"Let's go, a car of people has arrived." the soldier on the bus motioned to the front.

The driver drove out without thinking.

Just after the man shouted, everyone quickly dispersed like birds and animals.

But where can they hide?


"No, don't come."


Screams and cries for help rang out by the cable car.

The soldiers picked up their guns and kept moving towards the zombie bird.

But no matter how dense the bullets are, they can't kill this group of zombie birds.

"Come on, come on, there's a cable car here. Hurry up." the veteran took a look at the people fleeing around. They just didn't drag. They can take the cable car to the base.

"No, you can't take the cable car. Look at the cable." a soldier pointed to the cable leading to the mountain and saw a group of zombie birds at the top of the cable.

In less than a minute, two cables were driving the cable car together, and one cable fell off, leaving only the other cable driving that part of the cable car.

"Ah, I'm going to fall. What should I do? I'm going to fall."

The soldiers in the cable car watched the cable car break half of the cable, and the cable car with only one cable floated around like leaves in the wind.

"Help, help."

The soldiers in the cable car panicked.

It's at least 500 meters high from the ground. It must be broken to pieces when it falls.

Seeing the cable car shaking on the mountain, the soldiers on the mountain wanted to quickly pick up the cable car on the other side, but they didn't expect to get the cable car to the mountain. Zombie birds

Quickly snapped the other cable.

Then the broken cable rose in the air like a flying snake.

"No, no, No."


The cable car that lost the cable fell from the air, accompanied by a burst of screams, raising huge dust on the ground.

One huge crash after another sounded from under the trees on the high mountains.

The soldiers at the foot of the mountain and the soldiers on the mountain shuddered at the sight of such a scene.

Needless to think, people who are broken to pieces are definitely no better than being eaten by zombies.

"Come on, the rest of the people hide." the veteran at the foot of the mountain shouted to the frightened people.

"Yes, hide, everybody hide."

The remaining soldiers saw that they could not get on the cable car, so they had to flee everywhere.

Everything that happened outside the Gaoshan base was transmitted to Qin Tian's eyes by the monitor. Facing the scene inside the monitor, Qin Tian frowned.

"General, do we need to rescue those soldiers outside?" a man came to Qin Tian with fatigue.

"It's too late. In addition to the cable car, there is only the secret channel in the alpine base. That secret channel is our last hope to escape. If we use this secret channel to go out to save people, we won't be so lucky to go out next time." Qin Tian looked at the scene on the monitor. It was all his soldiers. He also wanted to save, but once the secret channel was opened, Not only zombies will come, but also zombie birds will rush in.

Thinking of this, Qin Tian couldn't open the access door.

Just like the purgatory in the world, Cangshan base originally had more than 100000 survivors. In the twinkling of an eye, I'm afraid there are no more than 10000 survivors left.

"Yes." the man listened to Qin Tian's words and nodded slightly.

The situation outside is becoming less and less optimistic.

Fresh blood makes the zombie have more desire.

Groups of zombie followers, zombie birds and zombie mice, madly invaded every corner of the city.

The zombie cattle and sheep that had not been seen for a long time rushed out of which corner.

For a time, there were zombies outside the mountain base.

The thick smell of blood filled the air, and there were bones left after being bitten by zombies.

Once bitten by zombie birds and zombie mice, there is no residue.

Blood everywhere, like a purgatory feast.

Qin Tian looked at the scene outside and his heart sank again and again.

"Qin Tian, the base outside has become like this. What shall we do in the future?" Mrs. Qin didn't look very good.

The blood outside is like the biochemical crisis, which is so terrible that people are full of all kinds of despair.

"The food in the base is enough for us to support for several days. After the food is finished, the zombies outside also leave, so we go to the crystal base." Qin Tian thought that since Lu Jingxuan and others came from the crystal base, they even came with a lot of food. Obviously, the crystal base in their mouth is much better than their base.

If he could become the master of the crystal base and control the whole crystal base, wouldn't he have unlimited capital.

Qin Tian's face suddenly became very ferocious.

Mrs. Qin stood behind Qin Tian, completely unaware of the ferocity of his face at the moment.

"Go to the crystal base?" Mrs. Qin frowned. Where is the crystal base?

"Yes, a base from s county is said to have unlimited resources. Anyway, as long as we have these resources, it is a good thing for us."

Qin Tian turned around and didn't look at the picture inside the monitor.

"Have unlimited materials? Isn't s county a small county? How can you have unlimited materials? Qin Tian, do you want to know if this is a trap?"

Mrs. Qin frowned. Even before the end of the world, s County, as a poor county, could not have unlimited materials.

Moreover, now is the end of the world, and it is impossible to have more materials in the end of the world.

So where did the crystal base in S County get so many materials.

"Whether it's a trap or not, we'll go when there's no way to go. Just let everyone close all the channels and gates to the base." Qin Tian turned his head and looked at other screens. He saw zombie birds attacking soldiers on the mountain.

"Yes," said the major standing beside Qin Tian, and immediately ran to the operating room next to the monitor.

Both hands operate in a place similar to a keyboard.

Then the doors closed in an instant.

"Damn it, how can we close the door at this time?"

The soldiers who didn't run into the base watched the door close and immediately scolded.

"A group of animals, what a group of animals."

The soldiers cursed and turned to look for other entrances. However, before they found a new entrance, the zombie rats surrounded them.

Too late to shoot, a group of soldiers were instantly thrown to the ground by zombie rats.

Then the bloody picture appeared in front of everyone.

Despair, real despair.

Qin Tian watched as the gate closed. The soldiers who had no way to go could only fight against the zombie in front of him until he was knocked down by the zombie mouse.

The purgatory world continues.