Song Fengfu and Lu Jingxuan felt their scalp numb with the sound of the fighting car.

Obviously, I have to get used to this feeling at the end of the world.

But they just can't be familiar with such things.

Looking at her dark eyes and watching the piles of bones appear in front of her eyes, song Fengfu felt that she closed her eyes and there were white flesh and blood eroding bones in front of her eyes.

"If you can't stand it, don't look. Go to the back or space to have a rest. When you turn back to the place, I'll call you." Lu Jingxuan's deep eyes are full of concern.

Song Fengfu shook her head with a pale face, "it doesn't matter to me. You don't have to worry about me."

"Really doesn't matter? The bones outside are shocking and unacceptable, not to mention you." Lu Jingxuan looked at her face. Such a scene is more real than a TV play.

Not everyone has this psychological endurance and can bear it.

"Just get used to it." Song Fengfu forced herself to look at the scene. This is the end of the world, and this is the law of survival in the end of the world.

"Well, since you say so, listen to you." Lu Jingxuan sighed lightly.

Obviously, I want her to suffer less injustice, but she... Weak, China and Africa should be strong.

Song Fengfu's face was not good-looking, but her eyes were very divine.

Clear eyes looked straight ahead, and suddenly her face changed, and a huge sea centipede beyond their imagination rushed towards them.

"Jing Xuan, be careful."

After Song Fengfu exclaimed, she quickly raised a note that the wind knife turned invisible into tangible, and split down from the middle of the sea centipede.

Blood splashed from the middle of the sea centipede.

Lu Jingxuan quickly turned on the wiper and cleaned the windshield in front of the car.

The sea centipede, which was divided into two parts, brushed from both sides of the car. It felt like it was divided into two parts by the car.

Lu Jingxuan didn't expect song Fengfu's ability to be so powerful. This sea centipede obviously has the width and thickness of an RV. In this way, the sea centipede should be difficult to deal with, but it becomes easy in front of song Fengfu.

"Feng Fu, your wind power has been upgraded?" Lu Jingxuan felt that Song Feng Fu's ability seems to have become stronger again.

"I don't know if it's upgraded. Anyway, I just know I want to kill the sea centipede, so I'll kill it."

Song Fengfu feels that the wind energy is much stronger than before. Is it the result of the strengthening of emerald's ability?

If so, emeralds cannot fall into the hands of others.

She had to find a way to get the remaining five emeralds.

"Well, can you try to roll those bones in front of you to other places?" Lu Jingxuan wanted to try to see how much song Fengfu could do with wind energy at one time.

With a slight nod, song Fengfu's eyes coagulated, her slender fingers raised, and then a strong wind blew, just like a typhoon crossing the border. In front of her, no matter the bones, sea cockroaches or even sea centipedes on the road were rolled aside.

The ground was restored to its original appearance, clean and tidy, as if it had returned to the city before the end of the world.

Only the scenes on both sides make it feel like a road to hell.

"We rushed over." Lu Jingxuan stepped on the accelerator fiercely, and the RV rushed out immediately.

Along the cleared Road, the speed of the RV suddenly increased.

Song Fengfu should have felt very tired after using a power, but this time, instead of feeling tired, she felt full of vitality.

This is an unprecedented thing. Song Fengfu was surprised and intuitively felt that emerald took her with her.

"Feng Fu, your powers have indeed been enhanced a lot. If you go back to the crystal base to test, it is estimated that your powers must explode the table." Lu Jingxuan chuckled. Song Feng Fu's ability is so strong that it is impossible to say that her powers do not explode the table.

Song Fengfu shook her head when she heard the word "burst watch". She is estimated to be much weaker than the heroine in some novels.

After all, those female pig feet can also fly on eaves and walls, and she has nothing except one space for four powers.

"Hehe, I should be the most powerful one in the crystal base at present." Song Fengfu thought about the test in the crystal base before. She really ranked first.

She just shut down the system and her information.

"After having emerald this time, it becomes more powerful. You say that the ultimate goal of the Feng family is to live forever. Will you also live forever?" Lu Jingxuan thought about this question.

Get longevity?

Song Fengfu didn't dare to think about her longevity.

Immortality and immortality. Isn't that a monster?

She doesn't want to be this monster, okay.

"No one can say that. Changsheng, no one of the Feng family gets Changsheng. Do you think I can get Changsheng?" Song Fengfu looked at Lu Jingxuan.

"Maybe it's possible, maybe it's not possible. Anyway, our ambition is not so big. It's good to live this life."

Lu Jingxuan feels that his strength is getting farther and farther away from Song Fengfu. Maybe one day song Fengfu will become an unreachable object for him.

Song Fengfu's mouth rose slightly, "it's good to live this life."

At this point, song Fengfu attacked the sea centipede in front of him with a wind knife.

This thing is so annoying and endless.

In particular, the Centipede's 100 feet were like human arms, which made song Fengfu feel sick for a while.

Song Fengfu, who wanted to utter a rude word, didn't want to crush the sea centipede into meat foam.

"This thing is really endless." Lu Jingxuan saw another burst of blood fog, unaware that their car had become the focus of all mutant creatures on the whole island.

As long as there is a little movement, the mutant will come in this direction.

One after another mutant creatures appeared in front of them, and song Fengfu kept using the wind knife.

If she couldn't use fire powers, she really wanted to burn the mutant creatures in front of her to powder.

"It's all for us. It seems that either there's no food for them at the bottom of the sea, or it's going to turn us into their kind."

Song Fengfu looked at the zombies running towards their RV, one by one.

The eyes on the festering face burst out like fish eyes.

Song Fengfu looked at the scene in front of her. She just felt that it was better to leave a whole corpse as a zombie.

"Have they changed?" Lu Jingxuan untied his seat belt from his chair and walked towards the back of the RV.

Song Fengfu didn't know what he wanted to do, so she could only try to clean up the zombies in front of her and ensure that the road was smooth.

Coming to the back of the car, Lu Jingxuan put forward a lot of gasoline from the space.