I Cao, have you made a mistake? I'm coming towards us." a man saw that the roots of a big tree didn't attack cattle and pigs, but attacked them.

"It's all you, said you'd like to see." when another man saw the roots flying towards them, he didn't want to send out a fire and attacked the roots of the big tree.

The big tree felt the burning feeling coming from the roots and immediately retracted the roots.

However, at the next moment, the flowers on the tree seemed to be involved in a chain and shot out of the tree.

The fire power just wanted to be proud. Unexpectedly, the next moment the flower covered his head.

"Come on, cut this flower quickly." a man next to the fire power shouted while using the wind knife.

"Be careful, there are flowers over there." a man fired a rocket at the flowers in mid air.

In an instant, I felt the heat and made a strange sound towards the demon flower, as if it were a ghost cry in the movie.

This made the powers turn pale.

"What flower is this? It's so strange that it can cry."

"Cao, no matter what flower he has, we have only a dead end if we don't destroy it." some of the powers wanted to run, but they didn't expect that a flower would block their way on the way.

"Shit, who gave us the bad idea to come here."

"It's Zhao Chao." someone pointed to a man and shouted.

"Why blame me? You want to come by yourself." Zhao chaoleng snorted.

"You..." the power man just wanted to say something. Unexpectedly, a flower attacked him.

The pictures of four or five powers and demon trees outside the space are included in the eyes of song Fengfu and Lu Jingxuan.

"It's death. They want to move before we move." Song Fengfu sneered at what happened outside.

They don't dare to do it easily. Who do these guys think they are.

"Wait until Dashu kills them." Lu Jingxuan heard that the powers outside said they would take away their cattle and pigs in the space. Naturally, this matter can't be counted like that.

What's more, they don't want anyone to know that they have living creatures.

"But their appearance may support those powers." Song Fengfu worried that the powers behind would find the living creatures as soon as they came forward.

"So kill them first. Anyway, it's not the first time to do such a thing." Lu Jingxuan raised his hand. When he was ready to do it, the leaves on the tree attacked those people like a sharp blade.

In an instant, leaves stabbed into the flesh and blood of those powers, cattle and pigs, causing them to howl again and again.

However, this is not the worst. The worst thing is that Lu Jingxuan and song Fengfu see that the leaves stretch out their roots after absorbing the flesh and blood of the powers and cattle and pigs, and even the leaves grow again.

For a moment, all the powers and cattle and pigs were turned into food.

Lu Jingxuan and song Fengfu showed surprised eyes in their eyes. Is the tree growing too fast?

"This tree is fed on human flesh and blood. It seems that if you want to deal with it, you can only find a way to burn it."

Lu Jingxuan looked at the cow, pig and the power man. In the twinkling of an eye, they had disappeared, leaving only clothes on the ground.

"It needs gasoline to burn it, and I'm afraid we can't keep up with it at the speed it moves."

Song Fengfu knew that although the tree moved slowly, it was not too difficult for them to spill gasoline.

The key difficulty is one thing.

The tree is alive.

"It doesn't matter. Just pour a little gasoline, add a flame, and then make a bomb." Lu Jingxuan thought that there was not a bomb in their space. It was not easy to blow up the tree.

"Bomb? Isn't the explosion loud?" Song Fengfu was a little worried that the powers behind would be attracted by the situation here.

"I can't manage so much. If I don't use a bomb, more people will die in the back."